Groovy 1.8.4

Deprecated API

      A facade to an object which contains a component.
      A facade to an object to which components can be added.
      A simple lifecycle method called when an object is fully constructed.

      This class has been moved to a public (i.e. non org.codehaus.* package).

Annotation Types
      Note: This class is Deprecated, please use groovy.transform.Immutable.
      Class or field annotation used for turning off Groovy's auto property conversion of default or package scoped fields.

DefaultGroovyMethods#collectAll(Collection self, Closure closure)
      Alias for collectNested
DefaultGroovyMethods#collectAll(Collection self, Collection collection, Closure closure)
      Alias for collectNested
GroovyClassLoader#parseClass(InputStream in)
      Parses the given character stream into a Java class capable of being run
GroovyClassLoader#parseClass(InputStream in, String fileName)
      @deprecated Prefer using methods taking a Reader rather than an InputStream to avoid wrong encoding issues.
      @deprecated Prefer using methods taking a Reader rather than an InputStream to avoid wrong encoding issues.
GroovyShell#evaluate(InputStream in)
      Evaluates some script against the current Binding and returns the result
GroovyShell#evaluate(InputStream in, String fileName)
      Evaluates some script against the current Binding and returns the result
GroovyShell#parse(InputStream in, String fileName)
      Parses the given script and returns it ready to be run
GroovyShell#parse(InputStream in)
      Parses the given script and returns it ready to be run
GroovyShell#run(InputStream in, String fileName, String args)
      Runs the given script with command line arguments
      @deprecated Use GroovySystem version instead.
MetaClassImpl#invokeConstructorAt(Class at, Object arguments)
      Warning, this method will be removed
MetaClassImpl#retrieveMethod(String methodName, Class arguments)
      @deprecated use pickMethod instead
      @deprecated Simply returns this

GroovyCodeSource#GroovyCodeSource(InputStream inputStream, String name, String codeBase)
      Construct a GroovyCodeSource for an inputStream of groovyCode that has an unknown provenance -- meaning it didn't come from a File or a URL (e.g.

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