Groovy 1.8.4

Package groovy.transform


Enum Summary
AutoCloneStyle Intended style to use for cloning when using the @AutoClone annotation.
PackageScopeTarget Intended target when @PackageScope is placed at the class level.

Annotation Type Summary
AutoClone Note: This annotation is currently experimental!
AutoExternalize Note: This annotation is currently experimental!
Canonical Class annotation used to assist in the creation of mutable classes.
ConditionalInterrupt Allows "interrupt-safe" executions of scripts by adding a custom check for interruption on loops (for, while, do), the first statement of closures, and the first statement of methods.
EqualsAndHashCode Class annotation used to assist in creating appropriate equals() and hashCode() methods.
Field Variable annotation used for changing the scope of a variable within a script from being within the run method of the script to being at the class level for the script.
Immutable Class annotation used to assist in the creation of immutable classes.
IndexedProperty Field annotation used with properties to provide an indexed getter and setter for the property.
InheritConstructors Class annotation to make constructors from a super class available in a sub class.
PackageScope Class, method or field annotation used for turning off Groovy's auto visibility conventions.
Synchronized Method annotation to make a method call synchronized for concurrency handling with some useful baked-in conventions.
ThreadInterrupt Allows "interrupt-safe" executions of scripts by adding Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() checks on loops (for, while, do), the first statement of closures, and the first statement of methods.
TimedInterrupt Allows safe timed executions of scripts by adding elapsed time checks on loops (for, while, do), the first statement of closures, and the first statement of methods.
ToString Class annotation used to assist in the creation of toString() methods in classes.
TupleConstructor Class annotation used to assist in the creation of tuple constructors in classes.
WithReadLock This annotation is used in conjunction with WithWriteLock to support read and write synchronization on a method.
WithWriteLock This annotation is used in conjunction with WithReadLock to support read and write synchronization on a method.

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