Groovy 1.8.4


Provides support for the Groovy Shell (aka. groovysh).


Interface Summary
Command Provides the interface required for command extensions.

Class Summary
BufferManager Manages the shells buffers.
CommandAlias Provides simple command aliasing.
CommandRegistry A registry of shell Command instances which may be executed.
CommandSupport Support for Command instances.
CommandsMultiCompletor Completor for interactive shells.
ComplexCommandSupport Support for more complex commands.
Groovysh An interactive shell for evaluating Groovy code from the command-line (aka. groovysh).
IO Container for input/output handles.
InteractiveShellRunner Support for running a Shell interactively using the JLine library.
Interpreter Helper to interpret a source buffer.
Main Main CLI entry-point for groovysh.
ParseCode Container for the parse code.
ParseStatus Container for parse status details.
Parser Provides a facade over the parser to recognize valid Groovy syntax.
ReflectionCompletor Implements the Completor interface to provide competions for GroovyShell by using reflection on global variables.
RelaxedParser A relaxed parser, which tends to allow more, but won't really catch valid syntax errors.
RigidParser A more rigid parser which catches more syntax errors, but also tends to barf on stuff that is really valid from time to time.
Shell A simple shell for invoking commands from a command-line.
ShellRunner Support for running a Shell.

Exception Summary
CommandException Thrown to indicate a problem with command execution.

Error Summary
ExitNotification Notification to signal the shell to exit.

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