Groovy 1.8.4

Package org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt

AST nodes for Groovy statements


Interface Summary
LoopingStatement This is an AST Node that provides some sort of looping mechanism.

Class Summary
AssertStatement Represents an assert statement such as assert i !
BlockStatement A list of statements and a scope.
BreakStatement Represents a break statement in a switch or loop statement
CaseStatement Represents a case statement in a switch statement
CatchStatement Represents a catch (Exception var) { } statement
ContinueStatement Represents a continue statement in a loop statement
DoWhileStatement Represents a do { ... } while (condition) loop in Groovy
EmptyStatement Represents an empty statement
ExpressionStatement A simple statement such as a method call where the return value is ignored
ForStatement Represents a standard for loop in Groovy
IfStatement Represents an if (condition) { ... } else { ... } statement in Groovy
ReturnStatement A return statement
Statement Base class for any statement
SwitchStatement Represents a switch (object) { case value: ... case [1, 2, 3]: ...
SynchronizedStatement Represents a synchronized statement
ThrowStatement Represents a throw statement
TryCatchStatement Represents a try { ... } catch () finally {} statement in Groovy
WhileStatement Represents a while (condition) { ... } loop in Groovy

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