Class ClassNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
GroovydocHolder<AnnotatedNode>, NodeMetaDataHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:
DecompiledClassNode, InnerClassNode, MixinNode, WideningCategories.LowestUpperBoundClassNode

public class ClassNode extends AnnotatedNode
Represents a class in the AST.

A ClassNode should be created using the methods in ClassHelper. This ClassNode may be used to represent a class declaration or any other type. This class uses a proxy mechanism allowing to create a class for a plain name at AST creation time. In another phase of the compiler the real ClassNode for the plain name may be found. To avoid the need of exchanging this ClassNode with an instance of the correct ClassNode the correct ClassNode is set as redirect. Most method calls are then redirected to that ClassNode.

There are three types of ClassNodes:

  1. Primary ClassNodes:
    A primary ClassNode is one where we have a source representation which is to be compiled by Groovy and which we have an AST for. The groovy compiler will output one class for each such ClassNode that passes through AsmBytecodeGenerator... not more, not less. That means for example Closures become such ClassNodes too at some point.
  2. ClassNodes create through different sources (typically created from a java.lang.reflect.Class object):
    The compiler will not output classes from these, the methods usually do not contain bodies. These kind of ClassNodes will be used in different checks, but not checks that work on the method bodies. For example if such a ClassNode is a super class to a primary ClassNode, then the abstract method test and others will be done with data based on these. Theoretically it is also possible to mix both (1 and 2) kind of classes in a hierarchy, but this probably works only in the newest Groovy versions. Such ClassNodes normally have to isResolved() returning true without having a redirect.In the Groovy compiler the only version of this, that exists, is a ClassNode created through a Class instance
  3. Labels:
    ClassNodes created through ClassHelper.makeWithoutCaching. They are place holders, its redirect points to the real structure, which can be a label too, but following all redirects it should end with a ClassNode from one of the other two categories. If ResolveVisitor finds such a node, it tries to set the redirects. Any such label created after ResolveVisitor has done its work needs to have a redirect pointing to case 1 or 2. If not the compiler may react strange... this can be considered as a kind of dangling pointer.
Note: the redirect mechanism is only allowed for classes that are not primary ClassNodes. Typically this is done for classes created by name only. The redirect itself can be any type of ClassNode.

To describe generic type signature see getGenericsTypes() and setGenericsTypes(GenericsType[]). These methods are not proxied, they describe the type signature used at the point of declaration or the type signatures provided by the class. If the type signatures provided by the class are needed, then a call to redirect() will help.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final ClassNode[] EMPTY_ARRAY
    • THIS

      public static final ClassNode THIS
    • SUPER

      public static final ClassNode SUPER
    • isPrimaryNode

      protected boolean isPrimaryNode
    • innerClasses

      protected List<InnerClassNode> innerClasses
    • lazyInitLock

      protected final Object lazyInitLock
    • clazz

      protected Class clazz
  • Constructor Details

    • ClassNode

      public ClassNode(Class<?> c)
      Creates a non-primary ClassNode from a real class.
    • ClassNode

      public ClassNode(String name, int modifiers, ClassNode superClass)
      name - the fully-qualified name of the class
      modifiers - the modifiers; see Opcodes
      superClass - the base class; use "java.lang.Object" if no direct base class
    • ClassNode

      public ClassNode(String name, int modifiers, ClassNode superClass, ClassNode[] interfaces, MixinNode[] mixins)
      name - the fully-qualified name of the class
      modifiers - the modifiers; see Opcodes
      superClass - the base class; use "java.lang.Object" if no direct base class
      interfaces - the interfaces for this class
      mixins - the mixins for this class
  • Method Details

    • redirect

      public ClassNode redirect()
      Returns the ClassNode this node is a proxy for or the node itself.
    • isRedirectNode

      public boolean isRedirectNode()
    • setRedirect

      public void setRedirect(ClassNode node)
      Sets this instance as proxy for the given ClassNode.
      node - the class to redirect to; if null the redirect is removed
    • makeArray

      public ClassNode makeArray()
      Returns a ClassNode representing an array of the type represented by this.
    • isPrimaryClassNode

      public boolean isPrimaryClassNode()
      true if this instance is a primary ClassNode
    • getEnclosingMethod

      public MethodNode getEnclosingMethod()
    • setEnclosingMethod

      public void setEnclosingMethod(MethodNode enclosingMethod)
    • isSyntheticPublic

      public boolean isSyntheticPublic()
      Indicates that this class has been "promoted" to public by Groovy when in fact there was no public modifier explicitly in the source code. That is, it remembers that it has applied Groovy's "public classes by default" rule. This property is typically only of interest to AST transform writers.
      true if node is public but had no explicit public modifier
    • setSyntheticPublic

      public void setSyntheticPublic(boolean syntheticPublic)
    • setSuperClass

      public void setSuperClass(ClassNode superClass)
      Sets the superclass of this ClassNode.
    • getFields

      public List<FieldNode> getFields()
      the fields associated with this ClassNode
    • getInterfaces

      public ClassNode[] getInterfaces()
      the interfaces implemented by this ClassNode
    • setInterfaces

      public void setInterfaces(ClassNode[] interfaces)
    • getPermittedSubclasses

      public List<ClassNode> getPermittedSubclasses()
      permitted subclasses of sealed type
    • setPermittedSubclasses

      public void setPermittedSubclasses(List<ClassNode> permittedSubclasses)
    • getMixins

      public MixinNode[] getMixins()
      the mixins associated with this ClassNode
    • setMixins

      public void setMixins(MixinNode[] mixins)
    • getMethods

      public List<MethodNode> getMethods()
      the methods associated with this ClassNode
    • getAbstractMethods

      public List<MethodNode> getAbstractMethods()
      the abstract methods associated with this ClassNode
    • getAllDeclaredMethods

      public List<MethodNode> getAllDeclaredMethods()
    • getAllInterfaces

      public Set<ClassNode> getAllInterfaces()
    • getDeclaredMethodsMap

      public Map<String,MethodNode> getDeclaredMethodsMap()
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getUnresolvedName

      public String getUnresolvedName()
    • setName

      public String setName(String name)
    • getModifiers

      public int getModifiers()
    • setModifiers

      public void setModifiers(int modifiers)
    • getProperties

      public List<PropertyNode> getProperties()
    • getDeclaredConstructors

      public List<ConstructorNode> getDeclaredConstructors()
    • getDeclaredConstructor

      public ConstructorNode getDeclaredConstructor(Parameter[] parameters)
      the constructor matching the given parameters or null
    • removeConstructor

      public void removeConstructor(ConstructorNode node)
    • getModule

      public ModuleNode getModule()
    • getPackage

      public PackageNode getPackage()
    • setModule

      public void setModule(ModuleNode module)
    • addField

      public void addField(FieldNode node)
    • addFieldFirst

      public void addFieldFirst(FieldNode node)
    • getFieldIndex

      public Map<String,FieldNode> getFieldIndex()
    • addProperty

      public void addProperty(PropertyNode node)
    • addProperty

      public PropertyNode addProperty(String name, int modifiers, ClassNode type, Expression initialValueExpression, Statement getterBlock, Statement setterBlock)
    • hasProperty

      public boolean hasProperty(String name)
    • getProperty

      public PropertyNode getProperty(String name)
    • addConstructor

      public void addConstructor(ConstructorNode node)
    • addConstructor

      public ConstructorNode addConstructor(int modifiers, Parameter[] parameters, ClassNode[] exceptions, Statement code)
    • addMethod

      public void addMethod(MethodNode node)
    • removeMethod

      public void removeMethod(MethodNode node)
    • addMethod

      public MethodNode addMethod(String name, int modifiers, ClassNode returnType, Parameter[] parameters, ClassNode[] exceptions, Statement code)
      If a method with the given name and parameters is already defined then it is returned otherwise the given method is added to this node. This method is useful for default method adding like getProperty() or invokeMethod() where there may already be a method defined in a class and so the default implementations should not be added if already present.
    • hasDeclaredMethod

      public boolean hasDeclaredMethod(String name, Parameter[] parameters)
      See Also:
    • hasMethod

      public boolean hasMethod(String name, Parameter[] parameters)
      See Also:
    • addSyntheticMethod

      public MethodNode addSyntheticMethod(String name, int modifiers, ClassNode returnType, Parameter[] parameters, ClassNode[] exceptions, Statement code)
      Adds a synthetic method as part of the compilation process.
    • addField

      public FieldNode addField(String name, int modifiers, ClassNode type, Expression initialValue)
    • addFieldFirst

      public FieldNode addFieldFirst(String name, int modifiers, ClassNode type, Expression initialValue)
    • addInterface

      public void addInterface(ClassNode type)
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object that)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • addMixin

      public void addMixin(MixinNode mixin)
    • getDeclaredField

      public FieldNode getDeclaredField(String name)
      Finds a field matching the given name in this class.
      name - the name of the field of interest
      the method matching the given name and parameters or null
    • getField

      public FieldNode getField(String name)
      Finds a field matching the given name in this class or a parent class.
      name - the name of the field of interest
      the method matching the given name and parameters or null
    • getOuterField

      public FieldNode getOuterField(String name)
      the field on the outer class or null if this is not an inner class
    • getOuterClass

      public ClassNode getOuterClass()
    • getOuterClasses

      public List<ClassNode> getOuterClasses()
    • addObjectInitializerStatements

      public void addObjectInitializerStatements(Statement statements)
      Adds a statement to the object initializer.
      statements - the statement to be added
    • getObjectInitializerStatements

      public List<Statement> getObjectInitializerStatements()
    • addStaticInitializerStatements

      public void addStaticInitializerStatements(List<Statement> staticStatements, boolean fieldInit)
    • positionStmtsAfterEnumInitStmts

      public void positionStmtsAfterEnumInitStmts(List<Statement> staticFieldStatements)
    • getDeclaredMethods

      public List<MethodNode> getDeclaredMethods(String name)
      This methods returns a list of all methods of the given name defined in the current class
      the method list
      See Also:
    • getMethods

      public List<MethodNode> getMethods(String name)
      This methods creates a list of all methods with this name of the current class and of all super classes
      the methods list
      See Also:
    • getDeclaredMethod

      public MethodNode getDeclaredMethod(String name, Parameter[] parameters)
      Finds a method matching the given name and parameters in this class.
      the method matching the given name and parameters or null
    • getMethod

      public MethodNode getMethod(String name, Parameter[] parameters)
      Finds a method matching the given name and parameters in this class or any parent class.
      the method matching the given name and parameters or null
    • isDerivedFrom

      public boolean isDerivedFrom(ClassNode type)
      type - the ClassNode of interest
      true if this node is derived from the given ClassNode
    • isDerivedFromGroovyObject

      public boolean isDerivedFromGroovyObject()
      true if this type implements GroovyObject
    • implementsAnyInterfaces

      public boolean implementsAnyInterfaces(ClassNode... classNodes)
      classNodes - the class nodes for the interfaces
      true if this type implements any of the given interfaces
    • implementsInterface

      public boolean implementsInterface(ClassNode classNode)
      classNode - the class node for the interface
      true if this type implements the given interface
    • declaresAnyInterfaces

      public boolean declaresAnyInterfaces(ClassNode... classNodes)
      classNodes - the class nodes for the interfaces
      true if this type declares that it implements any of the given interfaces or if one of its interfaces extends directly/indirectly any of the given interfaces
    • declaresInterface

      public boolean declaresInterface(ClassNode classNode)
      classNode - the class node for the interface
      true if this class declares that it implements the given interface or if one of its interfaces extends directly/indirectly the interface NOTE: Doesn't consider an interface to implement itself. I think this is intended to be called on ClassNodes representing classes, not interfaces.
    • getSuperClass

      public ClassNode getSuperClass()
      the ClassNode of the super class of this type
    • getUnresolvedSuperClass

      public ClassNode getUnresolvedSuperClass()
    • getUnresolvedSuperClass

      public ClassNode getUnresolvedSuperClass(boolean useRedirect)
    • setUnresolvedSuperClass

      public void setUnresolvedSuperClass(ClassNode superClass)
    • getUnresolvedInterfaces

      public ClassNode[] getUnresolvedInterfaces()
    • getUnresolvedInterfaces

      public ClassNode[] getUnresolvedInterfaces(boolean useRedirect)
    • getCompileUnit

      public CompileUnit getCompileUnit()
    • setCompileUnit

      protected void setCompileUnit(CompileUnit cu)
    • parametersEqual

      @Deprecated protected boolean parametersEqual(Parameter[] a, Parameter[] b)
    • getPackageName

      public String getPackageName()
    • getNameWithoutPackage

      public String getNameWithoutPackage()
    • visitContents

      public void visitContents(GroovyClassVisitor visitor)
    • getGetterMethod

      public MethodNode getGetterMethod(String getterName)
    • getGetterMethod

      public MethodNode getGetterMethod(String getterName, boolean searchSuperClasses)
    • getSetterMethod

      public MethodNode getSetterMethod(String setterName)
    • getSetterMethod

      public MethodNode getSetterMethod(String setterName, boolean voidOnly)
    • isStaticClass

      public boolean isStaticClass()
      Is this class declared in a static method (such as a closure / inner class declared in a static method)
    • setStaticClass

      public void setStaticClass(boolean staticClass)
    • isScriptBody

      public boolean isScriptBody()
      true if this inner class or closure was declared inside a script body
    • setScriptBody

      public void setScriptBody(boolean scriptBody)
    • isScript

      public boolean isScript()
    • setScript

      public void setScript(boolean script)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString(boolean showRedirect)
    • hasPossibleMethod

      public boolean hasPossibleMethod(String name, Expression arguments)
      Determines if the type has a possibly-matching instance method with the given name and arguments.
      name - the name of the method of interest
      arguments - the arguments to match against
      true if a matching method was found
    • tryFindPossibleMethod

      public MethodNode tryFindPossibleMethod(String name, Expression arguments)
    • hasPossibleStaticMethod

      public boolean hasPossibleStaticMethod(String name, Expression arguments)
      Checks if the given method has a possibly matching static method with the given name and arguments.
      name - the name of the method of interest
      arguments - the arguments to match against
      true if a matching method was found
    • isInterface

      public boolean isInterface()
    • isRecord

      public boolean isRecord()
      Checks if the ClassNode instance represents a native record. Check instead for the RecordType annotation if looking for records and record-like classes.
      true if the instance represents a native record
    • getRecordComponents

      public List<RecordComponentNode> getRecordComponents()
      Gets the record components of record type.
      RecordComponentNode instances
    • getRecordComponentNodes

      @Deprecated public List<RecordComponentNode> getRecordComponentNodes()
    • setRecordComponents

      public void setRecordComponents(List<RecordComponentNode> recordComponents)
      Sets the record components for record type.
    • setRecordComponentNodes

      @Deprecated public void setRecordComponentNodes(List<RecordComponentNode> recordComponentNodes)
    • isAbstract

      public boolean isAbstract()
    • isSealed

      public boolean isSealed()
    • isResolved

      public boolean isResolved()
    • isArray

      public boolean isArray()
    • getComponentType

      public ClassNode getComponentType()
    • getTypeClass

      public Class getTypeClass()
      Returns the concrete class this classnode relates to. However, this method is inherently unsafe as it may return null depending on the compile phase you are using. AST transformations should never use this method directly, but rather obtain a new class node using getPlainNodeReference().
      the class this classnode relates to. May return null.
    • hasPackageName

      public boolean hasPackageName()
    • setAnnotated

      public void setAnnotated(boolean annotated)
      Marks if the current class uses annotations or not.
    • isAnnotated

      public boolean isAnnotated()
    • asGenericsType

      public GenericsType asGenericsType()
    • getGenericsTypes

      public GenericsType[] getGenericsTypes()
    • setGenericsTypes

      public void setGenericsTypes(GenericsType[] genericsTypes)
    • setGenericsPlaceHolder

      public void setGenericsPlaceHolder(boolean placeholder)
    • isGenericsPlaceHolder

      public boolean isGenericsPlaceHolder()
    • isUsingGenerics

      public boolean isUsingGenerics()
    • setUsingGenerics

      public void setUsingGenerics(boolean usesGenerics)
    • getPlainNodeReference

      public ClassNode getPlainNodeReference(boolean skipPrimitives)
    • getPlainNodeReference

      public ClassNode getPlainNodeReference()
    • isAnnotationDefinition

      public boolean isAnnotationDefinition()
    • getAnnotations

      public List<AnnotationNode> getAnnotations()
      getAnnotations in class AnnotatedNode
    • getAnnotations

      public List<AnnotationNode> getAnnotations(ClassNode type)
      getAnnotations in class AnnotatedNode
    • addTransform

      public void addTransform(Class<? extends ASTTransformation> transform, ASTNode node)
    • getTransforms

      public Map<Class<? extends ASTTransformation>,Set<ASTNode>> getTransforms(CompilePhase phase)
    • renameField

      public void renameField(String oldName, String newName)
    • removeField

      public void removeField(String oldName)
    • isEnum

      public boolean isEnum()
    • getInnerClasses

      public Iterator<InnerClassNode> getInnerClasses()
      iterator of inner classes defined inside this one
    • getText

      public String getText()
      getText in class ASTNode
    • getTypeAnnotations

      public List<AnnotationNode> getTypeAnnotations()
    • getTypeAnnotations

      public List<AnnotationNode> getTypeAnnotations(ClassNode type)
    • addTypeAnnotation

      public void addTypeAnnotation(AnnotationNode annotation)
    • addTypeAnnotations

      public void addTypeAnnotations(List<AnnotationNode> annotations)