Groovy 1.8.4 | |||||||
Interface Summary | |
Visitor | An interface for visiting a GroovySourceAST node. |
Class Summary | |
CompositeVisitor | A composite of many visitors. |
FlatNodeListTraversal | A simple iterator over an ordered (flat) List of the nodes of the AST. |
MindMapPrinter | An antlr AST visitor that prints a format suitable for viewing in http://freemind.sourceforge.net |
NodeAsHTMLPrinter | A visitor that prints a html tags of each node to the supplied PrintStream |
NodeCollector | A simple antlr AST visitor that collects all nodes into a List. |
NodePrinter | A simple antlr AST visitor that outputs the tokenName of each node in a pseudo xml style. |
PreOrderTraversal | A simple preorder traversal over the supplied antlr AST. |
SourceCodeTraversal | A treewalker for the antlr generated AST that attempts to visit the AST nodes in the order needed to generate valid groovy source code. |
SourcePrinter | An antlr AST visitor that prints groovy source code for each visited node to the supplied PrintStream. |
TraversalHelper | Helper Class for Antlr AST traversal and visitation. |
VisitorAdapter | A default implementation of all visitor methods. |
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