Groovy 2.2.0

Deprecated API

DefaultGroovyMethods#collectEntries(Map self, Closure transform)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectEntries instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#collectEntries(Iterable self, Closure transform)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectEntries instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#collectEntries(Iterable self)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectEntries instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#collectEntries(Iterable self, Map collector, Closure transform)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectEntries instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#collectMany(Collection self, Closure projection)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectMany instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#collectNested(Iterable self, Closure transform)
      Deprecated alias for collectNested
DefaultGroovyMethods#count(Collection self, Object value)
      @deprecated use count(Iterable, Closure)
DefaultGroovyMethods#count(Iterable self, Object value)
      @deprecated use count(Iterable, Closure)
DefaultGroovyMethods#findAll(Map self, Closure closure)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of groupBy instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#findResult(Collection self, Closure closure)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of findResults instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#groupBy(Object self, Closure closure)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of groupBy instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#inject(Object self, Object initialValue, Closure closure)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sum instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#join(Iterator self, String separator)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of join instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#max(Iterator self)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of max instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#max(Object self, Closure closure)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of max instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#min(Iterator self)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of min instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#min(Iterator self, Comparator comparator)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of min instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#min(Object self, Closure closure)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of max instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#sort(Iterator self)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sort instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#sort(Collection self, Comparator comparator)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sort instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#sum(Object self)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sum instead
DefaultGroovyMethods#withEagerDefault(List self, Closure init)
      @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sort instead
      Creates a temporary directory in the default temporary directory (as specified by the system propery
GenericsUtils#parameterizeInterfaceGenerics(ClassNode hint, ClassNode target)
      Interface class nodes retrieved from ClassNode.getInterfaces or ClassNode.getAllInterfaces are returned with generic type arguments.
GroovyClassLoader#parseClass(InputStream in, String fileName)
      @deprecated Prefer using methods taking a Reader rather than an InputStream to avoid wrong encoding issues.
GroovyCollections#combinations(Collection collections)
      @param collections the given collections
GroovyCollections#max(Collection items)
      @deprecated use max(Iterable)
GroovyCollections#min(Collection items)
      @deprecated use min(Iterable)
GroovyCollections#sum(Collection items)
      @deprecated use sum(Iterable)
ReturnAdder#addReturnIfNeeded(MethodNode node)
      Adds return statements in method code whenever an implicit return is detected.
StaticTypeCheckingSupport#findDGMMethodsForClassNode(ClassNode clazz, String name)
      @deprecated Use findDGMMethodsForClassNode(ClassLoader,ClassNode,String) instead
StaticTypeCheckingSupport#findDGMMethodsForClassNode(ClassNode clazz, String name, TreeSet accumulator)
      @deprecated Use findDGMMethodsForClassNode(ClassLoader, ClassNode, String, TreeSet) instead
StaticTypeCheckingSupport#getMaximumInterfaceDistance(ClassNode c, ClassNode interfaceClass)
      @deprecated Use findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments(ClassLoader, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode, String, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode[], java.util.List) instead

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