Groovy 1.8.4

[Java] Interface Range

All Superinterfaces:
Iterable, Collection

public interface Range
extends List

A Range represents the list of all items obtained by starting from a from value and calling next() successively until you reach the to value. For a reverse range, the list is obtained by starting at the to value and successively calling previous() until the from value is reached.

James Strachan

Method Summary
boolean containsWithinBounds(Object o)

Indicates whether an object is greater than or equal to the from value for the range and less than or equal to the to value.

Comparable getFrom()

The lower value in the range.

Comparable getTo()

The upper value in the range.

String inspect()

@return the verbose String representation of this Range as would be typed into a console to create the Range instance

boolean isReverse()

Indicates whether this is a reverse range which iterates backwards starting from the to value and ending on the from value

void step(int step, Closure closure)

Steps through the range, calling a closure for each number.

List step(int step)

Forms a list by stepping through the range by the indicated interval.

Methods inherited from interface List
add, add, get, equals, hashCode, indexOf, clear, lastIndexOf, contains, isEmpty, size, subList, toArray, toArray, addAll, addAll, iterator, remove, remove, set, containsAll, listIterator, listIterator, removeAll, retainAll
Methods inherited from class Object
wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail


public boolean containsWithinBounds(Object o)
Indicates whether an object is greater than or equal to the from value for the range and less than or equal to the to value.
o - the object to check against the boundaries of the range
true if the object is between the from and to values


public Comparable getFrom()
The lower value in the range.
the lower value in the range.


public Comparable getTo()
The upper value in the range.
the upper value in the range


public String inspect()
the verbose String representation of this Range as would be typed into a console to create the Range instance


public boolean isReverse()
Indicates whether this is a reverse range which iterates backwards starting from the to value and ending on the from value
true if this is a reverse range


public void step(int step, Closure closure)
Steps through the range, calling a closure for each number.
step - the amount by which to step. If negative, steps through the range backwards.
closure - the Closure to call


public List step(int step)
Forms a list by stepping through the range by the indicated interval.
step - the amount by which to step. If negative, steps through the range backwards.
the list formed by stepping through the range by the indicated interval.


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