public final class FloatingPointMath extends NumberMath
FloatingPoint (Double and Float) NumberMath operations
Modifiers | Name | Description |
static FloatingPointMath |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
protected Number |
absImpl(Number number) |
public Number |
addImpl(Number left, Number right) |
public int |
compareToImpl(Number left, Number right) |
public Number |
divideImpl(Number left, Number right) |
protected Number |
modImpl(Number left, Number right) |
public Number |
multiplyImpl(Number left, Number right) |
public Number |
subtractImpl(Number left, Number right) |
protected Number |
unaryMinusImpl(Number left) |
protected Number |
unaryPlusImpl(Number left) |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class NumberMath |
abs, absImpl, add, addImpl, and, andImpl, bitwiseNegate, bitwiseNegateImpl, compareTo, compareToImpl, createUnsupportedException, divide, divideImpl, getMath, intdiv, intdivImpl, isBigDecimal, isBigInteger, isByte, isFloatingPoint, isInteger, isLong, isShort, leftShift, leftShiftImpl, mod, modImpl, multiply, multiplyImpl, or, orImpl, rightShift, rightShiftImpl, rightShiftUnsigned, rightShiftUnsignedImpl, subtract, subtractImpl, toBigDecimal, toBigInteger, unaryMinus, unaryMinusImpl, unaryPlus, unaryPlusImpl, xor, xorImpl |