Groovy 1.8.4

[Groovy] Class JavadocAssertionTestSuite


class JavadocAssertionTestSuite
extends TestSuite

JavadocAssertionTestSuite will dynamically create test cases from Groovy assertions placed within Javadoc comments. Assertions should be placed within an html tag with a class="groovyTestCase" attribute assignment. Example:

<pre class="groovyTestCase"> assert "example".size() == 7 </pre>
Source files will be read from the directory specified by the javadocAssertion.src.dir system property, including all files matching javadocAssertion.src.pattern and excluding files matching the javadocAssertion.src.excludesPattern. By default all .java and .groovy source files from ./src will be scanned for assertions. You can also run this class as an application from the command line (assumes Groovy, JUnit and Ant are on the classpath). As an example:

java groovy.util.JavadocAssertionTestSuite src/main

Merlyn Albery-Speyer

Field Summary
static String SYSPROP_SRC_DIR

The System Property to set as base directory for collection of Classes.


The System Property to set as a filename excludes pattern for collection of Classes.


The System Property to set as the filename pattern for collection of Classes.

Method Summary
static void main(String[] args)

static Test suite()

static Test suite(String basedir)

static Test suite(String basedir, String includePattern)

static Test suite(String basedir, String includePattern, String excludePattern)

Methods inherited from class TestSuite
run, toString, getName, setName, warning, tests, countTestCases, createTest, addTest, addTestSuite, runTest, testAt, testCount, getTestConstructor, wait, wait, wait, equals, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll
Methods inherited from class Object
wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail


public static final String SYSPROP_SRC_DIR
The System Property to set as base directory for collection of Classes. The pattern will be used as an Ant fileset include basedir. Key is "javadocAssertion.src.dir". Defaults to the ./src directory


public static final String SYSPROP_SRC_EXCLUDES_PATTERN
The System Property to set as a filename excludes pattern for collection of Classes. When non-empty, the pattern will be used as Regular Expression pattern applied with the find operator against each candidate file.path. Key is "javadocAssertion.src.excludesPattern". Default value is "".


public static final String SYSPROP_SRC_PATTERN
The System Property to set as the filename pattern for collection of Classes. The pattern will be used as Regular Expression pattern applied with the find operator against each candidate file.path. Key is "javadocAssertion.src.pattern". Defaults to including all .java and .groovy files.

Method Detail


static void main(String[] args)


static Test suite()


static Test suite(String basedir)


static Test suite(String basedir, String includePattern)


static Test suite(String basedir, String includePattern, String excludePattern)


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