Groovy 1.8.4

Package org.codehaus.groovy.transform


Interface Summary
ASTTransformation This class is instantiated and invoked when an AST transformation is activated.
LogASTTransformation.LoggingStrategy A LoggingStrategy defines how to wire a new logger instance into an existing class.

Class Summary
ASTTransformationCollectorCodeVisitor This visitor walks the AST tree and collects references to Annotations that are annotated themselves by GroovyASTTransformation.
ASTTransformationVisitor This class handles the invocation of the ASTAnnotationTransformation when it is encountered by a tree walk.
AbstractInterruptibleASTTransformation Base class for AST Transformations which will automatically throw an InterruptedException when some conditions are met.
AutoCloneASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @AutoClone annotation.
AutoExternalizeASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @AutoExternalize annotation.
CanonicalASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Canonical annotation.
CategoryASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the
ConditionalInterruptibleASTTransformation Allows "interrupt-safe" executions of scripts by adding a custom conditional check on loops (for, while, do) and first statement of closures.
DelegateASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Delegate annotation
FieldASTTransformation Handles transformation for the
ImmutableASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Immutable annotation.
IndexedPropertyASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @IndexedProperty annotation.
InheritConstructorsASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @InheritConstructors annotation.
LazyASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Lazy annotation
LogASTTransformation This class provides an AST Transformation to add a log field to a class.
NewifyASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Newify annotation.
PackageScopeASTTransformation Handles transformation for the @PackageScope annotation.
ReadWriteLockASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @WithReadLock and @WithWriteLock annotation.
SingletonASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Singleton annotation
SynchronizedASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Synchronized annotation.
ThreadInterruptibleASTTransformation Allows "interrupt-safe" executions of scripts by adding Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() checks on loops (for, while, do) and first statement of closures.
TimedInterruptibleASTTransformation Allows "interrupt-safe" executions of scripts by adding timer expiration checks on loops (for, while, do) and first statement of closures.
ToStringASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @ToString annotation.
TupleConstructorASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @TupleConstructor annotation.

Annotation Type Summary
GroovyASTTransformation This is an annotation on a class, currently just ASTTransformation.
GroovyASTTransformationClass This is an annotation on some item that indicates that an associated transform classes should be executed.

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