Groovy 2.2.0 | |||||||
public interface MetaClass extends MetaObjectProtocol
A MetaClass within Groovy defines the behaviour of any given Groovy or Java class. The MetaClass interface defines two parts. The client API, which is defined via the extend MetaObjectProtocol interface and the contract with the Groovy runtime system. In general the compiler and Groovy runtime engine interact with methods on this class whilst MetaClass clients interact with the method defined by the MetaObjectProtocol interface
Method Summary | |
getAttribute(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, boolean useSuper)
Retrieves the value of an attribute (field). |
Obtains a reference to the original AST for the MetaClass if it is available at runtime |
Retrieves a list of MetaMethods held by this class |
Retrieves a list of MetaMethods held by the class |
Retrieves a list of MetaProperty instances that the MetaClass has |
getProperty(Class sender, Object receiver, String property, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
complete the initialisation process. |
invokeMethod(Class sender, Object receiver, String methodName, Object[] arguments, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
invokeMissingMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
invokeMissingProperty(Object instance, String propertyName, Object optionalValue, boolean isGetter)
Invokes the propertyMissing method otherwise throws a MissingPropertyException |
pickMethod(String methodName, Class[] arguments)
Selects a method by name and argument classes. |
selectConstructorAndTransformArguments(int numberOfConstructors, Object[] arguments)
Internal method to support Groovy runtime. |
setAttribute(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, Object messageValue, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
Sets the value of an attribute (field). |
setProperty(Class sender, Object receiver, String property, Object value, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
Methods inherited from interface MetaObjectProtocol | |
getAttribute, getMetaMethod, getMetaProperty, getMethods, getProperties, getProperty, getStaticMetaMethod, getTheClass, hasProperty, invokeConstructor, invokeMethod, invokeMethod, invokeStaticMethod, respondsTo, respondsTo, setAttribute, setProperty |
Method Detail |
public Object getAttribute(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, boolean useSuper)
- The class of the object that requested the attributereceiver
- The instancemessageName
- The name of the attributeuseSuper
- Whether to look-up on the super class or not
public ClassNode getClassNode()
public List getMetaMethods()
public List getMethods()
public List getProperties()
public Object getProperty(Class sender, Object receiver, String property, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
Retrieves a property on the given receiver for the specified arguments. The sender is the class that is requesting the property from the object. The MetaClass will attempt to establish the method to invoke based on the name and arguments provided.
The isCallToSuper and fromInsideClass help the Groovy runtime perform optimisations on the call to go directly to the super class if necessary
- The java.lang.Class instance that requested the propertyreceiver
- The Object which the property is being retrieved fromproperty
- The name of the propertyisCallToSuper
- Whether the call is to a super class propertyfromInsideClass
- ??
public void initialize()
public Object invokeMethod(Class sender, Object receiver, String methodName, Object[] arguments, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
Invokes a method on the given receiver for the specified arguments. The sender is the class that invoked the method on the object. The MetaClass will attempt to establish the method to invoke based on the name and arguments provided.
The isCallToSuper and fromInsideClass help the Groovy runtime perform optimisations on the call to go directly to the super class if necessary
- The java.lang.Class instance that invoked the methodreceiver
- The object which the method was invoked onmethodName
- The name of the methodarguments
- The arguments to the methodisCallToSuper
- Whether the method is a call to a super class methodfromInsideClass
- Whether the call was invoked from the inside or the outside of the class
public Object invokeMissingMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
Attempts to invoke the methodMissing method otherwise throws a MissingMethodException
- The instance to invoke methodMissing onmethodName
- The name of the methodarguments
- The arguments to the method
public Object invokeMissingProperty(Object instance, String propertyName, Object optionalValue, boolean isGetter)
- The instance of the classpropertyName
- The name of the propertyoptionalValue
- The value of the property which could be null in the case of a getterisGetter
- Whether the missing property event was the result of a getter or a setter
public MetaMethod pickMethod(String methodName, Class[] arguments)
- the name of the method to pickarguments
- the method arguments
public int selectConstructorAndTransformArguments(int numberOfConstructors, Object[] arguments)
- The number of constructorsarguments
- The arguments
public void setAttribute(Class sender, Object receiver, String messageName, Object messageValue, boolean useSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
- The class of the object that requested the attributereceiver
- The instancemessageName
- The name of the attributemessageValue
- The value of the attributeuseSuper
- Whether to look-up on the super class or notfromInsideClass
- Whether the call happened from the inside or the outside of a class
public void setProperty(Class sender, Object receiver, String property, Object value, boolean isCallToSuper, boolean fromInsideClass)
Retrieves a property on the given receiver for the specified arguments. The sender is the class that is requesting the property from the object. The MetaClass will attempt to establish the method to invoke based on the name and arguments provided.
The isCallToSuper and fromInsideClass help the Groovy runtime perform optimisations on the call to go directly to the super class if necessary
- The java.lang.Class instance that is mutating the propertyreceiver
- The Object which the property is being set onproperty
- The name of the propertyvalue
- The new value of the property to setisCallToSuper
- Whether the call is to a super class propertyfromInsideClass
- ??
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