Groovy 1.8.4

[Java] Class SourceText


public class SourceText
extends Object

Provides the source text for an assertion statement and translates coordinates in the original source text to coordinates relative to the assertion's (normalized) source text.

Peter Niederwieser

Constructor Summary
SourceText(AssertStatement stat, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Janitor janitor)

Constructs a SourceText by reading the given assertion's source text from the given source unit.

Method Summary
int getNormalizedColumn(int line, int column)

Returns the column in getNormalizedText() corresponding to the given line and column in the original source text.

String getNormalizedText()

Returns the assertion's source text after removing line breaks.

Methods inherited from class Object
wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail


public SourceText(AssertStatement stat, SourceUnit sourceUnit, Janitor janitor)
Constructs a SourceText by reading the given assertion's source text from the given source unit.
stat - an assertion statement
sourceUnit - the source unit containing the assertion statement
janitor - a Janitor for cleaning up reader sources

Method Detail


public int getNormalizedColumn(int line, int column)
Returns the column in getNormalizedText() corresponding to the given line and column in the original source text. The first character in the normalized text has column 1.
line - a line number
column - a column number
the column in getNormalizedText() corresponding to the given line and column in the original source text


public String getNormalizedText()
Returns the assertion's source text after removing line breaks.

Limitation: Line comments within the assertion's source text are not handled.

the assertion's source text after removing line breaks.


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