public class CommonCache extends Object
Represents a simple key-value cache, which is NOT thread safe and backed by a Map instance
- type of the keys
- type of the valuesModifiers | Name | Description |
static int |
The default initial capacity |
static float |
The default load factor |
Constructor and description |
() Constructs a cache with unlimited size |
(int initialCapacity, int maxSize, EvictionStrategy evictionStrategy) Constructs a cache with limited size |
(int initialCapacity, int maxSize) Constructs a LRU cache with the specified initial capacity and max size. |
(int maxSize) Constructs a LRU cache with the default initial capacity |
(Map<K, V> map) Constructs a cache backed by the specified Map instance |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
void |
cleanUpNullReferences() {@inheritDoc} |
Map<K, V> |
clear() {@inheritDoc} |
boolean |
containsKey(K key) {@inheritDoc} |
Object |
convertValue(V value) {@inheritDoc} |
V |
get(K key) {@inheritDoc} |
V |
getAndPut(K key, ValueProvider<? super K, ? extends V> valueProvider) {@inheritDoc} |
V |
getAndPut(K key, ValueProvider<? super K, ? extends V> valueProvider, boolean shouldCache) |
Set<K> |
keys() {@inheritDoc} |
V |
put(K key, V value) {@inheritDoc} |
V |
remove(K key) {@inheritDoc} |
int |
size() {@inheritDoc} |
String |
toString() |
Collection<V> |
values() {@inheritDoc} |
The default initial capacity
The default load factor
Constructs a cache with unlimited size
Constructs a cache with limited size
- initial capacity of the cachemaxSize
- max size of the cacheevictionStrategy
- LRU or FIFO, see org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.memoize.EvictableCache.EvictionStrategyConstructs a LRU cache with the specified initial capacity and max size. The LRU cache is slower than LRUCache
- initial capacity of the LRU cachemaxSize
- max size of the LRU cacheConstructs a LRU cache with the default initial capacity
- max size of the LRU cache{@inheritDoc}
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