This class defines new groovy methods which appear on normal JDK
classes inside the Groovy environment. Static methods are used with the
first parameter being the destination class,
i.e. public static String reverse(String self)
provides a reverse()
method for String
NOTE: While this class contains many 'public' static methods, it is primarily regarded as an internal class (its internal package name suggests this also). We value backwards compatibility of these methods when used within Groovy but value less backwards compatibility at the Java method call level. I.e. future versions of Groovy may remove or move a method call in this file but would normally aim to keep the method available from within Groovy.
Modifiers | Name | Description |
static Class[] |
static Class[] |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
static int |
abs(Number number) Get the absolute value |
static long |
abs(Long number) Get the absolute value |
static float |
abs(Float number) Get the absolute value |
static double |
abs(Double number) Get the absolute value |
static Socket |
accept(ServerSocket serverSocket, Closure closure) |
static Socket |
accept(ServerSocket serverSocket, boolean runInANewThread, Closure closure) |
<T> |
static boolean |
addAll(Collection<T> self, T[] items) Modifies the collection by adding all of the elements in the specified array to the collection. |
<T> |
static boolean |
addAll(List<T> self, int index, T[] items) Modifies this list by inserting all of the elements in the specified array into the list at the specified position. |
<T> |
static boolean |
addAll(Collection<T> self, Iterator<? extends T> items) Adds all items from the iterator to the Collection. |
<T> |
static boolean |
addAll(Collection<T> self, Iterable<? extends T> items) Adds all items from the iterable to the Collection. |
static void |
addShutdownHook(Object self, Closure closure) Allows the usage of addShutdownHook without getting the runtime first. |
static Number |
and(Number left, Number right) Bitwise AND together two Numbers. |
static BitSet |
and(BitSet left, BitSet right) Bitwise AND together two BitSets. |
static Boolean |
and(Boolean left, Boolean right) Logical conjunction of two boolean operators. |
static boolean |
any(Object self, Closure predicate) Iterates over the contents of an object or collection, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one element. |
<T> |
static boolean |
any(Iterator<T> self, Closure predicate) Iterates over the contents of an iterator, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one element. |
<T> |
static boolean |
any(Iterable<T> self, Closure predicate) Iterates over the contents of an iterable, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one element. |
<T> |
static boolean |
any(T[] self, Closure predicate) Iterates over the contents of an Array, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one element. |
<K, V> |
static boolean |
any(Map<K, V> self, Closure<?> predicate) Iterates over the entries of a map, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one entry. |
static boolean |
any(Object self) Iterates over the elements of a collection, and checks whether at least one element is true according to the Groovy Truth. |
static void |
append(File file, Object text) |
static void |
append(File file, byte[] bytes) |
static void |
append(File self, InputStream stream) |
static void |
append(File file, Object text, String charset) |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Object object) Coerce an object instance to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Boolean bool) Coerce a Boolean instance to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Collection collection) Coerce a collection instance to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Map map) Coerce a map instance to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Iterator iterator) Coerce an iterator instance to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Enumeration enumeration) Coerce an enumeration instance to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Object[] array) Coerce an Object array to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(byte[] array) Coerces a byte array to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(short[] array) Coerces a short array to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(int[] array) Coerces an int array to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(long[] array) Coerces a long array to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(float[] array) Coerces a float array to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(double[] array) Coerces a double array to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(boolean[] array) Coerces a boolean array to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(char[] array) Coerces a char array to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Character character) Coerce a character to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Float object) Coerce a Float instance to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Double object) Coerce a Double instance to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Number number) Coerce a number to a boolean value. |
static boolean |
asBoolean(CharSequence string) |
static boolean |
asBoolean(Matcher matcher) |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
asCollection(Iterable<T> self) Converts this Iterable to a Collection. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
asImmutable(Map<K, V> self) A convenience method for creating an immutable map. |
<K, V> |
static SortedMap<K, V> |
asImmutable(SortedMap<K, V> self) A convenience method for creating an immutable sorted map. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
asImmutable(List<T> self) A convenience method for creating an immutable list |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
asImmutable(Set<T> self) A convenience method for creating an immutable list. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
asImmutable(SortedSet<T> self) A convenience method for creating an immutable sorted set. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
asImmutable(Collection<T> self) A convenience method for creating an immutable Collection. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
asList(Collection<T> self) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of asList instead |
<T> |
static List<T> |
asList(Iterable<T> self) Converts this Iterable to a List. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
asSynchronized(Map<K, V> self) A convenience method for creating a synchronized Map. |
<K, V> |
static SortedMap<K, V> |
asSynchronized(SortedMap<K, V> self) A convenience method for creating a synchronized SortedMap. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
asSynchronized(Collection<T> self) A convenience method for creating a synchronized Collection. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
asSynchronized(List<T> self) A convenience method for creating a synchronized List. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
asSynchronized(Set<T> self) A convenience method for creating a synchronized Set. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
asSynchronized(SortedSet<T> self) A convenience method for creating a synchronized SortedSet. |
<T> |
static T |
asType(Iterable iterable, Class<T> clazz) Converts the given iterable to another type. |
<T> |
static T |
asType(Collection col, Class<T> clazz) Converts the given collection to another type. |
<T> |
static T |
asType(Object[] ary, Class<T> clazz) Converts the given array to either a List, Set, or SortedSet. |
<T> |
static T |
asType(Closure cl, Class<T> clazz) Coerces the closure to an implementation of the given class. |
<T> |
static T |
asType(Map map, Class<T> clazz) Coerces this map to the given type, using the map's keys as the public method names, and values as the implementation. |
<T> |
static T |
asType(Number self, Class<T> c) Transform this number to a the given type, using the 'as' operator. |
<T> |
static T |
asType(Object obj, Class<T> type) Converts a given object to a type. |
<T> |
static T |
asType(CharSequence self, Class<T> c) |
<T> |
static T |
asType(GString self, Class<T> c) |
<T> |
static T |
asType(String self, Class<T> c) |
<T> |
static T |
asType(File f, Class<T> c) |
static File |
asWritable(File file) |
static File |
asWritable(File file, String encoding) |
static BitSet |
bitwiseNegate(BitSet self) Bitwise NEGATE a BitSet. |
static Number |
bitwiseNegate(Number left) Bitwise NEGATE a Number. |
static Pattern |
bitwiseNegate(CharSequence self) |
static Pattern |
bitwiseNegate(String self) |
<T> |
static BufferedIterator<T> |
buffered(Iterator<T> self) Returns a BufferedIterator that allows examining the next element without
consuming it.
<T> |
static BufferedIterator<T> |
bufferedIterator(Iterable<T> self) Returns a BufferedIterator that allows examining the next element without
consuming it.
<T> |
static BufferedIterator<T> |
bufferedIterator(List<T> self) Returns a BufferedIterator that allows examining the next element without
consuming it.
<T> |
protected static T |
callClosureForLine(Closure<T> closure, String line, int counter) |
<T, K, V> |
protected static T |
callClosureForMapEntry(Closure<T> closure, Map.Entry<K, V> entry) |
<T, K, V> |
protected static T |
callClosureForMapEntryAndCounter(Closure<T> closure, Map.Entry<K, V> entry, int counter) |
static CharSequence |
capitalize(CharSequence self) |
static String |
capitalize(String self) |
static CharSequence |
center(CharSequence self, Number numberOfChars) |
static CharSequence |
center(CharSequence self, Number numberOfChars, CharSequence padding) |
static String |
center(String self, Number numberOfChars) |
static String |
center(String self, Number numberOfChars, String padding) |
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
collate(Iterable<T> self, int size) Collates this iterable into sub-lists of length size .
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
collate(List<T> self, int size) @deprecated use the Iterable variant instead |
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
collate(Iterable<T> self, int size, int step) Collates this iterable into sub-lists of length size stepping through the code step
elements for each subList.
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
collate(List<T> self, int size, int step) @deprecated use the Iterable variant instead |
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
collate(Iterable<T> self, int size, boolean keepRemainder) Collates this iterable into sub-lists of length size . |
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
collate(List<T> self, int size, boolean keepRemainder) @deprecated use the Iterable variant instead |
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
collate(Iterable<T> self, int size, int step, boolean keepRemainder) Collates this iterable into sub-lists of length size stepping through the code step
elements for each sub-list. |
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
collate(List<T> self, int size, int step, boolean keepRemainder) @deprecated use the Iterable variant instead |
static Collection |
collect(Object self) Iterates through this aggregate Object transforming each item into a new value using Closure.IDENTITY as a transformer, basically returning a list of items copied from the original object. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
collect(Object self, Closure<T> transform) Iterates through this aggregate Object transforming each item into a new value using the transform closure, returning a list of transformed values.
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
collect(Object self, Collection<T> collector, Closure<? extends T> transform) Iterates through this aggregate Object transforming each item into a new value using the transform closure
and adding it to the supplied collector . |
<S, T> |
static List<T> |
collect(S[] self, Closure<T> transform) Iterates through this Array transforming each item into a new value using the transform closure, returning a list of transformed values. |
<S, T> |
static Collection<T> |
collect(S[] self, Collection<T> collector, Closure<? extends T> transform) Iterates through this Array transforming each item into a new value using the transform closure
and adding it to the supplied collector .
<S, T> |
static List<T> |
collect(Iterator<S> self, Closure<T> transform) Iterates through this Iterator transforming each item into a new value using the transform closure, returning a list of transformed values. |
<S, T> |
static Collection<T> |
collect(Iterator<S> self, Collection<T> collector, Closure<? extends T> transform) Iterates through this Iterator transforming each item into a new value using the transform closure
and adding it to the supplied collector . |
<T> |
static List<T> |
collect(Collection<T> self) Iterates through this collection transforming each entry into a new value using Closure.IDENTITY as a transformer, basically returning a list of items copied from the original collection. |
<S, T> |
static List<T> |
collect(Collection<S> self, Closure<T> transform) Iterates through this collection transforming each entry into a new value using the transform closure
returning a list of transformed values. |
<S, T> |
static Collection<T> |
collect(Collection<S> self, Collection<T> collector, Closure<? extends T> transform) Iterates through this collection transforming each value into a new value using the transform closure
and adding it to the supplied collector .
<T> |
static List<T> |
collect(Iterable<T> self) Iterates through this collection transforming each entry into a new value using Closure.IDENTITY as a transformer, basically returning a list of items copied from the original collection. |
<S, T> |
static List<T> |
collect(Iterable<S> self, Closure<T> transform) Iterates through this Iterable transforming each entry into a new value using the transform closure
returning a list of transformed values.
<S, T> |
static Collection<T> |
collect(Iterable<S> self, Collection<T> collector, Closure<? extends T> transform) Iterates through this collection transforming each value into a new value using the transform closure
and adding it to the supplied collector .
<T, K, V> |
static Collection<T> |
collect(Map<K, V> self, Collection<T> collector, Closure<? extends T> transform) Iterates through this Map transforming each map entry into a new value using the transform closure
returning the collector with all transformed values added to it.
<T, K, V> |
static List<T> |
collect(Map<K, V> self, Closure<T> transform) Iterates through this Map transforming each map entry into a new value using the transform closure
returning a list of transformed values.
static List |
collectAll(Collection self, Closure transform) Deprecated alias for collectNested |
static Collection |
collectAll(Collection self, Collection collector, Closure transform) Deprecated alias for collectNested |
<K, V, S, T> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Map<S, T> self, Map<K, V> collector, Closure<?> transform) Iterates through this Map transforming each map entry using the transform closure
returning a map of the transformed entries.
<K, V> |
static Map<?, ?> |
collectEntries(Map<K, V> self, Closure<?> transform) Iterates through this Map transforming each entry using the transform closure
and returning a map of the transformed entries.
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Collection<?> self, Closure<?> transform) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectEntries instead |
<K, V, E> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Iterator<E> self, Closure<?> transform) A variant of collectEntries for Iterators. |
<K, V, E> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Iterable<E> self, Closure<?> transform) Iterates through this Iterable transforming each item using the transform closure
and returning a map of the resulting transformed entries.
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Collection<?> self) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectEntries instead |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Iterator<?> self) A variant of collectEntries for Iterators using the identity closure as the transform. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Iterable<?> self) A variant of collectEntries for Iterable objects using the identity closure as the transform. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Collection<?> self, Map<K, V> collector, Closure<?> transform) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectEntries instead |
<K, V, E> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Iterator<E> self, Map<K, V> collector, Closure<?> transform) A variant of collectEntries for Iterators using a supplied map as the destination of transformed entries. |
<K, V, E> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Iterable<E> self, Map<K, V> collector, Closure<?> transform) Iterates through this Iterable transforming each item using the closure as a transformer into a map entry, returning the supplied map with all of the transformed entries added to it. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Collection<?> self, Map<K, V> collector) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectEntries instead |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Iterator<?> self, Map<K, V> collector) A variant of collectEntries for Iterators using the identity closure as the transform and a supplied map as the destination of transformed entries. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(Iterable<?> self, Map<K, V> collector) A variant of collectEntries for Iterables using the identity closure as the transform and a supplied map as the destination of transformed entries. |
<K, V, E> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(E[] self, Map<K, V> collector, Closure<?> transform) Iterates through this array transforming each item using the transform closure
and returning a map of the resulting transformed entries.
<K, V, E> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(E[] self, Map<K, V> collector) A variant of collectEntries using the identity closure as the transform. |
<K, V, E> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(E[] self, Closure<?> transform) Iterates through this array transforming each item using the transform closure
and returning a map of the resulting transformed entries.
<K, V, E> |
static Map<K, V> |
collectEntries(E[] self) A variant of collectEntries using the identity closure as the transform. |
<T, E> |
static List<T> |
collectMany(Collection<E> self, Closure<Collection<? extends T>> projection) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectMany instead |
<T, E> |
static Collection<T> |
collectMany(Collection<E> self, Collection<T> collector, Closure<Collection<? extends T>> projection) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectMany instead |
<T, E> |
static List<T> |
collectMany(Iterable<E> self, Closure<Collection<? extends T>> projection) Projects each item from a source Iterable to a collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections into a single list. |
<T, E> |
static Collection<T> |
collectMany(Iterable<E> self, Collection<T> collector, Closure<Collection<? extends T>> projection) Projects each item from a source collection to a result collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections adding them into the collector . |
<T, K, V> |
static Collection<T> |
collectMany(Map<K, V> self, Collection<T> collector, Closure<Collection<? extends T>> projection) Projects each item from a source map to a result collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections adding them into the collector . |
<T, K, V> |
static Collection<T> |
collectMany(Map<K, V> self, Closure<Collection<? extends T>> projection) Projects each item from a source map to a result collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections adding them into a collection. |
<T, E> |
static List<T> |
collectMany(E[] self, Closure<Collection<? extends T>> projection) Projects each item from a source array to a collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections into a single list. |
<T, E> |
static List<T> |
collectMany(Iterator<E> self, Closure<Collection<? extends T>> projection) Projects each item from a source iterator to a collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections into a single list. |
static List |
collectNested(Collection self, Closure transform) Recursively iterates through this collection transforming each non-Collection value into a new value using the closure as a transformer. |
static List |
collectNested(Iterable self, Closure transform) Recursively iterates through this Iterable transforming each non-Collection value into a new value using the closure as a transformer. |
static Collection |
collectNested(Collection self, Collection collector, Closure transform) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of collectNested instead |
static Collection |
collectNested(Iterable self, Collection collector, Closure transform) Recursively iterates through this Iterable transforming each non-Collection value into a new value using the transform closure. |
static List |
combinations(Collection self) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of combinations instead |
static List |
combinations(Iterable self) Adds GroovyCollections#combinations(Iterable) as a method on Iterables. |
static List |
combinations(Iterable self, Closure<?> function) Adds GroovyCollections#combinations(Iterable, Closure) as a method on collections. |
static int |
compareTo(Character left, Number right) Compare a Character and a Number. |
static int |
compareTo(Number left, Character right) Compare a Number and a Character. |
static int |
compareTo(Character left, Character right) Compare two Characters. |
static int |
compareTo(Number left, Number right) Compare two Numbers. |
static boolean |
contains(Iterable self, Object item) Returns true if this iterable contains the item. |
static boolean |
contains(int[] self, Object value) Checks whether the array contains the given value. |
static boolean |
contains(long[] self, Object value) Checks whether the array contains the given value. |
static boolean |
contains(short[] self, Object value) Checks whether the array contains the given value. |
static boolean |
contains(char[] self, Object value) Checks whether the array contains the given value. |
static boolean |
contains(boolean[] self, Object value) Checks whether the array contains the given value. |
static boolean |
contains(double[] self, Object value) Checks whether the array contains the given value. |
static boolean |
contains(float[] self, Object value) Checks whether the array contains the given value. |
static boolean |
contains(byte[] self, Object value) Checks whether the array contains the given value. |
static boolean |
contains(Object[] self, Object value) Checks whether the array contains the given value. |
static boolean |
contains(CharSequence self, CharSequence text) |
static boolean |
contains(String self, String text) |
static boolean |
containsAll(Iterable self, Object[] items) Returns true if this iterable contains all of the elements in the specified array. |
static boolean |
containsAll(Collection self, Object[] items) @deprecated use the Iterable variant instead |
static Number |
count(Iterator self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value from the items within this Iterator. |
<T> |
static Number |
count(Iterator<T> self, Closure closure) Counts the number of occurrences which satisfy the given closure from the items within this Iterator. |
static Number |
count(Collection self, Object value) @deprecated use count(Iterable, Closure) |
static Number |
count(Iterable self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this Iterable. |
static Number |
count(Collection self, Closure closure) @deprecated use count(Iterable, Closure) |
<T> |
static Number |
count(Iterable<T> self, Closure closure) Counts the number of occurrences which satisfy the given closure from inside this Iterable. |
<K, V> |
static Number |
count(Map<K, V> self, Closure<?> closure) Counts the number of occurrences which satisfy the given closure from inside this map. |
static Number |
count(Object[] self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. |
<T> |
static Number |
count(T[] self, Closure closure) Counts the number of occurrences which satisfy the given closure from inside this array. |
static Number |
count(int[] self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. |
static Number |
count(long[] self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. |
static Number |
count(short[] self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. |
static Number |
count(char[] self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. |
static Number |
count(boolean[] self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. |
static Number |
count(double[] self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. |
static Number |
count(float[] self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. |
static Number |
count(byte[] self, Object value) Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array. |
static int |
count(CharSequence self, CharSequence text) |
static int |
count(String self, String text) |
<K> |
static Map<K, Integer> |
countBy(Collection self, Closure<K> closure) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of countBy instead |
<K, E> |
static Map<K, Integer> |
countBy(Iterable<E> self, Closure<K> closure) Sorts all collection members into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure and counts the group size. |
<K, E> |
static Map<K, Integer> |
countBy(E[] self, Closure<K> closure) Sorts all array members into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure and counts the group size. |
<K, E> |
static Map<K, Integer> |
countBy(Iterator<E> self, Closure<K> closure) Sorts all iterator items into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure and counts the group size. |
<K, U, V> |
static Map<K, Integer> |
countBy(Map<U, V> self, Closure<K> closure) Groups the members of a map into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure and counts the frequency of the created groups. |
protected static StringBufferWriter |
createStringBufferWriter(StringBuffer self) |
protected static StringWriter |
createStringWriter(String self) |
static boolean |
deleteDir(File self) |
static CharSequence |
denormalize(CharSequence self) |
static String |
denormalize(String self) |
static boolean |
disjoint(Iterable left, Iterable right) Returns true if the intersection of two iterables is empty.
static boolean |
disjoint(Collection left, Collection right) @deprecated use the Iterable variant instead |
static Number |
div(Character left, Number right) Divide a Character by a Number. |
static Number |
div(Number left, Character right) Divide a Number by a Character. |
static Number |
div(Character left, Character right) Divide one Character by another. |
static void |
downto(Number self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. |
static void |
downto(long self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. |
static void |
downto(Long self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. |
static void |
downto(float self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. |
static void |
downto(Float self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. |
static void |
downto(double self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. |
static void |
downto(Double self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. |
static void |
downto(BigInteger self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. |
static void |
downto(BigDecimal self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
drop(SortedSet<T> self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the head of this List. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
drop(List<T> self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the head of this List. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
drop(Iterable<T> self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the head of this Iterable. |
<T> |
static T[] |
drop(T[] self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the head of this array if they are available. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
drop(Map<K, V> self, int num) Drops the given number of key/value pairs from the head of this map if they are available. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
drop(Iterator<T> self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the head of this iterator if they are available. |
static CharSequence |
drop(CharSequence self, int num) |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
dropRight(SortedSet<T> self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this SortedSet. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
dropRight(List<T> self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this List. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
dropRight(Iterable<T> self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this Iterable. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
dropRight(Iterator<T> self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this Iterator. |
<T> |
static T[] |
dropRight(T[] self, int num) Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this array if they are available. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
dropWhile(SortedSet<T> self, Closure condition) Returns a suffix of this SortedSet where elements are dropped from the front while the given Closure evaluates to true. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
dropWhile(List<T> self, Closure condition) Returns a suffix of this List where elements are dropped from the front while the given Closure evaluates to true. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
dropWhile(Iterable<T> self, Closure condition) Returns a suffix of this Iterable where elements are dropped from the front while the given closure evaluates to true. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
dropWhile(Map<K, V> self, Closure condition) Create a suffix of the given Map by dropping as many entries as possible from the front of the original Map such that calling the given closure condition evaluates to true when passed each of the dropped entries (or key/value pairs). |
<T> |
static T[] |
dropWhile(T[] self, Closure<?> condition) Create a suffix of the given array by dropping as many elements as possible from the front of the original array such that calling the given closure condition evaluates to true when passed each of the dropped elements. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
dropWhile(Iterator<T> self, Closure<?> condition) Creates an Iterator that returns a suffix of the elements from an original Iterator. |
static String |
dump(Object self) Generates a detailed dump string of an object showing its class, hashCode and fields. |
<T> |
static T[] |
each(T[] self, Closure closure) Iterates through an array passing each array entry to the given closure. |
<T> |
static T |
each(T self, Closure closure) Iterates through an aggregate type or data structure, passing each item to the given closure. |
<T> |
static Iterable<T> |
each(Iterable<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through an Iterable, passing each item to the given closure. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
each(Iterator<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through an Iterator, passing each item to the given closure. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
each(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through a Collection, passing each item to the given closure. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
each(List<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through a List, passing each item to the given closure. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
each(Set<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through a Set, passing each item to the given closure. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
each(SortedSet<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through a SortedSet, passing each item to the given closure. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
each(Map<K, V> self, Closure closure) Allows a Map to be iterated through using a closure. |
static void |
eachByte(Byte[] self, Closure closure) Traverse through each byte of this Byte array. |
static void |
eachByte(byte[] self, Closure closure) Traverse through each byte of this byte array. |
static void |
eachByte(File self, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachByte(File self, int bufferLen, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachByte(InputStream is, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachByte(InputStream is, int bufferLen, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachByte(URL url, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachByte(URL url, int bufferLen, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachCombination(Iterable self, Closure<?> function) Applies a function on each combination of the input lists. |
static void |
eachDir(File self, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachDirMatch(File self, Object nameFilter, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachDirRecurse(File self, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachFile(File self, FileType fileType, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachFile(File self, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachFileMatch(File self, FileType fileType, Object nameFilter, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachFileMatch(File self, Object nameFilter, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachFileRecurse(File self, FileType fileType, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachFileRecurse(File self, Closure closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(CharSequence self, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(CharSequence self, int firstLine, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(String self, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(String self, int firstLine, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(File self, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(File self, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(File self, int firstLine, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(File self, String charset, int firstLine, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(InputStream stream, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(InputStream stream, String charset, int firstLine, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(InputStream stream, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(InputStream stream, int firstLine, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(URL url, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(URL url, int firstLine, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(URL url, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(URL url, String charset, int firstLine, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(Reader self, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
eachLine(Reader self, int firstLine, Closure<T> closure) |
static String |
eachMatch(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex, Closure closure) |
static String |
eachMatch(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern, Closure closure) |
static String |
eachMatch(String self, Pattern pattern, Closure closure) |
static String |
eachMatch(String self, String regex, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachObject(File self, Closure closure) |
static void |
eachObject(ObjectInputStream ois, Closure closure) |
<T> |
static Iterator<List<T>> |
eachPermutation(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of eachPermutation instead |
<T> |
static Iterator<List<T>> |
eachPermutation(Iterable<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates over all permutations of a collection, running a closure for each iteration. |
<T> |
static T[] |
eachWithIndex(T[] self, Closure closure) Iterates through an array, passing each array element and the element's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure. |
<T> |
static T |
eachWithIndex(T self, Closure closure) Iterates through an aggregate type or data structure, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure. |
<T> |
static Iterable<T> |
eachWithIndex(Iterable<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through an iterable type, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
eachWithIndex(Iterator<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through an iterator type, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
eachWithIndex(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through a Collection, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
eachWithIndex(List<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through a List, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
eachWithIndex(Set<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through a Set, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
eachWithIndex(SortedSet<T> self, Closure closure) Iterates through a SortedSet, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
eachWithIndex(Map<K, V> self, Closure closure) Allows a Map to be iterated through using a closure. |
static boolean |
equals(int[] left, int[] right) Compare the contents of this array to the contents of the given array. |
static boolean |
equals(Object[] left, List right) Determines if the contents of this array are equal to the contents of the given list, in the same order. |
static boolean |
equals(List left, Object[] right) Determines if the contents of this list are equal to the contents of the given array in the same order. |
static boolean |
equals(List left, List right) Compare the contents of two Lists. |
<T> |
static boolean |
equals(Set<T> self, Set<T> other) Compare the contents of two Sets for equality using Groovy's coercion rules. |
static boolean |
equals(Map self, Map other) Compares two Maps treating coerced numerical values as identical. |
static boolean |
every(Object self, Closure predicate) Used to determine if the given predicate closure is valid (i.e. returns true for all items in this data structure).
<T> |
static boolean |
every(Iterator<T> self, Closure predicate) Used to determine if the given predicate closure is valid (i.e. returns true for all items in this iterator).
<T> |
static boolean |
every(T[] self, Closure predicate) Used to determine if the given predicate closure is valid (i.e. returns true for all items in this Array). |
<T> |
static boolean |
every(Iterable<T> self, Closure predicate) Used to determine if the given predicate closure is valid (i.e. returns true for all items in this iterable).
<K, V> |
static boolean |
every(Map<K, V> self, Closure predicate) Iterates over the entries of a map, and checks whether a predicate is valid for all entries. |
static boolean |
every(Object self) Iterates over every element of a collection, and checks whether all elements are true according to the Groovy Truth.
static Process |
execute(String self) |
static Process |
execute(String self, String[] envp, File dir) |
static Process |
execute(String self, List envp, File dir) |
static Process |
execute(String[] commandArray) |
static Process |
execute(String[] commandArray, String[] envp, File dir) |
static Process |
execute(String[] commandArray, List envp, File dir) |
static Process |
execute(List commands) |
static Process |
execute(List commands, String[] envp, File dir) |
static Process |
execute(List commands, List envp, File dir) |
static CharSequence |
expand(CharSequence self) |
static CharSequence |
expand(CharSequence self, int tabStop) |
static String |
expand(String self) |
static String |
expand(String self, int tabStop) |
static CharSequence |
expandLine(CharSequence self, int tabStop) |
static String |
expandLine(String self, int tabStop) |
static void |
filterLine(Reader reader, Writer writer, Closure closure) |
static Writable |
filterLine(File self, Closure closure) |
static Writable |
filterLine(File self, String charset, Closure closure) |
static void |
filterLine(File self, Writer writer, Closure closure) |
static void |
filterLine(File self, Writer writer, String charset, Closure closure) |
static Writable |
filterLine(Reader reader, Closure closure) |
static Writable |
filterLine(InputStream self, Closure predicate) |
static Writable |
filterLine(InputStream self, String charset, Closure predicate) |
static void |
filterLine(InputStream self, Writer writer, Closure predicate) |
static void |
filterLine(InputStream self, Writer writer, String charset, Closure predicate) |
static Writable |
filterLine(URL self, Closure predicate) |
static Writable |
filterLine(URL self, String charset, Closure predicate) |
static void |
filterLine(URL self, Writer writer, Closure predicate) |
static void |
filterLine(URL self, Writer writer, String charset, Closure predicate) |
static Object |
find(Object self, Closure closure) Finds the first value matching the closure condition. |
static Object |
find(Object self) Finds the first item matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth). |
<T> |
static T |
find(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) Finds the first value matching the closure condition. |
<T> |
static T |
find(T[] self, Closure condition) Finds the first element in the array that matches the given closure condition. |
<T> |
static T |
find(Collection<T> self) Finds the first item matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth). |
<K, V> |
static Map.Entry<K, V> |
find(Map<K, V> self, Closure<?> closure) Finds the first entry matching the closure condition. |
static CharSequence |
find(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex) |
static CharSequence |
find(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex, Closure closure) |
static CharSequence |
find(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern) |
static CharSequence |
find(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern, Closure closure) |
static String |
find(String self, Pattern pattern) |
static String |
find(String self, Pattern pattern, Closure closure) |
static String |
find(String self, String regex) |
static String |
find(String self, String regex, Closure closure) |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
findAll(Set<T> self, Closure closure) Finds all values matching the closure condition. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
findAll(List<T> self, Closure closure) Finds all values matching the closure condition. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
findAll(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) Finds all values matching the closure condition. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
findAll(T[] self, Closure condition) Finds all elements of the array matching the given Closure condition. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
findAll(Set<T> self) Finds the items matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth). |
<T> |
static List<T> |
findAll(List<T> self) Finds the items matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth). |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
findAll(Collection<T> self) Finds the items matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth). |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
findAll(T[] self) Finds the elements of the array matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth). |
static Collection |
findAll(Object self, Closure closure) Finds all items matching the closure condition. |
static Collection |
findAll(Object self) Finds all items matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth). |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
findAll(Map<K, V> self, Closure closure) Finds all entries matching the closure condition. |
static List<String> |
findAll(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex) |
<T> |
static List<T> |
findAll(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex, Closure<T> closure) |
static List<String> |
findAll(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern) |
<T> |
static List<T> |
findAll(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern, Closure<T> closure) |
static List<String> |
findAll(String self, Pattern pattern) |
<T> |
static List<T> |
findAll(String self, Pattern pattern, Closure<T> closure) |
static List<String> |
findAll(String self, String regex) |
<T> |
static List<T> |
findAll(String self, String regex, Closure<T> closure) |
static int |
findIndexOf(Object self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an aggregate of items and returns the index of the first item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
static int |
findIndexOf(Object self, int startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an aggregate of items, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the first item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findIndexOf(Iterator<T> self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterator and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findIndexOf(Iterator<T> self, int startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterator, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findIndexOf(Iterable<T> self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterable and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findIndexOf(Iterable<T> self, int startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterable, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findIndexOf(T[] self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Array and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findIndexOf(T[] self, int startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Array, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure. |
static List<Number> |
findIndexValues(Object self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an aggregate of items and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure. |
static List<Number> |
findIndexValues(Object self, Number startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an aggregate of items, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static List<Number> |
findIndexValues(Iterator<T> self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterator and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static List<Number> |
findIndexValues(Iterator<T> self, Number startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterator, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static List<Number> |
findIndexValues(Iterable<T> self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterable and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static List<Number> |
findIndexValues(Iterable<T> self, Number startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterable, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static List<Number> |
findIndexValues(T[] self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Array and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static List<Number> |
findIndexValues(T[] self, Number startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Array, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure. |
static int |
findLastIndexOf(Object self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an aggregate of items and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
static int |
findLastIndexOf(Object self, int startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an aggregate of items, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findLastIndexOf(Iterator<T> self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterator and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findLastIndexOf(Iterator<T> self, int startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterator, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findLastIndexOf(Iterable<T> self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterable and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findLastIndexOf(Iterable<T> self, int startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Iterable, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findLastIndexOf(T[] self, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Array and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
<T> |
static int |
findLastIndexOf(T[] self, int startIndex, Closure condition) Iterates over the elements of an Array, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure. |
static Object |
findResult(Object self, Closure condition) Treats the object as iterable, iterating through the values it represents and returns the first non-null result obtained from calling the closure, otherwise returns null. |
static Object |
findResult(Object self, Object defaultResult, Closure condition) Treats the object as iterable, iterating through the values it represents and returns the first non-null result obtained from calling the closure, otherwise returns the defaultResult. |
<S, T, U extends T, V extends T> |
static T |
findResult(Collection<S> self, U defaultResult, Closure<V> condition) Iterates through the collection calling the given closure for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. |
<S, T> |
static T |
findResult(Collection<S> self, Closure<T> condition) Iterates through the collection calling the given closure for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. |
<S, T, U extends T, V extends T> |
static T |
findResult(Iterator<S> self, U defaultResult, Closure<V> condition) Iterates through the Iterator calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. |
<T, U> |
static T |
findResult(Iterator<U> self, Closure<T> condition) Iterates through the Iterator calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. |
<S, T, U extends T, V extends T> |
static T |
findResult(Iterable<S> self, U defaultResult, Closure<V> condition) Iterates through the Iterable calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. |
<T, U> |
static T |
findResult(Iterable<U> self, Closure<T> condition) Iterates through the Iterable calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. |
<S, T, U extends T, V extends T> |
static T |
findResult(S[] self, U defaultResult, Closure<V> condition) Iterates through the Array calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. |
<S, T> |
static T |
findResult(S[] self, Closure<T> condition) Iterates through the Array calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. |
<T, K, V> |
static T |
findResult(Map<K, V> self, Closure<T> condition) Returns the first non-null closure result found by passing each map entry to the closure, otherwise null is returned. |
<T, U extends T, V extends T, A, B> |
static T |
findResult(Map<A, B> self, U defaultResult, Closure<V> condition) Returns the first non-null closure result found by passing each map entry to the closure, otherwise the defaultResult is returned. |
<T, U> |
static Collection<T> |
findResults(Collection<U> self, Closure<T> filteringTransform) @see #findResults(Iterable, Closure) |
<T, U> |
static Collection<T> |
findResults(Iterable<U> self, Closure<T> filteringTransform) Iterates through the Iterable transforming items using the supplied closure and collecting any non-null results. |
<T, U> |
static Collection<T> |
findResults(Iterator<U> self, Closure<T> filteringTransform) Iterates through the Iterator transforming items using the supplied closure and collecting any non-null results. |
<T, U> |
static Collection<T> |
findResults(U[] self, Closure<T> filteringTransform) Iterates through the Array transforming items using the supplied closure and collecting any non-null results. |
<T, K, V> |
static Collection<T> |
findResults(Map<K, V> self, Closure<T> filteringTransform) Iterates through the map transforming items using the supplied closure and collecting any non-null results. |
<T> |
static T |
first(List<T> self) Returns the first item from the List. |
<T> |
static T |
first(Iterable<T> self) Returns the first item from the Iterable. |
<T> |
static T |
first(T[] self) Returns the first item from the array. |
static Collection<?> |
flatten(Collection<?> self) Flatten a Collection. |
static Collection<?> |
flatten(Iterable<?> self) Flatten an Iterable. |
static List<?> |
flatten(List<?> self) Flatten a List. |
static Set<?> |
flatten(Set<?> self) Flatten a Set. |
static SortedSet<?> |
flatten(SortedSet<?> self) Flatten a SortedSet. |
static Collection |
flatten(Object[] self) Flatten an array. |
static Collection |
flatten(boolean[] self) Flatten an array. |
static Collection |
flatten(byte[] self) Flatten an array. |
static Collection |
flatten(char[] self) Flatten an array. |
static Collection |
flatten(short[] self) Flatten an array. |
static Collection |
flatten(int[] self) Flatten an array. |
static Collection |
flatten(long[] self) Flatten an array. |
static Collection |
flatten(float[] self) Flatten an array. |
static Collection |
flatten(double[] self) Flatten an array. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
flatten(Collection<T> self, Closure<? extends T> flattenUsing) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of flatten instead |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
flatten(Iterable<T> self, Closure<? extends T> flattenUsing) Flatten an Iterable. |
<K, V> |
static V |
get(Map<K, V> map, K key, V defaultValue) Looks up an item in a Map for the given key and returns the value - unless there is no entry for the given key in which case add the default value to the map and return that. |
static Object |
getAt(Object self, String property) Allows the subscript operator to be used to lookup dynamic property values. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(List<T> self, Range range) Support the range subscript operator for a List. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(ListWithDefault<T> self, Collection indices) Select a List of items from an eager or lazy List using a Collection to identify the indices to be selected. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(ListWithDefault<T> self, Range range) Support the range subscript operator for an eager or lazy List. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(ListWithDefault<T> self, EmptyRange range) Support the range subscript operator for an eager or lazy List. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(List<T> self, EmptyRange range) Support the range subscript operator for a List. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(List<T> self, Collection indices) Select a List of items from a List using a Collection to identify the indices to be selected. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(T[] self, Collection indices) Select a List of items from an array using a Collection to identify the indices to be selected. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(T[] array, Range range) Support the range subscript operator for an Array |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(T[] array, IntRange range) @param array an Array of Objects |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(T[] array, EmptyRange range) @param array an Array of Objects |
<T> |
static List<T> |
getAt(T[] array, ObjectRange range) @param array an Array of Objects |
<T> |
static T |
getAt(List<T> self, int idx) Support the subscript operator for a List. |
<T> |
static T |
getAt(Iterator<T> self, int idx) Support the subscript operator for an Iterator. |
<T> |
static T |
getAt(Iterable<T> self, int idx) Support the subscript operator for an Iterable. |
<K, V> |
static V |
getAt(Map<K, V> self, K key) Support the subscript operator for a Map. |
static List |
getAt(Collection coll, String property) Support the subscript operator for Collection. |
static List<Byte> |
getAt(byte[] array, Range range) Support the subscript operator with a range for a byte array |
static List<Character> |
getAt(char[] array, Range range) Support the subscript operator with a range for a char array |
static List<Short> |
getAt(short[] array, Range range) Support the subscript operator with a range for a short array |
static List<Integer> |
getAt(int[] array, Range range) Support the subscript operator with a range for an int array |
static List<Long> |
getAt(long[] array, Range range) Support the subscript operator with a range for a long array |
static List<Float> |
getAt(float[] array, Range range) Support the subscript operator with a range for a float array |
static List<Double> |
getAt(double[] array, Range range) Support the subscript operator with a range for a double array |
static List<Boolean> |
getAt(boolean[] array, Range range) Support the subscript operator with a range for a boolean array |
static List<Byte> |
getAt(byte[] array, IntRange range) Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a byte array |
static List<Character> |
getAt(char[] array, IntRange range) Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a char array |
static List<Short> |
getAt(short[] array, IntRange range) Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a short array |
static List<Integer> |
getAt(int[] array, IntRange range) Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for an int array |
static List<Long> |
getAt(long[] array, IntRange range) Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a long array |
static List<Float> |
getAt(float[] array, IntRange range) Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a float array |
static List<Double> |
getAt(double[] array, IntRange range) Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a double array |
static List<Boolean> |
getAt(boolean[] array, IntRange range) Support the subscript operator with an IntRange for a boolean array |
static List<Byte> |
getAt(byte[] array, ObjectRange range) Support the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a byte array |
static List<Character> |
getAt(char[] array, ObjectRange range) Support the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a char array |
static List<Short> |
getAt(short[] array, ObjectRange range) Support the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a short array |
static List<Integer> |
getAt(int[] array, ObjectRange range) Support the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for an int array |
static List<Long> |
getAt(long[] array, ObjectRange range) Support the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a long array |
static List<Float> |
getAt(float[] array, ObjectRange range) Support the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a float array |
static List<Double> |
getAt(double[] array, ObjectRange range) Support the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a double array |
static List<Boolean> |
getAt(boolean[] array, ObjectRange range) Support the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a byte array |
static List<Byte> |
getAt(byte[] array, Collection indices) Support the subscript operator with a collection for a byte array |
static List<Character> |
getAt(char[] array, Collection indices) Support the subscript operator with a collection for a char array |
static List<Short> |
getAt(short[] array, Collection indices) Support the subscript operator with a collection for a short array |
static List<Integer> |
getAt(int[] array, Collection indices) Support the subscript operator with a collection for an int array |
static List<Long> |
getAt(long[] array, Collection indices) Support the subscript operator with a collection for a long array |
static List<Float> |
getAt(float[] array, Collection indices) Support the subscript operator with a collection for a float array |
static List<Double> |
getAt(double[] array, Collection indices) Support the subscript operator with a collection for a double array |
static List<Boolean> |
getAt(boolean[] array, Collection indices) Support the subscript operator with a collection for a boolean array |
static boolean |
getAt(BitSet self, int index) Support the subscript operator for a Bitset |
static BitSet |
getAt(BitSet self, IntRange range) Support retrieving a subset of a BitSet using a Range |
static CharSequence |
getAt(CharSequence self, Collection indices) |
static CharSequence |
getAt(CharSequence text, EmptyRange range) |
static CharSequence |
getAt(CharSequence text, int index) |
static CharSequence |
getAt(CharSequence text, IntRange range) |
static CharSequence |
getAt(CharSequence text, Range range) |
static List |
getAt(Matcher self, Collection indices) |
static Object |
getAt(Matcher matcher, int idx) |
static String |
getAt(String self, Collection indices) |
static String |
getAt(String text, EmptyRange range) |
static String |
getAt(String text, int index) |
static String |
getAt(String text, IntRange range) |
static String |
getAt(String text, Range range) |
static byte[] |
getBytes(File file) |
static byte[] |
getBytes(URL url) |
static byte[] |
getBytes(InputStream is) |
static char[] |
getChars(CharSequence self) |
static char[] |
getChars(String self) |
static int |
getCount(Matcher matcher) |
static Groovydoc |
getGroovydoc(AnnotatedElement holder) Get runtime groovydoc |
static IntRange |
getIndices(Collection self) Returns indices of the collection. |
<T> |
static IntRange |
getIndices(T[] self) Returns indices of the array. |
static MetaClass |
getMetaClass(Class c) Adds a "metaClass" property to all class objects so you can use the syntax String.metaClass.myMethod = { println "foo" } |
static MetaClass |
getMetaClass(Object obj) Obtains a MetaClass for an object either from the registry or in the case of a GroovyObject from the object itself. |
static MetaClass |
getMetaClass(GroovyObject obj) Obtains a MetaClass for an object either from the registry or in the case of a GroovyObject from the object itself. |
static List<PropertyValue> |
getMetaPropertyValues(Object self) Retrieves the list of MetaProperty objects for 'self' and wraps it in a list of PropertyValue objects that additionally provide the value for each property of 'self'. |
static Map |
getProperties(Object self) Convenience method that calls getMetaPropertyValues(java.lang.Object)(self) and provides the data in form of simple key/value pairs, i.e. without type() information. |
static ClassLoader |
getRootLoader(ClassLoader self) Iterates through the classloader parents until it finds a loader with a class named "". |
protected static List |
getSubList(List self, List splice) |
static String |
getText(File file, String charset) |
static String |
getText(File file) |
static String |
getText(URL url) |
static String |
getText(URL url, Map parameters) |
static String |
getText(URL url, String charset) |
static String |
getText(URL url, Map parameters, String charset) |
static String |
getText(InputStream is) |
static String |
getText(InputStream is, String charset) |
static String |
getText(Reader reader) |
static String |
getText(BufferedReader reader) |
static Collection |
grep(Object self, Object filter) Iterates over the collection of items which this Object represents and returns each item that matches the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
grep(Collection<T> self, Object filter) Iterates over the collection of items and returns each item that matches the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
grep(List<T> self, Object filter) Iterates over the collection of items and returns each item that matches the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
grep(Set<T> self, Object filter) Iterates over the collection of items and returns each item that matches the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
grep(T[] self, Object filter) Iterates over the array of items and returns a collection of items that match the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. |
static Collection |
grep(Object self) Iterates over the collection of items which this Object represents and returns each item that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
grep(Collection<T> self) Iterates over the collection returning each element that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
grep(List<T> self) Iterates over the collection returning each element that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
grep(Set<T> self) Iterates over the collection returning each element that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
grep(T[] self) Iterates over the array returning each element that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth. |
<K, T> |
protected static void |
groupAnswer(Map<K, List<T>> answer, T element, K value) Groups the current element according to the value |
<K, T> |
static Map<K, List<T>> |
groupBy(Collection<T> self, Closure<K> closure) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of groupBy instead |
<K, T> |
static Map<K, List<T>> |
groupBy(Iterable<T> self, Closure<K> closure) Sorts all Iterable members into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure. |
<K, T> |
static Map<K, List<T>> |
groupBy(T[] self, Closure<K> closure) Sorts all array members into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure. |
static Map |
groupBy(Collection self, Object... closures) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of groupBy instead |
static Map |
groupBy(Iterable self, Object... closures) Sorts all Iterable members into (sub)groups determined by the supplied mapping closures. |
static Map |
groupBy(Object[] self, Object... closures) Sorts all array members into (sub)groups determined by the supplied mapping closures as per the Iterable variant of this method. |
static Map |
groupBy(Collection self, List<Closure> closures) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of groupBy instead |
static Map |
groupBy(Iterable self, List<Closure> closures) Sorts all Iterable members into (sub)groups determined by the supplied mapping closures. |
static Map |
groupBy(Object[] self, List<Closure> closures) Sorts all array members into (sub)groups determined by the supplied mapping closures as per the list variant of this method. |
<G, K, V> |
static Map<G, Map<K, V>> |
groupBy(Map<K, V> self, Closure<G> closure) Groups the members of a map into sub maps determined by the supplied mapping closure. |
static Map<Object, Map> |
groupBy(Map self, Object... closures) Groups the members of a map into sub maps determined by the supplied mapping closures. |
static Map<Object, Map> |
groupBy(Map self, List<Closure> closures) Groups the members of a map into sub maps determined by the supplied mapping closures. |
<G, K, V> |
static Map<G, List<Map.Entry<K, V>>> |
groupEntriesBy(Map<K, V> self, Closure<G> closure) Groups all map entries into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure. |
static boolean |
hasGroup(Matcher matcher) |
static MetaProperty |
hasProperty(Object self, String name) |
<T> |
static T |
head(Iterable<T> self) Returns the first item from the Iterable. |
<T> |
static T |
head(List<T> self) Returns the first item from the List. |
<T> |
static T |
head(T[] self) Returns the first item from the Object array. |
<T, U> |
static T |
identity(U self, Closure<T> closure) Allows the closure to be called for the object reference self. |
static Boolean |
implies(Boolean left, Boolean right) Logical implication of two boolean operators |
<E> |
static Map<Integer, E> |
indexed(Iterable<E> self) Zips an Iterable with indices in (index, value) order. |
<E> |
static Map<Integer, E> |
indexed(Iterable<E> self, int offset) Zips an Iterable with indices in (index, value) order. |
<E> |
static Iterator<Tuple2<Integer, E>> |
indexed(Iterator<E> self) Zips an iterator with indices in (index, value) order. |
<E> |
static Iterator<Tuple2<Integer, E>> |
indexed(Iterator<E> self, int offset) Zips an iterator with indices in (index, value) order. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
init(Iterable<T> self) Returns the items from the Iterable excluding the last item. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
init(List<T> self) Returns the items from the List excluding the last item. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
init(SortedSet<T> self) Returns the items from the SortedSet excluding the last item. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
init(Iterator<T> self) Returns an Iterator containing all of the items from this iterator except the last one. |
<T> |
static T[] |
init(T[] self) Returns the items from the Object array excluding the last item. |
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
inits(Iterable<T> self) Calculates the init values of this Iterable: the first value will be this list of all items from the iterable and the final one will be an empty list, with the intervening values the results of successive applications of init on the items. |
<T, V extends T> |
static T |
inject(Collection<T> self, Closure<V> closure) Performs the same function as the version of inject that takes an initial value, but uses the head of the Collection as the initial value, and iterates over the tail. |
<E, T, U extends T, V extends T> |
static T |
inject(Collection<E> self, U initialValue, Closure<V> closure) Iterates through the given Collection, passing in the initial value to the 2-arg closure along with the first item. |
<K, V, T, U extends T, W extends T> |
static T |
inject(Map<K, V> self, U initialValue, Closure<W> closure) Iterates through the given Map, passing in the initial value to the 2-arg Closure along with the first item (or 3-arg Closure along with the first key and value). |
<E, T, U extends T, V extends T> |
static T |
inject(Iterator<E> self, U initialValue, Closure<V> closure) Iterates through the given Iterator, passing in the initial value to the closure along with the first item. |
<T, V extends T> |
static T |
inject(Object self, Closure<V> closure) Iterates through the given Object, passing in the first value to the closure along with the first item. |
<T, U extends T, V extends T> |
static T |
inject(Object self, U initialValue, Closure<V> closure) Iterates through the given Object, passing in the initial value to the closure along with the first item. |
<E, T, V extends T> |
static T |
inject(E[] self, Closure<V> closure) Iterates through the given array as with inject(Object[],initialValue,closure), but using the first element of the array as the initialValue, and then iterating the remaining elements of the array. |
<E, T, U extends T, V extends T> |
static T |
inject(E[] self, U initialValue, Closure<V> closure) Iterates through the given array, passing in the initial value to the closure along with the first item. |
static String |
inspect(Object self) Inspects returns the String that matches what would be typed into a terminal to create this object. |
static Number |
intdiv(Character left, Number right) Integer Divide a Character by a Number. |
static Number |
intdiv(Number left, Character right) Integer Divide a Number by a Character. |
static Number |
intdiv(Character left, Character right) Integer Divide two Characters. |
static Number |
intdiv(Number left, Number right) Integer Divide two Numbers. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
intersect(Collection<T> left, Collection<T> right) Create a Collection composed of the intersection of both collections. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
intersect(Iterable<T> left, Iterable<T> right) Create a Collection composed of the intersection of both iterables. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
intersect(List<T> left, Iterable<T> right) Create a List composed of the intersection of a List and an Iterable. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
intersect(Set<T> left, Iterable<T> right) Create a Set composed of the intersection of a Set and an Iterable. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
intersect(SortedSet<T> left, Iterable<T> right) Create a SortedSet composed of the intersection of a SortedSet and an Iterable. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
intersect(Map<K, V> left, Map<K, V> right) Create a Map composed of the intersection of both maps. |
static Object |
invokeMethod(Object object, String method, Object arguments) Provide a dynamic method invocation method which can be overloaded in classes to implement dynamic proxies easily. |
static boolean |
is(Object self, Object other) Identity check. |
static boolean |
isAllWhitespace(CharSequence self) |
static boolean |
isAllWhitespace(String self) |
static boolean |
isBigDecimal(CharSequence self) |
static boolean |
isBigDecimal(String self) |
static boolean |
isBigInteger(CharSequence self) |
static boolean |
isBigInteger(String self) |
static boolean |
isCase(Object caseValue, Object switchValue) Method for overloading the behavior of the 'case' method in switch statements. |
static boolean |
isCase(Class caseValue, Object switchValue) Special 'Case' implementation for Class, which allows testing for a certain class in a switch statement. |
static boolean |
isCase(Collection caseValue, Object switchValue) 'Case' implementation for collections which tests if the 'switch' operand is contained in any of the 'case' values. |
static boolean |
isCase(Map caseValue, Object switchValue) 'Case' implementation for maps which tests the groovy truth value obtained using the 'switch' operand as key. |
static boolean |
isCase(Number caseValue, Number switchValue) Special 'case' implementation for all numbers, which delegates to the compareTo() method for comparing numbers of different
types. |
static boolean |
isCase(CharSequence caseValue, Object switchValue) |
static boolean |
isCase(GString caseValue, Object switchValue) |
static boolean |
isCase(Pattern caseValue, Object switchValue) |
static boolean |
isCase(String caseValue, Object switchValue) |
static boolean |
isDigit(Character self) Determines if a character is a digit. |
static boolean |
isDouble(CharSequence self) |
static boolean |
isDouble(String self) |
static boolean |
isEmpty(Iterable self) Check whether an Iterable has elements
def items = [1] def iterable = { [ hasNext:{ ! |
static boolean |
isFloat(CharSequence self) |
static boolean |
isFloat(String self) |
static boolean |
isInteger(CharSequence self) |
static boolean |
isInteger(String self) |
static boolean |
isLetter(Character self) Determines if a character is a letter. |
static boolean |
isLetterOrDigit(Character self) Determines if a character is a letter or digit. |
static boolean |
isLong(CharSequence self) |
static boolean |
isLong(String self) |
static boolean |
isLowerCase(Character self) Determine if a Character is lowercase. |
static boolean |
isNumber(CharSequence self) |
static boolean |
isNumber(String self) |
static boolean |
isUpperCase(Character self) Determine if a Character is uppercase. |
static boolean |
isWhitespace(Character self) Determines if a character is a whitespace character. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
iterator(T[] a) Attempts to create an Iterator for the given object by first converting it to a Collection. |
static Iterator |
iterator(Object o) Attempts to create an Iterator for the given object by first converting it to a Collection. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
iterator(Enumeration<T> enumeration) Allows an Enumeration to behave like an Iterator. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
iterator(Iterator<T> self) An identity function for iterators, supporting 'duck-typing' when trying to get an iterator for each object within a collection, some of which may already be iterators. |
static Iterator |
iterator(Matcher matcher) |
static Iterator<String> |
iterator(Reader self) |
static Iterator<Byte> |
iterator(InputStream self) |
static Iterator<Byte> |
iterator(DataInputStream self) |
static String |
join(Iterator<Object> self, String separator) Concatenates the toString() representation of each
item from the iterator, with the given String as a separator between
each item. |
static String |
join(Collection self, String separator) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of join instead |
static String |
join(Iterable self, String separator) Concatenates the toString() representation of each
item in this Iterable, with the given String as a separator between each item.
static String |
join(Object[] self, String separator) Concatenates the toString() representation of each
items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each
item. |
static String |
join(boolean[] self, String separator) Concatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item. |
static String |
join(byte[] self, String separator) Concatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item. |
static String |
join(char[] self, String separator) Concatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item. |
static String |
join(double[] self, String separator) Concatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item. |
static String |
join(float[] self, String separator) Concatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item. |
static String |
join(int[] self, String separator) Concatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item. |
static String |
join(long[] self, String separator) Concatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item. |
static String |
join(short[] self, String separator) Concatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item. |
<T> |
static T |
last(List<T> self) Returns the last item from the List. |
<T> |
static T |
last(Iterable<T> self) Returns the last item from the Iterable. |
<T> |
static T |
last(T[] self) Returns the last item from the array. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
leftShift(Collection<T> self, T value) Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a Collection. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
leftShift(List<T> self, T value) Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a List. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
leftShift(Set<T> self, T value) Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a Set. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
leftShift(SortedSet<T> self, T value) Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a SortedSet. |
<T> |
static BlockingQueue<T> |
leftShift(BlockingQueue<T> self, T value) Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a BlockingQueue. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
leftShift(Map<K, V> self, Map.Entry<K, V> entry) Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append Map.Entry values to a Map. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
leftShift(Map<K, V> self, Map<K, V> other) Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to put one maps entries into another map. |
static Number |
leftShift(Number self, Number operand) Implementation of the left shift operator for integral types. |
static StringBuilder |
leftShift(CharSequence self, Object value) |
static StringBuffer |
leftShift(String self, Object value) |
static StringBuffer |
leftShift(StringBuffer self, Object value) |
static StringBuilder |
leftShift(StringBuilder self, Object value) |
static Writer |
leftShift(Socket self, Object value) |
static OutputStream |
leftShift(Socket self, byte[] value) |
static Writer |
leftShift(Writer self, Object value) |
static Writer |
leftShift(OutputStream self, Object value) |
static void |
leftShift(ObjectOutputStream self, Object value) |
static OutputStream |
leftShift(OutputStream self, InputStream in) |
static OutputStream |
leftShift(OutputStream self, byte[] value) |
static File |
leftShift(File file, Object text) |
static File |
leftShift(File file, byte[] bytes) |
static File |
leftShift(File file, InputStream data) |
static boolean |
matches(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern) |
static boolean |
matches(String self, Pattern pattern) |
<K, V> |
static Map.Entry<K, V> |
max(Map<K, V> self, Closure closure) Selects an entry in the map having the maximum calculated value as determined by the supplied closure. |
<T> |
static T |
max(Collection<T> self) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of max instead |
<T> |
static T |
max(Iterable<T> self) Adds max() method to Iterable objects. |
<T> |
static T |
max(Iterator<T> self) Adds max() method to Iterator objects. |
<T> |
static T |
max(T[] self) Adds max() method to Object arrays. |
<T> |
static T |
max(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of max instead |
<T> |
static T |
max(Iterable<T> self, Closure closure) Selects the item in the iterable which when passed as a parameter to the supplied closure returns the maximum value. |
<T> |
static T |
max(Iterator<T> self, Closure closure) Selects the maximum value found from the Iterator using the closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static T |
max(T[] self, Closure closure) Selects the maximum value found from the Object array using the closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static T |
max(Collection<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of max instead |
<T> |
static T |
max(Iterable<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Selects the maximum value found in the Iterable using the given comparator. |
<T> |
static T |
max(Iterator<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Selects the maximum value found from the Iterator using the given comparator. |
<T> |
static T |
max(T[] self, Comparator<T> comparator) Selects the maximum value found from the Object array using the given comparator. |
static MetaClass |
metaClass(Class self, Closure closure) Sets/updates the metaclass for a given class to a closure. |
static MetaClass |
metaClass(Object self, Closure closure) Sets/updates the metaclass for a given object to a closure. |
<T> |
static T |
min(Collection<T> self) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of min instead |
<T> |
static T |
min(Iterable<T> self) Adds min() method to Collection objects. |
<T> |
static T |
min(Iterator<T> self) Adds min() method to Iterator objects. |
<T> |
static T |
min(T[] self) Adds min() method to Object arrays. |
<T> |
static T |
min(Collection<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of min instead |
<T> |
static T |
min(Iterable<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Selects the minimum value found in the Iterable using the given comparator. |
<T> |
static T |
min(Iterator<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Selects the minimum value found from the Iterator using the given comparator. |
<T> |
static T |
min(T[] self, Comparator<T> comparator) Selects the minimum value found from the Object array using the given comparator. |
<T> |
static T |
min(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of min instead |
<T> |
static T |
min(Iterable<T> self, Closure closure) Selects the item in the iterable which when passed as a parameter to the supplied closure returns the minimum value. |
<K, V> |
static Map.Entry<K, V> |
min(Map<K, V> self, Closure closure) Selects an entry in the map having the minimum calculated value as determined by the supplied closure. |
<T> |
static T |
min(Iterator<T> self, Closure closure) Selects the minimum value found from the Iterator using the closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static T |
min(T[] self, Closure closure) Selects the minimum value found from the Object array using the closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
minus(Set<T> self, Collection<?> removeMe) Create a Set composed of the elements of the first Set minus the elements of the given Collection. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
minus(Set<T> self, Iterable<?> removeMe) Create a Set composed of the elements of the first Set minus the elements from the given Iterable. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
minus(Set<T> self, Object removeMe) Create a Set composed of the elements of the first Set minus the given element. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
minus(SortedSet<T> self, Collection<?> removeMe) Create a SortedSet composed of the elements of the first SortedSet minus the elements of the given Collection. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
minus(SortedSet<T> self, Iterable<?> removeMe) Create a SortedSet composed of the elements of the first SortedSet minus the elements of the given Iterable. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
minus(SortedSet<T> self, Object removeMe) Create a SortedSet composed of the elements of the first SortedSet minus the given element. |
<T> |
static T[] |
minus(T[] self, Iterable removeMe) Create an array composed of the elements of the first array minus the elements of the given Iterable. |
<T> |
static T[] |
minus(T[] self, Object[] removeMe) Create an array composed of the elements of the first array minus the elements of the given array. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
minus(List<T> self, Collection<?> removeMe) Create a List composed of the elements of the first list minus every occurrence of elements of the given Collection. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
minus(Collection<T> self, Collection<?> removeMe) Create a new Collection composed of the elements of the first Collection minus every occurrence of elements of the given Collection. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
minus(List<T> self, Iterable<?> removeMe) Create a new List composed of the elements of the first List minus every occurrence of elements of the given Iterable. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
minus(Iterable<T> self, Iterable<?> removeMe) Create a new Collection composed of the elements of the first Iterable minus every occurrence of elements of the given Iterable. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
minus(List<T> self, Object removeMe) Create a new List composed of the elements of the first List minus every occurrence of the given element to remove. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
minus(Iterable<T> self, Object removeMe) Create a new Collection composed of the elements of the first Iterable minus every occurrence of the given element to remove. |
<T> |
static T[] |
minus(T[] self, Object removeMe) Create a new object array composed of the elements of the first array minus the element to remove. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
minus(Map<K, V> self, Map removeMe) Create a Map composed of the entries of the first map minus the entries of the given map. |
static Number |
minus(Character left, Number right) @todo maybe a double dispatch thing to handle new large numbers? |
static Number |
minus(Number left, Character right) Subtract a Character from a Number. |
static Number |
minus(Character left, Character right) Subtract one Character from another. |
static CharSequence |
minus(CharSequence self, Object target) |
static String |
minus(String self, Object target) |
static void |
mixin(MetaClass self, List<Class> categoryClasses) Extend object with category methods. |
static void |
mixin(Class self, List<Class> categoryClasses) Extend class globally with category methods. |
static void |
mixin(Class self, Class categoryClass) Extend class globally with category methods. |
static void |
mixin(Class self, Class[] categoryClass) Extend class globally with category methods. |
static void |
mixin(MetaClass self, Class categoryClass) Extend class globally with category methods. |
static void |
mixin(MetaClass self, Class[] categoryClass) Extend class globally with category methods. |
static Number |
mod(Number left, Number right) Performs a division modulus operation. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
multiply(Collection<T> self, Number factor) @deprecated use the Iterable variant instead |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
multiply(Iterable<T> self, Number factor) Create a Collection composed of the elements of this Iterable, repeated a certain number of times. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
multiply(List<T> self, Number factor) Create a List composed of the elements of this Iterable, repeated a certain number of times. |
static Number |
multiply(Character left, Number right) Multiply a Character by a Number. |
static Number |
multiply(Number left, Character right) Multiply a Number by a Character. |
static Number |
multiply(Character left, Character right) Multiply two Characters. |
static Number |
multiply(BigDecimal left, Double right) Multiply a BigDecimal and a Double. |
static Number |
multiply(BigDecimal left, BigInteger right) Multiply a BigDecimal and a BigInteger. |
static CharSequence |
multiply(CharSequence self, Number factor) |
static String |
multiply(String self, Number factor) |
static DataInputStream |
newDataInputStream(File file) |
static DataOutputStream |
newDataOutputStream(File file) |
static BufferedInputStream |
newInputStream(File file) |
static BufferedInputStream |
newInputStream(URL url) |
static BufferedInputStream |
newInputStream(URL url, Map parameters) |
<T> |
static T |
newInstance(Class<T> c) Convenience method to dynamically create a new instance of this class. |
<T> |
static T |
newInstance(Class<T> c, Object[] args) Helper to construct a new instance from the given arguments. |
static ObjectInputStream |
newObjectInputStream(File file) |
static ObjectInputStream |
newObjectInputStream(InputStream inputStream) |
static ObjectInputStream |
newObjectInputStream(InputStream inputStream, ClassLoader classLoader) |
static ObjectInputStream |
newObjectInputStream(File file, ClassLoader classLoader) |
static ObjectOutputStream |
newObjectOutputStream(File file) |
static ObjectOutputStream |
newObjectOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream) |
static BufferedOutputStream |
newOutputStream(File file) |
static PrintWriter |
newPrintWriter(File file) |
static PrintWriter |
newPrintWriter(File file, String charset) |
static PrintWriter |
newPrintWriter(Writer writer) |
static BufferedReader |
newReader(File file) |
static BufferedReader |
newReader(File file, String charset) |
static BufferedReader |
newReader(InputStream self) |
static BufferedReader |
newReader(InputStream self, String charset) |
static BufferedReader |
newReader(URL url) |
static BufferedReader |
newReader(URL url, Map parameters) |
static BufferedReader |
newReader(URL url, String charset) |
static BufferedReader |
newReader(URL url, Map parameters, String charset) |
static BufferedWriter |
newWriter(File file) |
static BufferedWriter |
newWriter(File file, boolean append) |
static BufferedWriter |
newWriter(File file, String charset, boolean append) |
static BufferedWriter |
newWriter(File file, String charset) |
static Character |
next(Character self) Increment a Character by one. |
static Number |
next(Number self) Increment a Number by one. |
static CharSequence |
next(CharSequence self) |
static String |
next(String self) |
static CharSequence |
normalize(CharSequence self) |
static String |
normalize(String self) |
static int |
numberAwareCompareTo(Comparable self, Comparable other) Provides a method that compares two comparables using Groovy's default number aware comparator. |
static Number |
or(Number left, Number right) Bitwise OR together two numbers. |
static BitSet |
or(BitSet left, BitSet right) Bitwise OR together two BitSets. |
static Boolean |
or(Boolean left, Boolean right) Logical disjunction of two boolean operators |
static CharSequence |
padLeft(CharSequence self, Number numberOfChars) |
static CharSequence |
padLeft(CharSequence self, Number numberOfChars, CharSequence padding) |
static String |
padLeft(String self, Number numberOfChars) |
static String |
padLeft(String self, Number numberOfChars, String padding) |
static CharSequence |
padRight(CharSequence self, Number numberOfChars) |
static CharSequence |
padRight(CharSequence self, Number numberOfChars, CharSequence padding) |
static String |
padRight(String self, Number numberOfChars) |
static String |
padRight(String self, Number numberOfChars, String padding) |
<T> |
static Set<List<T>> |
permutations(Iterable<T> self) Finds all permutations of an iterable. |
<T> |
static Set<List<T>> |
permutations(List<T> self) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of permutations instead |
<T, V> |
static List<V> |
permutations(Iterable<T> self, Closure<V> function) Finds all permutations of an iterable, applies a function to each permutation and collects the result into a list. |
<T, V> |
static List<V> |
permutations(List<T> self, Closure<V> function) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of permutations instead |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
plus(Map<K, V> left, Map<K, V> right) Returns a new Map containing all entries from left and right ,
giving precedence to right . |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
plus(Map<K, V> self, Collection<? extends def> entries) Returns a new Map containing all entries from self and entries ,
giving precedence to entries . |
<T> |
static T[] |
plus(T[] left, T[] right) Create an array as a union of two arrays. |
<T> |
static T[] |
plus(T[] left, T right) Create an array containing elements from an original array plus an additional appended element. |
<T> |
static T[] |
plus(T[] left, Collection<T> right) Create an array containing elements from an original array plus those from a Collection. |
<T> |
static T[] |
plus(T[] left, Iterable<T> right) Create an array containing elements from an original array plus those from an Iterable. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
plus(Collection<T> left, Collection<T> right) Create a Collection as a union of two collections. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
plus(Iterable<T> left, Iterable<T> right) Create a Collection as a union of two iterables. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
plus(Collection<T> left, Iterable<T> right) Create a Collection as a union of a Collection and an Iterable. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
plus(List<T> left, Iterable<T> right) Create a List as a union of a List and an Iterable. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
plus(List<T> left, Collection<T> right) Create a List as a union of a List and a Collection. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
plus(Set<T> left, Iterable<T> right) Create a Set as a union of a Set and an Iterable. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
plus(Set<T> left, Collection<T> right) Create a Set as a union of a Set and a Collection. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
plus(SortedSet<T> left, Iterable<T> right) Create a SortedSet as a union of a SortedSet and an Iterable. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
plus(SortedSet<T> left, Collection<T> right) Create a SortedSet as a union of a SortedSet and a Collection. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
plus(List<T> self, int index, T[] items) Creates a new List by inserting all of the elements in the specified array to the elements from the original List at the specified index. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
plus(List<T> self, int index, List<T> additions) Creates a new List by inserting all of the elements in the given additions List to the elements from the original List at the specified index. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
plus(List<T> self, int index, Iterable<T> additions) Creates a new List by inserting all of the elements in the given Iterable to the elements from this List at the specified index. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
plus(Collection<T> left, T right) Create a collection as a union of a Collection and an Object. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
plus(Iterable<T> left, T right) Create a collection as a union of an Iterable and an Object. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
plus(List<T> left, T right) Create a List as a union of a List and an Object. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
plus(Set<T> left, T right) Create a Set as a union of a Set and an Object. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
plus(SortedSet<T> left, T right) Create a SortedSet as a union of a SortedSet and an Object. |
static Number |
plus(Character left, Number right) Add a Character and a Number. |
static Number |
plus(Number left, Character right) Add a Number and a Character. |
static Number |
plus(Character left, Character right) Add one Character to another. |
static CharSequence |
plus(CharSequence left, Object value) |
static String |
plus(Number value, String right) |
static String |
plus(String left, Object value) |
static String |
plus(StringBuffer left, String value) |
<T> |
static T |
pop(List<T> self) Removes the initial item from the List. |
static Number |
power(Number self, Number exponent) Power of a Number to a certain exponent. |
static Number |
power(BigDecimal self, Integer exponent) Power of a BigDecimal to an integer certain exponent. |
static Number |
power(BigInteger self, Integer exponent) Power of a BigInteger to an integer certain exponent. |
static Number |
power(Integer self, Integer exponent) Power of an integer to an integer certain exponent. |
static Number |
power(Long self, Integer exponent) Power of a long to an integer certain exponent. |
static BigInteger |
power(BigInteger self, BigInteger exponent) Power of a BigInteger to a BigInteger certain exponent. |
static Character |
previous(Character self) Decrement a Character by one. |
static Number |
previous(Number self) Decrement a Number by one. |
static CharSequence |
previous(CharSequence self) |
static String |
previous(String self) |
protected static Object |
primitiveArrayGet(Object self, int idx) Implements the getAt(int) method for primitive type arrays. |
protected static List |
primitiveArrayGet(Object self, Range range) Implements the getAt(Range) method for primitive type arrays. |
protected static List |
primitiveArrayGet(Object self, Collection indices) Implements the getAt(Collection) method for primitive type arrays. |
protected static Object |
primitiveArrayPut(Object self, int idx, Object newValue) Implements the setAt(int idx) method for primitive type arrays. |
static void |
print(Object self, Object value) Print a value formatted Groovy style to self if it is a Writer, otherwise to the standard output stream. |
static void |
print(PrintWriter self, Object value) Print a value formatted Groovy style to the print writer. |
static void |
print(PrintStream self, Object value) Print a value formatted Groovy style to the print stream. |
static void |
print(Closure self, Object value) Print a value to the standard output stream. |
static void |
print(Object self, PrintWriter out) Print to a console in interactive format. |
static void |
printf(Object self, String format, Object[] values) Printf to a console. |
static void |
printf(Object self, String format, Object arg) Prints a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments. |
static void |
println(Object self) Print a linebreak to the standard output stream. |
static void |
println(Closure self) Print a linebreak to the standard output stream. |
static void |
println(Object self, Object value) Print a value formatted Groovy style (followed by a newline) to self if it is a Writer, otherwise to the standard output stream. |
static void |
println(PrintWriter self, Object value) Print a value formatted Groovy style (followed by a newline) to the print writer. |
static void |
println(PrintStream self, Object value) Print a value formatted Groovy style (followed by a newline) to the print stream. |
static void |
println(Closure self, Object value) Print a value (followed by a newline) to the standard output stream. |
static void |
println(Object self, PrintWriter out) Print to a console in interactive format. |
<T> |
static boolean |
push(List<T> self, T value) Prepends an item to the start of the List. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
putAll(Map<K, V> self, Collection<? extends def> entries) Provides an easy way to append multiple Map.Entry values to a Map. |
static void |
putAt(Object self, String property, Object newValue) Allows the subscript operator to be used to set dynamically named property values. |
<T> |
static void |
putAt(List<T> self, int idx, T value) A helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators. |
static void |
putAt(List self, EmptyRange range, Object value) A helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators. |
static void |
putAt(List self, EmptyRange range, Collection value) A helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators. |
static void |
putAt(List self, IntRange range, Collection col) List subscript assignment operator when given a range as the index and the assignment operand is a collection. |
static void |
putAt(List self, IntRange range, Object value) List subscript assignment operator when given a range as the index. |
static void |
putAt(List self, List splice, List values) A helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators. |
static void |
putAt(List self, List splice, Object value) A helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators. |
<K, V> |
static V |
putAt(Map<K, V> self, K key, V value) A helper method to allow maps to work with subscript operators |
static void |
putAt(BitSet self, IntRange range, boolean value) Support assigning a range of values with a single assignment statement. |
static void |
putAt(BitSet self, int index, boolean value) Support subscript-style assignment for a BitSet. |
static void |
putAt(StringBuffer self, EmptyRange range, Object value) |
static void |
putAt(StringBuffer self, IntRange range, Object value) |
static byte[] |
readBytes(File file) |
static String |
readLine(Reader self) |
static List<String> |
readLines(CharSequence self) |
static List<String> |
readLines(String self) |
static List<String> |
readLines(File file) |
static List<String> |
readLines(File file, String charset) |
static List<String> |
readLines(InputStream stream) |
static List<String> |
readLines(InputStream stream, String charset) |
static List<String> |
readLines(URL self) |
static List<String> |
readLines(URL self, String charset) |
static List<String> |
readLines(Reader reader) |
static boolean |
removeAll(Collection self, Object[] items) Modifies this collection by removing its elements that are contained within the specified object array. |
<T> |
static boolean |
removeAll(Collection<T> self, Closure condition) Modifies this collection by removing the elements that are matched according to the specified closure condition. |
<K, V> |
static boolean |
removeAll(Map<K, V> self, Closure condition) Modifies this map by removing the elements that are matched according to the specified closure condition. |
<E> |
static E |
removeAt(List<E> self, int index) Modifies this list by removing the element at the specified position in this list. |
<E> |
static boolean |
removeElement(Collection<E> self, Object o) Modifies this collection by removing a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present. |
<T> |
static T |
removeLast(List<T> self) Removes the last item from the List. |
static boolean |
renameTo(File self, String newPathName) |
static CharSequence |
replaceAll(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex, CharSequence replacement) |
static CharSequence |
replaceAll(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex, Closure closure) |
static CharSequence |
replaceAll(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern, CharSequence replacement) |
static String |
replaceAll(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern, Closure closure) |
static String |
replaceAll(String self, Pattern pattern, Closure closure) |
static String |
replaceAll(String self, Pattern pattern, String replacement) |
static String |
replaceAll(String self, String regex, Closure closure) |
static String |
replaceFirst(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex, CharSequence replacement) |
static String |
replaceFirst(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex, Closure closure) |
static CharSequence |
replaceFirst(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern, CharSequence replacement) |
static String |
replaceFirst(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern, Closure closure) |
static String |
replaceFirst(String self, Pattern pattern, Closure closure) |
static String |
replaceFirst(String self, Pattern pattern, String replacement) |
static String |
replaceFirst(String self, String regex, Closure closure) |
static List<MetaMethod> |
respondsTo(Object self, String name, Object[] argTypes) |
static List<MetaMethod> |
respondsTo(Object self, String name) |
static boolean |
retainAll(Collection self, Object[] items) Modifies this collection so that it retains only its elements that are contained in the specified array. |
<T> |
static boolean |
retainAll(Collection<T> self, Closure condition) Modifies this collection so that it retains only its elements that are matched according to the specified closure condition. |
<K, V> |
static boolean |
retainAll(Map<K, V> self, Closure condition) Modifies this map so that it retains only its elements that are matched according to the specified closure condition. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
reverse(List<T> self) Creates a new List with the identical contents to this list but in reverse order. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
reverse(List<T> self, boolean mutate) Reverses the elements in a list. |
<T> |
static T[] |
reverse(T[] self) Creates a new array containing items which are the same as this array but in reverse order. |
<T> |
static T[] |
reverse(T[] self, boolean mutate) Reverse the items in an array. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
reverse(Iterator<T> self) Reverses the iterator. |
static CharSequence |
reverse(CharSequence self) |
static String |
reverse(String self) |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
reverseEach(Map<K, V> self, Closure closure) Allows a Map to be iterated through in reverse order using a closure. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
reverseEach(List<T> self, Closure closure) Iterate over each element of the list in the reverse order. |
<T> |
static T[] |
reverseEach(T[] self, Closure closure) Iterate over each element of the array in the reverse order. |
static Number |
rightShift(Number self, Number operand) Implementation of the right shift operator for integral types. |
static Number |
rightShiftUnsigned(Number self, Number operand) Implementation of the right shift (unsigned) operator for integral types. |
static int |
round(Float number) Round the value |
static float |
round(Float number, int precision) Round the value |
static long |
round(Double number) Round the value |
static double |
round(Double number, int precision) Round the value |
static BigDecimal |
round(BigDecimal number) Round the value |
static BigDecimal |
round(BigDecimal number, int precision) Round the value |
static TimerTask |
runAfter(Timer timer, int delay, Closure closure) Allows a simple syntax for using timers. |
static void |
setBytes(File file, byte[] bytes) |
static void |
setBytes(OutputStream os, byte[] bytes) |
static void |
setIndex(Matcher matcher, int idx) |
static void |
setMetaClass(Class self, MetaClass metaClass) Sets the metaclass for a given class. |
static void |
setMetaClass(Object self, MetaClass metaClass) Set the metaclass for an object. |
static void |
setMetaClass(GroovyObject self, MetaClass metaClass) Set the metaclass for a GroovyObject. |
static void |
setText(File file, String text) |
static void |
setText(File file, String text, String charset) |
static int |
size(Iterator self) Provide the standard Groovy size() method for Iterator .
static int |
size(Iterable self) Provide the standard Groovy size() method for Iterable .
static int |
size(Object[] self) Provide the standard Groovy size() method for an array. |
static int |
size(boolean[] array) Allows arrays to behave similar to collections. |
static int |
size(byte[] array) Allows arrays to behave similar to collections. |
static int |
size(char[] array) Allows arrays to behave similar to collections. |
static int |
size(short[] array) Allows arrays to behave similar to collections. |
static int |
size(int[] array) Allows arrays to behave similar to collections. |
static int |
size(long[] array) Allows arrays to behave similar to collections. |
static int |
size(float[] array) Allows arrays to behave similar to collections. |
static int |
size(double[] array) Allows arrays to behave similar to collections. |
static int |
size(CharSequence text) |
static long |
size(Matcher self) |
static int |
size(String text) |
static int |
size(StringBuffer buffer) |
static long |
size(File self) |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Collection<T> self) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sort instead |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Iterable<T> self) Sorts the Collection. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Collection<T> self, boolean mutate) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sort instead |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Iterable<T> self, boolean mutate) Sorts the Iterable. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
sort(Map<K, V> self, Closure closure) Sorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered map using the closure as a comparator to determine the ordering. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
sort(Map<K, V> self, Comparator<? super K> comparator) Sorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered Map using the specified key comparator to determine the ordering. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
sort(Map<K, V> self) Sorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered Map using the natural ordering of the keys to determine the ordering. |
<T> |
static T[] |
sort(T[] self) Modifies this array so that its elements are in sorted order. |
<T> |
static T[] |
sort(T[] self, boolean mutate) Sorts the given array into sorted order. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
sort(Iterator<T> self) Sorts the given iterator items into a sorted iterator. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
sort(Iterator<T> self, Comparator<? super T> comparator) Sorts the given iterator items into a sorted iterator using the comparator. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Collection<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sort instead |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Collection<T> self, boolean mutate, Comparator<T> comparator) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sort instead |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Iterable<T> self, boolean mutate, Comparator<? super T> comparator) Sorts the Iterable using the given Comparator. |
<T> |
static T[] |
sort(T[] self, Comparator<? super T> comparator) Sorts the given array into sorted order using the given comparator. |
<T> |
static T[] |
sort(T[] self, boolean mutate, Comparator<? super T> comparator) Modifies this array so that its elements are in sorted order as determined by the given comparator. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
sort(Iterator<T> self, Closure closure) Sorts the given iterator items into a sorted iterator using the Closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static T[] |
sort(T[] self, Closure closure) Sorts the elements from this array into a newly created array using the Closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static T[] |
sort(T[] self, boolean mutate, Closure closure) Modifies this array so that its elements are in sorted order using the Closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Collection<T> self, boolean mutate, Closure closure) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sort instead |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sort instead |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Iterable<T> self, Closure closure) Sorts this Iterable using the given Closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
sort(Iterable<T> self, boolean mutate, Closure closure) Sorts this Iterable using the given Closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
sort(SortedSet<T> self) Avoids doing unnecessary work when sorting an already sorted set (i.e. an identity function for an already sorted set). |
<K, V> |
static SortedMap<K, V> |
sort(SortedMap<K, V> self) Avoids doing unnecessary work when sorting an already sorted map (i.e. an identity function for an already sorted map). |
static Collection |
split(Object self, Closure closure) Splits all items into two lists based on the closure condition. |
<T> |
static Collection<Collection<T>> |
split(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) Splits all items into two collections based on the closure condition. |
<T> |
static Collection<Collection<T>> |
split(T[] self, Closure closure) Splits all items into two collections based on the closure condition. |
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
split(List<T> self, Closure closure) Splits all items into two collections based on the closure condition. |
<T> |
static List<Set<T>> |
split(Set<T> self, Closure closure) Splits all items into two collections based on the closure condition. |
static CharSequence[] |
split(CharSequence self) |
static String[] |
split(GString self) |
static String[] |
split(String self) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(CharSequence self, Pattern pattern, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(String self, Pattern pattern, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(String self, String regex, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(File self, String regex, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(File self, Pattern pattern, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(File self, String regex, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(File self, Pattern pattern, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(URL self, String regex, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(URL self, Pattern pattern, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(URL self, String regex, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(URL self, Pattern pattern, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(Reader self, String regex, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(Reader self, Pattern pattern, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(InputStream stream, String regex, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(InputStream stream, Pattern pattern, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(InputStream stream, String regex, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
splitEachLine(InputStream stream, Pattern pattern, Closure<T> closure) |
static SpreadMap |
spread(Map self) Synonym for toSpreadMap(java.util.Map). |
static String |
sprintf(Object self, String format, Object[] values) Sprintf to a string. |
static String |
sprintf(Object self, String format, Object arg) Returns a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments. |
static void |
step(Number self, Number to, Number stepNumber, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number using a step increment. |
static CharSequence |
stripIndent(CharSequence self) |
static CharSequence |
stripIndent(CharSequence self, int numChars) |
static String |
stripIndent(String self) |
static String |
stripIndent(String self, int numChars) |
static CharSequence |
stripMargin(CharSequence self) |
static CharSequence |
stripMargin(CharSequence self, char marginChar) |
static String |
stripMargin(CharSequence self, CharSequence marginChar) |
static String |
stripMargin(String self) |
static String |
stripMargin(String self, char marginChar) |
static String |
stripMargin(String self, String marginChar) |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
subMap(Map<K, V> map, Collection<K> keys) Creates a sub-Map containing the given keys. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
subMap(Map<K, V> map, K[] keys) Creates a sub-Map containing the given keys. |
<T> |
static Set<List<T>> |
subsequences(List<T> self) Finds all non-null subsequences of a list. |
static Object |
sum(Collection self) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sum instead |
static Object |
sum(Iterable self) Sums the items in an Iterable. |
static Object |
sum(Object[] self) Sums the items in an array. |
static Object |
sum(Iterator<Object> self) Sums the items from an Iterator. |
static byte |
sum(byte[] self) Sums the items in an array. |
static short |
sum(short[] self) Sums the items in an array. |
static int |
sum(int[] self) Sums the items in an array. |
static long |
sum(long[] self) Sums the items in an array. |
static char |
sum(char[] self) Sums the items in an array. |
static float |
sum(float[] self) Sums the items in an array. |
static double |
sum(double[] self) Sums the items in an array. |
static Object |
sum(Collection self, Object initialValue) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sum instead |
static Object |
sum(Iterable self, Object initialValue) Sums the items in an Iterable, adding the result to some initial value. |
static Object |
sum(Object[] self, Object initialValue) Sums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value. |
static Object |
sum(Iterator<Object> self, Object initialValue) Sums the items from an Iterator, adding the result to some initial value. |
static byte |
sum(byte[] self, byte initialValue) Sums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value. |
static short |
sum(short[] self, short initialValue) Sums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value. |
static int |
sum(int[] self, int initialValue) Sums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value. |
static long |
sum(long[] self, long initialValue) Sums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value. |
static char |
sum(char[] self, char initialValue) Sums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value. |
static float |
sum(float[] self, float initialValue) Sums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value. |
static double |
sum(double[] self, double initialValue) Sums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value. |
static Object |
sum(Collection self, Closure closure) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sum instead |
<T> |
static Object |
sum(Iterable<T> self, Closure closure) Sums the result of apply a closure to each item of an Iterable. |
<T> |
static Object |
sum(T[] self, Closure closure) Sums the result of apply a closure to each item of an array. |
<T> |
static Object |
sum(Iterator<T> self, Closure closure) Sums the result of apply a closure to each item returned from an iterator. |
static Object |
sum(Collection self, Object initialValue, Closure closure) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of sum instead |
<T> |
static Object |
sum(Iterable<T> self, Object initialValue, Closure closure) Sums the result of applying a closure to each item of an Iterable to some initial value. |
<T> |
static Object |
sum(T[] self, Object initialValue, Closure closure) Sums the result of applying a closure to each item of an array to some initial value. |
<T> |
static Object |
sum(Iterator<T> self, Object initialValue, Closure closure) Sums the result of applying a closure to each item of an Iterator to some initial value. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
swap(List<T> self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
<T> |
static T[] |
swap(T[] self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
static boolean[] |
swap(boolean[] self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
static byte[] |
swap(byte[] self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
static char[] |
swap(char[] self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
static double[] |
swap(double[] self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
static float[] |
swap(float[] self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
static int[] |
swap(int[] self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
static long[] |
swap(long[] self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
static short[] |
swap(short[] self, int i, int j) Swaps two elements at the specified positions. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
tail(List<T> self) Returns the items from the List excluding the first item. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
tail(SortedSet<T> self) Returns the items from the SortedSet excluding the first item. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
tail(Iterable<T> self) Returns the items from the Iterable excluding the first item. |
<T> |
static T[] |
tail(T[] self) Returns the items from the array excluding the first item. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
tail(Iterator<T> self) Returns the original iterator after throwing away the first element. |
<T> |
static List<List<T>> |
tails(Iterable<T> self) Calculates the tail values of this Iterable: the first value will be this list of all items from the iterable and the final one will be an empty list, with the intervening values the results of successive applications of tail on the items. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
take(List<T> self, int num) Returns the first num elements from the head of this List.
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
take(SortedSet<T> self, int num) Returns the first num elements from the head of this SortedSet.
<T> |
static T[] |
take(T[] self, int num) Returns the first num elements from the head of this array.
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
take(Iterable<T> self, int num) Returns the first num elements from the head of this Iterable.
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
take(Map<K, V> self, int num) Returns a new map containing the first num elements from the head of this map.
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
take(Iterator<T> self, int num) Returns an iterator of up to the first num elements from this iterator.
static CharSequence |
take(CharSequence self, int num) |
<T> |
static T[] |
takeRight(T[] self, int num) Returns the last num elements from the tail of this array.
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
takeRight(Iterable<T> self, int num) Returns the last num elements from the tail of this Iterable.
<T> |
static List<T> |
takeRight(List<T> self, int num) Returns the last num elements from the tail of this List.
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
takeRight(SortedSet<T> self, int num) Returns the last num elements from the tail of this SortedSet.
<T> |
static List<T> |
takeWhile(List<T> self, Closure condition) Returns the longest prefix of this list where each element passed to the given closure condition evaluates to true. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
takeWhile(Iterable<T> self, Closure condition) Returns a Collection containing the longest prefix of the elements from this Iterable where each element passed to the given closure evaluates to true. |
<T> |
static SortedSet<T> |
takeWhile(SortedSet<T> self, Closure condition) Returns the longest prefix of this SortedSet where each element passed to the given closure condition evaluates to true. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
takeWhile(Map<K, V> self, Closure condition) Returns the longest prefix of this Map where each entry (or key/value pair) when passed to the given closure evaluates to true. |
<T> |
static T[] |
takeWhile(T[] self, Closure condition) Returns the longest prefix of this array where each element passed to the given closure evaluates to true. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
takeWhile(Iterator<T> self, Closure condition) Returns the longest prefix of elements in this iterator where each element passed to the given condition closure evaluates to true. |
<T, U> |
static U |
tap(U self, Closure<T> closure) Allows the closure to be called for the object reference self (similar to with and always returns self. |
static void |
times(Number self, Closure closure) Executes the closure this many times, starting from zero. |
static String |
toArrayString(Object[] self) Returns the string representation of the given array. |
static BigDecimal |
toBigDecimal(Number self) Transform a Number into a BigDecimal |
static BigDecimal |
toBigDecimal(CharSequence self) |
static BigDecimal |
toBigDecimal(String self) |
static BigInteger |
toBigInteger(Number self) Transform this Number into a BigInteger. |
static BigInteger |
toBigInteger(CharSequence self) |
static BigInteger |
toBigInteger(String self) |
static Boolean |
toBoolean(Boolean self) Identity conversion which returns Boolean.TRUE for a true Boolean and Boolean.FALSE for a false Boolean. |
static Boolean |
toBoolean(String self) |
static Character |
toCharacter(String self) |
static Double |
toDouble(Number self) Transform a Number into a Double |
static Double |
toDouble(CharSequence self) |
static Double |
toDouble(String self) |
static Float |
toFloat(Number self) Transform a Number into a Float |
static Float |
toFloat(CharSequence self) |
static Float |
toFloat(String self) |
static Integer |
toInteger(Number self) Transform a Number into an Integer |
static Integer |
toInteger(CharSequence self) |
static Integer |
toInteger(String self) |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toList(Collection<T> self) @deprecated Use the Iterable version of toList instead |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toList(Iterator<T> self) Convert an iterator to a List. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toList(Iterable<T> self) Convert an Iterable to a List. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toList(Enumeration<T> self) Convert an enumeration to a List. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toList(T[] array) Allows conversion of arrays into a mutable List. |
static List<Byte> |
toList(byte[] array) Converts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list. |
static List<Boolean> |
toList(boolean[] array) Converts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list. |
static List<Character> |
toList(char[] array) Converts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list. |
static List<Short> |
toList(short[] array) Converts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list. |
static List<Integer> |
toList(int[] array) Converts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list. |
static List<Long> |
toList(long[] array) Converts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list. |
static List<Float> |
toList(float[] array) Converts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list. |
static List<Double> |
toList(double[] array) Converts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list. |
static List<String> |
toList(CharSequence self) |
static List<String> |
toList(String self) |
static String |
toListString(Collection self) Returns the string representation of the given list. |
static String |
toListString(Collection self, int maxSize) Returns the string representation of the given list. |
static Long |
toLong(Number self) Transform a Number into a Long |
static Long |
toLong(CharSequence self) |
static Long |
toLong(String self) |
static char |
toLowerCase(Character self) Converts the character to lowercase. |
static String |
toMapString(Map self) Returns the string representation of this map. |
static String |
toMapString(Map self, int maxSize) Returns the string representation of this map. |
static Set<Byte> |
toSet(byte[] array) Converts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set. |
static Set<Boolean> |
toSet(boolean[] array) Converts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set. |
static Set<Character> |
toSet(char[] array) Converts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set. |
static Set<Short> |
toSet(short[] array) Converts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set. |
static Set<Integer> |
toSet(int[] array) Converts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set. |
static Set<Long> |
toSet(long[] array) Converts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set. |
static Set<Float> |
toSet(float[] array) Converts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set. |
static Set<Double> |
toSet(double[] array) Converts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
toSet(Collection<T> self) Convert a Collection to a Set. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
toSet(Iterable<T> self) Convert an Iterable to a Set. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
toSet(Iterator<T> self) Convert an iterator to a Set. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
toSet(Enumeration<T> self) Convert an enumeration to a Set. |
static Set<String> |
toSet(CharSequence self) |
static Set<String> |
toSet(String self) |
static Short |
toShort(CharSequence self) |
static Short |
toShort(String self) |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toSorted(Iterable<T> self) Sorts the Iterable. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toSorted(Iterable<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Sorts the Iterable using the given Comparator. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toSorted(Iterable<T> self, Closure closure) Sorts this Iterable using the given Closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
toSorted(Iterator<T> self) Sorts the Iterator. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
toSorted(Iterator<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Sorts the given iterator items using the comparator. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
toSorted(Iterator<T> self, Closure closure) Sorts the given iterator items into a sorted iterator using the Closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<T> |
static T[] |
toSorted(T[] self) Returns a sorted version of the given array using the supplied comparator. |
<T> |
static T[] |
toSorted(T[] self, Comparator<T> comparator) Returns a sorted version of the given array using the supplied comparator to determine the resulting order. |
<T> |
static T[] |
toSorted(T[] self, Closure condition) Sorts the elements from this array into a newly created array using the Closure to determine the correct ordering. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
toSorted(Map<K, V> self) Sorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered map using a NumberAwareComparator on map entry values to determine the resulting order. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
toSorted(Map<K, V> self, Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> comparator) Sorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered map using the supplied comparator to determine the ordering. |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
toSorted(Map<K, V> self, Closure condition) Sorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered map using the supplied Closure condition as a comparator to determine the ordering. |
<T> |
static Set<T> |
toSorted(SortedSet<T> self) Avoids doing unnecessary work when sorting an already sorted set |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
toSorted(SortedMap<K, V> self) Avoids doing unnecessary work when sorting an already sorted map |
static SpreadMap |
toSpreadMap(Map self) Returns a new SpreadMap from this map. |
static SpreadMap |
toSpreadMap(Object[] self) Creates a spreadable map from this array. |
static SpreadMap |
toSpreadMap(List self) Creates a spreadable map from this list. |
static SpreadMap |
toSpreadMap(Iterable self) Creates a spreadable map from this iterable. |
static String |
toString(boolean[] self) Returns the string representation of the given array. |
static String |
toString(byte[] self) Returns the string representation of the given array. |
static String |
toString(char[] self) Returns the string representation of the given array. |
static String |
toString(short[] self) Returns the string representation of the given array. |
static String |
toString(int[] self) Returns the string representation of the given array. |
static String |
toString(long[] self) Returns the string representation of the given array. |
static String |
toString(float[] self) Returns the string representation of the given array. |
static String |
toString(double[] self) Returns the string representation of the given array. |
static String |
toString(AbstractMap self) Returns the string representation of the given map. |
static String |
toString(AbstractCollection self) Returns the string representation of the given collection. |
static String |
toString(Object[] self) Returns the string representation of this array's contents. |
static String |
toString(Object value) Create a String representation of this object. |
static URI |
toURI(CharSequence self) |
static URI |
toURI(String self) |
static URL |
toURL(CharSequence self) |
static URL |
toURL(String self) |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
toUnique(Iterator<T> self, Closure condition) Returns an iterator equivalent to this iterator but with all duplicated items removed where duplicate (equal) items are deduced by calling the supplied Closure condition. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
toUnique(Iterator<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Returns an iterator equivalent to this iterator with all duplicated items removed by using the supplied comparator. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
toUnique(Iterator<T> self) Returns an iterator equivalent to this iterator with all duplicated items removed by using the natural ordering of the items. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
toUnique(Iterable<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Returns a Collection containing the items from the Iterable but with duplicates removed. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toUnique(List<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Returns a List containing the items from the List but with duplicates removed. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
toUnique(Iterable<T> self) Returns a Collection containing the items from the Iterable but with duplicates removed using the natural ordering of the items to determine uniqueness. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toUnique(List<T> self) Returns a List containing the items from the List but with duplicates removed using the natural ordering of the items to determine uniqueness. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
toUnique(Iterable<T> self, Closure condition) Returns a Collection containing the items from the Iterable but with duplicates removed. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
toUnique(List<T> self, Closure condition) Returns a List containing the items from the List but with duplicates removed. |
<T> |
static T[] |
toUnique(T[] self, Comparator<T> comparator) Returns a new Array containing the items from the original Array but with duplicates removed with the supplied comparator determining which items are unique. |
<T> |
static T[] |
toUnique(T[] self) Returns a new Array containing the items from the original Array but with duplicates removed using the natural ordering of the items in the array. |
<T> |
static T[] |
toUnique(T[] self, Closure condition) Returns a new Array containing the items from the original Array but with duplicates removed with the supplied comparator determining which items are unique. |
static char |
toUpperCase(Character self) Converts the character to uppercase. |
static List<String> |
tokenize(CharSequence self) |
static List<String> |
tokenize(CharSequence self, Character token) |
static List<String> |
tokenize(CharSequence self, CharSequence token) |
static List<String> |
tokenize(String self) |
static List<String> |
tokenize(String self, Character token) |
static List<String> |
tokenize(String self, String token) |
static CharSequence |
tr(CharSequence self, CharSequence sourceSet, CharSequence replacementSet) |
static String |
tr(String self, String sourceSet, String replacementSet) |
static void |
transformChar(Reader self, Writer writer, Closure closure) |
static void |
transformLine(Reader reader, Writer writer, Closure closure) |
static List |
transpose(List self) Adds GroovyCollections#transpose(List) as a method on lists. |
static void |
traverse(File self, Map<String, Object> options, Closure closure) |
static void |
traverse(File self, Closure closure) |
static void |
traverse(File self, Map<String, Object> options) |
static float |
trunc(Float number, int precision) Truncate the value |
static float |
trunc(Float number) Truncate the value |
static double |
trunc(Double number) Truncate the value |
static double |
trunc(Double number, int precision) Truncate the value |
static BigDecimal |
trunc(BigDecimal number) Truncate the value |
static BigDecimal |
trunc(BigDecimal number, int precision) Truncate the value |
static Number |
unaryMinus(Number left) Negates the number. |
static Number |
unaryPlus(Number left) Returns the number, effectively being a noop for numbers. |
static CharSequence |
unexpand(CharSequence self) |
static CharSequence |
unexpand(CharSequence self, int tabStop) |
static String |
unexpand(String self) |
static String |
unexpand(String self, int tabStop) |
static CharSequence |
unexpandLine(CharSequence self, int tabStop) |
static String |
unexpandLine(String self, int tabStop) |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
unique(Iterator<T> self) Returns an iterator equivalent to this iterator with all duplicated items removed by using Groovy's default number-aware comparator. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
unique(Collection<T> self) Modifies this collection to remove all duplicated items, using Groovy's default number-aware comparator. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
unique(List<T> self) Modifies this List to remove all duplicated items, using Groovy's default number-aware comparator. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
unique(Collection<T> self, boolean mutate) Remove all duplicates from a given Collection using Groovy's default number-aware comparator. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
unique(List<T> self, boolean mutate) Remove all duplicates from a given List using Groovy's default number-aware comparator. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
unique(Iterator<T> self, Closure condition) Returns an iterator equivalent to this iterator but with all duplicated items removed by using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
unique(Collection<T> self, Closure closure) A convenience method for making a collection unique using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
unique(List<T> self, Closure closure) A convenience method for making a List unique using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
unique(Collection<T> self, boolean mutate, Closure closure) A convenience method for making a collection unique using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
unique(List<T> self, boolean mutate, Closure closure) A convenience method for making a List unique using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items. |
<T> |
static Iterator<T> |
unique(Iterator<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Returns an iterator equivalent to this iterator with all duplicated items removed by using the supplied comparator. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
unique(Collection<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Remove all duplicates from a given Collection. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
unique(List<T> self, Comparator<T> comparator) Remove all duplicates from a given List. |
<T> |
static Collection<T> |
unique(Collection<T> self, boolean mutate, Comparator<T> comparator) Remove all duplicates from a given Collection. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
unique(List<T> self, boolean mutate, Comparator<T> comparator) Remove all duplicates from a given List. |
static void |
upto(Number self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. |
static void |
upto(long self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. |
static void |
upto(Long self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. |
static void |
upto(float self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. |
static void |
upto(Float self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. |
static void |
upto(double self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. |
static void |
upto(Double self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. |
static void |
upto(BigInteger self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. |
static void |
upto(BigDecimal self, Number to, Closure closure) Iterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. |
<T> |
static T |
use(Object self, Class categoryClass, Closure<T> closure) Scoped use method |
<T> |
static T |
use(Object self, List<Class> categoryClassList, Closure<T> closure) Scoped use method with list of categories. |
static Object |
use(Object self, Object[] array) Allows you to use a list of categories, specifying the list as varargs. |
<T, U> |
static T |
with(U self, Closure<T> closure) Allows the closure to be called for the object reference self. |
<T, U extends T, V extends T> |
static T |
with(U self, boolean returning, Closure<T> closure) Allows the closure to be called for the object reference self. |
<T> |
static T |
withDataInputStream(File file, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withDataOutputStream(File file, Closure<T> closure) |
<K, V> |
static Map<K, V> |
withDefault(Map<K, V> self, Closure<V> init) Wraps a map using the decorator pattern with a wrapper that intercepts all calls to get(key) . |
<T> |
static ListWithDefault<T> |
withDefault(List<T> self, Closure<T> init) An alias for withLazyDefault which decorates a list allowing
it to grow when called with index values outside the normal list bounds. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
withDefault$$bridge(List<T> self, Closure<T> init) |
<T> |
static ListWithDefault<T> |
withEagerDefault(List<T> self, Closure<T> init) Decorates a list allowing it to grow when called with a non-existent index value. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
withEagerDefault$$bridge(List<T> self, Closure<T> init) |
<E> |
static List<Tuple2<E, Integer>> |
withIndex(Iterable<E> self) Zips an Iterable with indices in (value, index) order. |
<E> |
static List<Tuple2<E, Integer>> |
withIndex(Iterable<E> self, int offset) Zips an Iterable with indices in (value, index) order. |
<E> |
static Iterator<Tuple2<E, Integer>> |
withIndex(Iterator<E> self) Zips an iterator with indices in (value, index) order. |
<E> |
static Iterator<Tuple2<E, Integer>> |
withIndex(Iterator<E> self, int offset) Zips an iterator with indices in (value, index) order. |
static Object |
withInputStream(File file, Closure closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withInputStream(URL url, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static ListWithDefault<T> |
withLazyDefault(List<T> self, Closure<T> init) Decorates a list allowing it to grow when called with a non-existent index value. |
<T> |
static List<T> |
withLazyDefault$$bridge(List<T> self, Closure<T> init) |
<T> |
static T |
withObjectInputStream(File file, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withObjectInputStream(File file, ClassLoader classLoader, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withObjectInputStream(InputStream inputStream, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withObjectInputStream(InputStream inputStream, ClassLoader classLoader, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withObjectOutputStream(File file, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withObjectOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withObjectStreams(Socket socket, Closure<T> closure) |
static Object |
withOutputStream(File file, Closure closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withPrintWriter(File file, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withPrintWriter(File file, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withPrintWriter(Writer writer, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withReader(File file, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withReader(File file, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withReader(Reader reader, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withReader(URL url, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withReader(URL url, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withReader(InputStream in, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withReader(InputStream in, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withStream(InputStream stream, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withStream(OutputStream os, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withStreams(Socket socket, Closure<T> closure) |
static Object |
withTraits(Object self, Class<?>... traits) Dynamically wraps an instance into something which implements the supplied trait classes. |
<T> |
static T |
withWriter(File file, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withWriter(File file, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withWriter(Writer writer, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withWriter(OutputStream stream, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withWriter(OutputStream stream, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withWriterAppend(File file, String charset, Closure<T> closure) |
<T> |
static T |
withWriterAppend(File file, Closure<T> closure) |
static void |
write(Writer self, Writable writable) |
static void |
write(File file, String text) |
static void |
write(File file, String text, String charset) |
static void |
writeLine(BufferedWriter writer, String line) |
static BitSet |
xor(BitSet left, BitSet right) Bitwise XOR together two BitSets. |
static Number |
xor(Number left, Number right) Bitwise XOR together two Numbers. |
static Boolean |
xor(Boolean left, Boolean right) Exclusive disjunction of two boolean operators |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class DefaultGroovyMethodsSupport |
cloneSimilarCollection, cloneSimilarMap, closeQuietly, closeWithWarning, createSimilarArray, createSimilarCollection, createSimilarCollection, createSimilarCollection, createSimilarList, createSimilarMap, createSimilarOrDefaultCollection, createSimilarQueue, createSimilarSet, normaliseIndex, sameType, subListBorders, subListBorders |
class Object |
wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll |
Get the absolute value
- a NumberGet the absolute value
- a LongGet the absolute value
- a FloatGet the absolute value
- a Double Modifies the collection by adding all of the elements in the specified array to the collection.
The behavior of this operation is undefined if
the specified array is modified while the operation is in progress.
See also plus
or the '+' operator if wanting to produce a new collection
containing additional items but while leaving the original collection unchanged.
- a Collection to be modifieditems
- array containing elements to be added to this collection Modifies this list by inserting all of the elements in the specified array into the
list at the specified position. Shifts the
element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent
elements to the right (increases their indices). The new elements
will appear in this list in the order that they occur in the array.
The behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified array
is modified while the operation is in progress.
See also plus
for similar functionality with copy semantics, i.e. which produces a new
list after adding the additional items at the specified position but leaves the original list unchanged.
- a list to be modifieditems
- array containing elements to be added to this collectionindex
- index at which to insert the first element from the
specified arrayAdds all items from the iterator to the Collection.
- the collectionitems
- the items to addAdds all items from the iterable to the Collection.
- the collectionitems
- the items to addAllows the usage of addShutdownHook without getting the runtime first.
- the object the method is called on (ignored)closure
- the shutdown hook actionBitwise AND together two Numbers.
- a Numberright
- another Number to bitwise ANDBitwise AND together two BitSets.
- a BitSetright
- another BitSet to bitwise ANDLogical conjunction of two boolean operators.
- left operatorright
- right operatorIterates over the contents of an object or collection, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one element.
assert [1, 2, 3].any { it == 2 } assert ![1, 2, 3].any { it > 3 }
- the object over which we iteratepredicate
- the closure predicate used for matchingIterates over the contents of an iterator, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one element.
assert [1, 2, 3].iterator().any { it == 2 } assert ![1, 2, 3].iterator().any { it > 3 }
- the iterator over which we iteratepredicate
- the closure predicate used for matchingIterates over the contents of an iterable, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one element.
assert [1, 2, 3].any { it == 2 } assert ![1, 2, 3].any { it > 3 }
- the iterable over which we iteratepredicate
- the closure predicate used for matchingIterates over the contents of an Array, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one element.
- the array over which we iteratepredicate
- the closure predicate used for matchingIterates over the entries of a map, and checks whether a predicate is valid for at least one entry. If the closure takes one parameter then it will be passed the Map.Entry otherwise if the closure takes two parameters then it will be passed the key and the value.
assert [2:3, 4:5, 5:10].any { key, value -> key * 2 == value } assert ![2:3, 4:5, 5:10].any { entry -> entry.key == entry.value * 2 }
- the map over which we iteratepredicate
- the 1 or 2 arg closure predicate used for matchingIterates over the elements of a collection, and checks whether at least one element is true according to the Groovy Truth. Equivalent to self.any({element -> element})
assert [false, true].any() assert [0, 1].any() assert ![0, 0].any()
- the object over which we iterateCoerce an object instance to a boolean value. An object is coerced to true if it's not null, to false if it is null.
- the object to coerceCoerce a Boolean instance to a boolean value.
- the BooleanCoerce a collection instance to a boolean value. A collection is coerced to false if it's empty, and to true otherwise.
assert [1,2].asBoolean() == true
assert [].asBoolean() == false
- the collectionCoerce a map instance to a boolean value. A map is coerced to false if it's empty, and to true otherwise.
assert [:] as Boolean == false assert [a:2] as Boolean == true
- the mapCoerce an iterator instance to a boolean value. An iterator is coerced to false if there are no more elements to iterate over, and to true otherwise.
- the iteratorCoerce an enumeration instance to a boolean value. An enumeration is coerced to false if there are no more elements to enumerate, and to true otherwise.
- the enumerationCoerce an Object array to a boolean value. An Object array is false if the array is of length 0. and to true otherwise
- the arrayCoerces a byte array to a boolean value. A byte array is false if the array is of length 0, and true otherwise.
- an arrayCoerces a short array to a boolean value. A short array is false if the array is of length 0, and true otherwise.
- an arrayCoerces an int array to a boolean value. An int array is false if the array is of length 0, and true otherwise.
- an arrayCoerces a long array to a boolean value. A long array is false if the array is of length 0, and true otherwise.
- an arrayCoerces a float array to a boolean value. A float array is false if the array is of length 0, and true otherwise.
- an arrayCoerces a double array to a boolean value. A double array is false if the array is of length 0, and true otherwise.
- an arrayCoerces a boolean array to a boolean value. A boolean array is false if the array is of length 0, and true otherwise.
- an arrayCoerces a char array to a boolean value. A char array is false if the array is of length 0, and true otherwise.
- an arrayCoerce a character to a boolean value. A character is coerced to false if it's character value is equal to 0, and to true otherwise.
- the characterCoerce a Float instance to a boolean value.
- the Floattrue
for non-zero and non-NaN values, else false
Coerce a Double instance to a boolean value.
- the Doubletrue
for non-zero and non-NaN values, else false
Coerce a number to a boolean value. A number is coerced to false if its double value is equal to 0, and to true otherwise.
- the numberConverts this Iterable to a Collection. Returns the original Iterable if it is already a Collection.
Example usage:
assert new HashSet().asCollection() instanceof Collection
- an Iterable to be converted into a CollectionA convenience method for creating an immutable map.
- a MapA convenience method for creating an immutable sorted map.
- a SortedMapA convenience method for creating an immutable list
- a ListA convenience method for creating an immutable list.
- a SetA convenience method for creating an immutable sorted set.
- a SortedSetA convenience method for creating an immutable Collection.
def mutable = [1,2,3] def immutable = mutable.asImmutable() mutable << 4 try { immutable << 4 assert false } catch (UnsupportedOperationException) { assert true }
- a CollectionConverts this Iterable to a List. Returns the original Iterable if it is already a List.
Example usage:
assert new HashSet().asList() instanceof List
- an Iterable to be converted into a ListA convenience method for creating a synchronized Map.
- a MapA convenience method for creating a synchronized SortedMap.
- a SortedMapA convenience method for creating a synchronized Collection.
- a CollectionA convenience method for creating a synchronized List.
- a ListA convenience method for creating a synchronized Set.
- a SetA convenience method for creating a synchronized SortedSet.
- a SortedSetConverts the given iterable to another type.
- a Iterableclazz
- the desired classConverts the given collection to another type. A default concrete type is used for List, Set, or SortedSet. If the given type has a constructor taking a collection, that is used. Otherwise, the call is deferred to asType(Object,Class). If this collection is already of the given type, the same instance is returned.
- a collectionclazz
- the desired classConverts the given array to either a List, Set, or SortedSet. If the given class is something else, the call is deferred to asType(Object,Class).
- an arrayclazz
- the desired classCoerces the closure to an implementation of the given class. The class is assumed to be an interface or class with a single method definition. The closure is used as the implementation of that single method.
- the implementation of the single methodclazz
- the target typeCoerces this map to the given type, using the map's keys as the public method names, and values as the implementation. Typically the value would be a closure which behaves like the method implementation.
- this mapclazz
- the target typeTransform this number to a the given type, using the 'as' operator. The following types are supported in addition to the default asType(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Class):
- this numberc
- the desired type of the transformed resultConverts a given object to a type. This method is used through the "as" operator and is overloadable as any other operator.
- the object to converttype
- the goal typeBitwise NEGATE a BitSet.
- a BitSetBitwise NEGATE a Number.
- a Number Returns a BufferedIterator
that allows examining the next element without
consuming it.
assert [1, 2, 3, 4].iterator().buffered().with { [head(), toList()] } == [1, [1, 2, 3, 4]]
- an iterator object Returns a BufferedIterator
that allows examining the next element without
consuming it.
assert new LinkedHashSet([1,2,3,4]).bufferedIterator().with { [head(), toList()] } == [1, [1,2,3,4]]
- an iterable object Returns a BufferedIterator
that allows examining the next element without
consuming it.
assert [1, 2, 3, 4].bufferedIterator().with { [head(), toList()] } == [1, [1, 2, 3, 4]]
- a list Collates this iterable into sub-lists of length size
def list = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] def coll = list.collate( 3 ) assert coll == [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7 ] ]
- an Iterablesize
- the length of each sub-list in the returned list Collates this iterable into sub-lists of length size
stepping through the code step
elements for each subList.
def list = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] def coll = list.collate( 3, 1 ) assert coll == [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 4 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 4 ] ]
- an Iterablesize
- the length of each sub-list in the returned liststep
- the number of elements to step through for each sub-list Collates this iterable into sub-lists of length size
. Any remaining elements in
the iterable after the subdivision will be dropped if keepRemainder
is false.
def list = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] def coll = list.collate( 3, false ) assert coll == [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]
- an Iterablesize
- the length of each sub-list in the returned listkeepRemainder
- if true, any remaining elements are returned as sub-lists. Otherwise they are discarded Collates this iterable into sub-lists of length size
stepping through the code step
elements for each sub-list. Any remaining elements in the iterable after the subdivision will be dropped if
is false.
def list = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] assert list.collate( 2, 2, true ) == [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] assert list.collate( 3, 1, true ) == [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 4 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 4 ] ] assert list.collate( 3, 1, false ) == [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 4 ] ]
- an Iterablesize
- the length of each sub-list in the returned liststep
- the number of elements to step through for each sub-listkeepRemainder
- if true, any remaining elements are returned as sub-lists. Otherwise they are discardedIterates through this aggregate Object transforming each item into a new value using Closure.IDENTITY as a transformer, basically returning a list of items copied from the original object.
assert [1,2,3] == [1,2,3].iterator().collect()
- an aggregate Object with an Iterator returning its items Iterates through this aggregate Object transforming each item into a new value using the
closure, returning a list of transformed values.
def list = [1, 'a', 1.23, true ] def types = list.collect { it.class } assert types == [Integer, String, BigDecimal, Boolean]
- an aggregate Object with an Iterator returning its itemstransform
- the closure used to transform each item of the aggregate object Iterates through this aggregate Object transforming each item into a new value using the transform
and adding it to the supplied collector
- an aggregate Object with an Iterator returning its itemscollector
- the Collection to which the transformed values are addedtransform
- the closure used to transform each item of the aggregate object Iterates through this Array transforming each item into a new value using the
closure, returning a list of transformed values.
- an Arraytransform
- the closure used to transform each item of the Array Iterates through this Array transforming each item into a new value using the transform
and adding it to the supplied collector
Integer[] nums = [1,2,3] Listanswer = [] nums.collect(answer) { it * 2 } assert [2,4,6] == answer
- an Arraycollector
- the Collection to which the transformed values are addedtransform
- the closure used to transform each item Iterates through this Iterator transforming each item into a new value using the
closure, returning a list of transformed values.
- an Iteratortransform
- the closure used to transform each item Iterates through this Iterator transforming each item into a new value using the transform
and adding it to the supplied collector
- an Iteratorcollector
- the Collection to which the transformed values are addedtransform
- the closure used to transform each itemIterates through this collection transforming each entry into a new value using Closure.IDENTITY as a transformer, basically returning a list of items copied from the original collection.
assert [1,2,3] == [1,2,3].collect()
- a collection Iterates through this collection transforming each entry into a new value using the transform
returning a list of transformed values.
- a collectiontransform
- the closure used to transform each item of the collection Iterates through this collection transforming each value into a new value using the transform
and adding it to the supplied collector
assert [1,2,3] as HashSet == [2,4,5,6].collect(new HashSet()) { (int)(it / 2) }
- a collectioncollector
- the Collection to which the transformed values are addedtransform
- the closure used to transform each item of the collectionIterates through this collection transforming each entry into a new value using Closure.IDENTITY as a transformer, basically returning a list of items copied from the original collection.
assert [1,2,3] == [1,2,3].collect()
- an Iterable Iterates through this Iterable transforming each entry into a new value using the transform
returning a list of transformed values.
assert [2,4,6] == [1,2,3].collect { it * 2 }
- an Iterabletransform
- the closure used to transform each item of the collection Iterates through this collection transforming each value into a new value using the transform
and adding it to the supplied collector
assert [1,2,3] as HashSet == [2,4,5,6].collect(new HashSet()) { (int)(it / 2) }
- an Iterablecollector
- the Collection to which the transformed values are addedtransform
- the closure used to transform each item Iterates through this Map transforming each map entry into a new value using the transform
returning the collector
with all transformed values added to it.
assert [a:1, b:2].collect( [] as HashSet ) { key, value -> key*value } == ["a", "bb"] as Set assert [3:20, 2:30].collect( [] as HashSet ) { entry -> entry.key * entry.value } == [60] as Set
- a Mapcollector
- the Collection to which transformed values are addedtransform
- the transformation closure which can take one (Map.Entry) or two (key, value) parameters Iterates through this Map transforming each map entry into a new value using the transform
returning a list of transformed values.
assert [a:1, b:2].collect { key, value -> key*value } == ["a", "bb"] assert [3:20, 2:30].collect { entry -> entry.key * entry.value } == [60, 60]
- a Maptransform
- the transformation closure which can take one (Map.Entry) or two (key, value) parametersDeprecated alias for collectNested
Deprecated alias for collectNested
Iterates through this Map transforming each map entry using the transform
returning a map of the transformed entries.
assert [a:1, b:2].collectEntries( [:] ) { k, v -> [v, k] } == [1:'a', 2:'b'] assert [a:1, b:2].collectEntries( [30:'C'] ) { key, value -> [(value*10): key.toUpperCase()] } == [10:'A', 20:'B', 30:'C']Note: When using the list-style of result, the behavior is '
def (key, value) = listResultFromClosure
While we strongly discourage using a list of size other than 2, Groovy's normal semantics apply in this case;
throwing away elements after the second one and using null for the key or value for the case of a shortened list.
If your collector Map doesn't support null keys or values, you might get a runtime error, e.g. NullPointerException or IllegalArgumentException.
- a Mapcollector
- the Map into which the transformed entries are puttransform
- the closure used for transforming, which can take one (Map.Entry) or two (key, value) parameters and
should return a Map.Entry, a Map or a two-element list containing the resulting key and value Iterates through this Map transforming each entry using the transform
and returning a map of the transformed entries.
assert [a:1, b:2].collectEntries { key, value -> [value, key] } == [1:'a', 2:'b'] assert [a:1, b:2].collectEntries { key, value -> [(value*10): key.toUpperCase()] } == [10:'A', 20:'B']Note: When using the list-style of result, the behavior is '
def (key, value) = listResultFromClosure
While we strongly discourage using a list of size other than 2, Groovy's normal semantics apply in this case;
throwing away elements after the second one and using null for the key or value for the case of a shortened list.
If your Map doesn't support null keys or values, you might get a runtime error, e.g. NullPointerException or IllegalArgumentException.
- a Maptransform
- the closure used for transforming, which can take one (Map.Entry) or two (key, value) parameters and
should return a Map.Entry, a Map or a two-element list containing the resulting key and valueA variant of collectEntries for Iterators.
- an Iteratortransform
- the closure used for transforming, which has an item from self as the parameter and
should return a Map.Entry, a Map or a two-element list containing the resulting key and value Iterates through this Iterable transforming each item using the transform
and returning a map of the resulting transformed entries.
def letters = "abc" // collect letters with index using list style assert (0..2).collectEntries { index -> [index, letters[index]] } == [0:'a', 1:'b', 2:'c'] // collect letters with index using map style assert (0..2).collectEntries { index -> [(index): letters[index]] } == [0:'a', 1:'b', 2:'c']Note: When using the list-style of result, the behavior is '
def (key, value) = listResultFromClosure
While we strongly discourage using a list of size other than 2, Groovy's normal semantics apply in this case;
throwing away elements after the second one and using null for the key or value for the case of a shortened list.
- an Iterabletransform
- the closure used for transforming, which has an item from self as the parameter and
should return a Map.Entry, a Map or a two-element list containing the resulting key and valueA variant of collectEntries for Iterators using the identity closure as the transform.
- an Iterator A variant of collectEntries for Iterable objects using the identity closure as the transform.
The source Iterable should contain a list of [key, value]
tuples or Map.Entry
def nums = [1, 10, 100, 1000] def tuples = nums.collect{ [it, it.toString().size()] } assert tuples == [[1, 1], [10, 2], [100, 3], [1000, 4]] def map = tuples.collectEntries() assert map == [1:1, 10:2, 100:3, 1000:4]
- an IterableA variant of collectEntries for Iterators using a supplied map as the destination of transformed entries.
- an Iteratorcollector
- the Map into which the transformed entries are puttransform
- the closure used for transforming, which has an item from self as the parameter and
should return a Map.Entry, a Map or a two-element list containing the resulting key and valueIterates through this Iterable transforming each item using the closure as a transformer into a map entry, returning the supplied map with all of the transformed entries added to it.
def letters = "abc" // collect letters with index assert (0..2).collectEntries( [:] ) { index -> [index, letters[index]] } == [0:'a', 1:'b', 2:'c'] assert (0..2).collectEntries( [4:'d'] ) { index -> [(index+1): letters[index]] } == [1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c', 4:'d']Note: When using the list-style of result, the behavior is '
def (key, value) = listResultFromClosure
While we strongly discourage using a list of size other than 2, Groovy's normal semantics apply in this case;
throwing away elements after the second one and using null for the key or value for the case of a shortened list.
If your collector Map doesn't support null keys or values, you might get a runtime error, e.g. NullPointerException or IllegalArgumentException.
- an Iterablecollector
- the Map into which the transformed entries are puttransform
- the closure used for transforming, which has an item from self as the parameter and
should return a Map.Entry, a Map or a two-element list containing the resulting key and valueA variant of collectEntries for Iterators using the identity closure as the transform and a supplied map as the destination of transformed entries.
- an Iteratorcollector
- the Map into which the transformed entries are putA variant of collectEntries for Iterables using the identity closure as the transform and a supplied map as the destination of transformed entries.
- an Iterablecollector
- the Map into which the transformed entries are put Iterates through this array transforming each item using the transform
and returning a map of the resulting transformed entries.
def letters = "abc" def nums = [0, 1, 2] as Integer[] // collect letters with index assert nums.collectEntries( [:] ) { index -> [index, letters[index]] } == [0:'a', 1:'b', 2:'c'] assert nums.collectEntries( [4:'d'] ) { index -> [(index+1): letters[index]] } == [1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c', 4:'d']Note: When using the list-style of result, the behavior is '
def (key, value) = listResultFromClosure
While we strongly discourage using a list of size other than 2, Groovy's normal semantics apply in this case;
throwing away elements after the second one and using null for the key or value for the case of a shortened list.
If your collector Map doesn't support null keys or values, you might get a runtime error, e.g. NullPointerException or IllegalArgumentException.
- an arraycollector
- the Map into which the transformed entries are puttransform
- the closure used for transforming, which has an item from self as the parameter and
should return a Map.Entry, a Map or a two-element list containing the resulting key and valueA variant of collectEntries using the identity closure as the transform.
- an arraycollector
- the Map into which the transformed entries are put Iterates through this array transforming each item using the transform
and returning a map of the resulting transformed entries.
def letters = "abc" def nums = [0, 1, 2] as Integer[] // collect letters with index using list style assert nums.collectEntries { index -> [index, letters[index]] } == [0:'a', 1:'b', 2:'c'] // collect letters with index using map style assert nums.collectEntries { index -> [(index): letters[index]] } == [0:'a', 1:'b', 2:'c']Note: When using the list-style of result, the behavior is '
def (key, value) = listResultFromClosure
While we strongly discourage using a list of size other than 2, Groovy's normal semantics apply in this case;
throwing away elements after the second one and using null for the key or value for the case of a shortened list.
- a Collectiontransform
- the closure used for transforming, which has an item from self as the parameter and
should return a Map.Entry, a Map or a two-element list containing the resulting key and valueA variant of collectEntries using the identity closure as the transform.
- an arrayProjects each item from a source Iterable to a collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections into a single list.
def nums = 1..10 def squaresAndCubesOfEvens = nums.collectMany{ it % 2 ? [] : [it**2, it**3] } assert squaresAndCubesOfEvens == [4, 8, 16, 64, 36, 216, 64, 512, 100, 1000] def animals = ['CAT', 'DOG', 'ELEPHANT'] as Set def smallAnimals = animals.collectMany{ it.size() > 3 ? [] : [it.toLowerCase()] } assert smallAnimals == ['cat', 'dog'] def orig = nums as Set def origPlusIncrements = orig.collectMany{ [it, it+1] } assert origPlusIncrements.size() == orig.size() * 2 assert origPlusIncrements.unique().size() == orig.size() + 1
- an Iterableprojection
- a projecting Closure returning a collection of items Projects each item from a source collection to a result collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting
collections adding them into the collector
def animals = ['CAT', 'DOG', 'ELEPHANT'] as Set def smallAnimals = animals.collectMany(['ant', 'bee']){ it.size() > 3 ? [] : [it.toLowerCase()] } assert smallAnimals == ['ant', 'bee', 'cat', 'dog'] def nums = 1..5 def origPlusIncrements = nums.collectMany([] as Set){ [it, it+1] } assert origPlusIncrements.size() == nums.size() + 1
- an Iterablecollector
- an initial collection to add the projected items toprojection
- a projecting Closure returning a collection of items Projects each item from a source map to a result collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting
collections adding them into the collector
def map = [bread:3, milk:5, butter:2] def result = map.collectMany(['x']){ k, v -> k.startsWith('b') ? k.toList() : [] } assert result == ['x', 'b', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'b', 'u', 't', 't', 'e', 'r']
- a mapcollector
- an initial collection to add the projected items toprojection
- a projecting Closure returning a collection of itemsProjects each item from a source map to a result collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections adding them into a collection.
def map = [bread:3, milk:5, butter:2] def result = map.collectMany{ k, v -> k.startsWith('b') ? k.toList() : [] } assert result == ['b', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'b', 'u', 't', 't', 'e', 'r']
- a mapprojection
- a projecting Closure returning a collection of itemsProjects each item from a source array to a collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections into a single list.
def nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] as Object[] def squaresAndCubesOfEvens = nums.collectMany{ it % 2 ? [] : [it**2, it**3] } assert squaresAndCubesOfEvens == [4, 8, 16, 64, 36, 216]
- an arrayprojection
- a projecting Closure returning a collection of itemsProjects each item from a source iterator to a collection and concatenates (flattens) the resulting collections into a single list.
def numsIter = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].iterator() def squaresAndCubesOfEvens = numsIter.collectMany{ it % 2 ? [] : [it**2, it**3] } assert squaresAndCubesOfEvens == [4, 8, 16, 64, 36, 216]
- an iteratorprojection
- a projecting Closure returning a collection of itemsRecursively iterates through this collection transforming each non-Collection value into a new value using the closure as a transformer. Returns a potentially nested list of transformed values.
assert [2,[4,6],[8],[]] == [1,[2,3],[4],[]].collectNested { it * 2 }
- a collectiontransform
- the closure used to transform each item of the collectionRecursively iterates through this Iterable transforming each non-Collection value into a new value using the closure as a transformer. Returns a potentially nested list of transformed values.
assert [2,[4,6],[8],[]] == [1,[2,3],[4],[]].collectNested { it * 2 }
- an Iterabletransform
- the closure used to transform each item of the Iterable Recursively iterates through this Iterable transforming each non-Collection value
into a new value using the transform
closure. Returns a potentially nested
collection of transformed values.
def x = [1,[2,3],[4],[]].collectNested(new Vector()) { it * 2 } assert x == [2,[4,6],[8],[]] assert x instanceof Vector
- an Iterablecollector
- an initial Collection to which the transformed values are addedtransform
- the closure used to transform each element of the IterableAdds GroovyCollections#combinations(Iterable) as a method on Iterables.
Example usage:
assert [['a', 'b'],[1, 2, 3]].combinations() == [['a', 1], ['b', 1], ['a', 2], ['b', 2], ['a', 3], ['b', 3]]
- an Iterable of collectionsAdds GroovyCollections#combinations(Iterable, Closure) as a method on collections.
Example usage:
assert [[2, 3],[4, 5, 6]].combinations {x,y -> x*y } == [8, 12, 10, 15, 12, 18]
- a Collection of listsfunction
- a closure to be called on each combinationCompare a Character and a Number. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the comparison (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Characterright
- a NumberCompare a Number and a Character. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the comparison (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Numberright
- a CharacterCompare two Characters. The ordinal values of the Characters are compared (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Characterright
- a CharacterCompare two Numbers. Equality (==) for numbers dispatches to this.
- a Numberright
- another Number to compare toReturns true if this iterable contains the item.
- an Iterable to be checked for containmentitem
- an Object to be checked for containment in this iterableChecks whether the array contains the given value.
- the array we are searchingvalue
- the value being searched forChecks whether the array contains the given value.
- the array we are searchingvalue
- the value being searched forChecks whether the array contains the given value.
- the array we are searchingvalue
- the value being searched forChecks whether the array contains the given value.
- the array we are searchingvalue
- the value being searched forChecks whether the array contains the given value.
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched forChecks whether the array contains the given value.
- the array we are searchingvalue
- the value being searched forChecks whether the array contains the given value.
- the array we are searchingvalue
- the value being searched forChecks whether the array contains the given value.
- the array we are searchingvalue
- the value being searched forChecks whether the array contains the given value.
- the array we are searchingvalue
- the value being searched forReturns true if this iterable contains all of the elements in the specified array.
- an Iterable to be checked for containmentitems
- array to be checked for containment in this iterable Counts the number of occurrences of the given value from the
items within this Iterator.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
The iterator will become exhausted of elements after determining the count value.
- the Iterator from which we count the number of matching occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched forCounts the number of occurrences which satisfy the given closure from the items within this Iterator. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after determining the count value.
Example usage:
assert [2,4,2,1,3,5,2,4,3].toSet().iterator().count{ it % 2 == 0 } == 2
- the Iterator from which we count the number of matching occurrencesclosure
- a closure condition Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this Iterable.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
Example usage:
assert [2,4,2,1,3,5,2,4,3].count(4) == 2
- the Iterable within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched forCounts the number of occurrences which satisfy the given closure from inside this Iterable.
Example usage:
assert [2,4,2,1,3,5,2,4,3].count{ it % 2 == 0 } == 5
- the Iterable within which we count the number of occurrencesclosure
- a closure conditionCounts the number of occurrences which satisfy the given closure from inside this map. If the closure takes one parameter then it will be passed the Map.Entry. Otherwise, the closure should take two parameters and will be passed the key and value.
Example usage:
assert [a:1, b:1, c:2, d:2].count{ k,v -> k == 'a' || v == 2 } == 3
- the map within which we count the number of occurrencesclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure condition applying on the entries Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched forCounts the number of occurrences which satisfy the given closure from inside this array.
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesclosure
- a closure condition Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched for Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched for Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched for Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched for Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched for Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched for Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched for Counts the number of occurrences of the given value inside this array.
Comparison is done using Groovy's == operator (using
compareTo(value) == 0
or equals(value)
- the array within which we count the number of occurrencesvalue
- the value being searched forSorts all collection members into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure and counts the group size. The closure should return the key that each item should be grouped by. The returned Map will have an entry for each distinct key returned from the closure, with each value being the frequency of items occurring for that group.
Example usage:
assert [0:2, 1:3] == [1,2,3,4,5].countBy { it % 2 }
- a collection to group and countclosure
- a closure mapping items to the frequency keysSorts all array members into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure and counts the group size. The closure should return the key that each item should be grouped by. The returned Map will have an entry for each distinct key returned from the closure, with each value being the frequency of items occurring for that group.
Example usage:
assert ([1,2,2,2,3] as Object[]).countBy{ it % 2 } == [1:2, 0:3]
- an array to group and countclosure
- a closure mapping items to the frequency keysSorts all iterator items into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure and counts the group size. The closure should return the key that each item should be grouped by. The returned Map will have an entry for each distinct key returned from the closure, with each value being the frequency of items occurring for that group.
Example usage:
assert [1,2,2,2,3].toSet().iterator().countBy{ it % 2 } == [1:2, 0:1]
- an iterator to group and countclosure
- a closure mapping items to the frequency keysGroups the members of a map into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure and counts the frequency of the created groups. The closure will be passed a Map.Entry or key and value (depending on the number of parameters the closure accepts) and should return the key that each item should be grouped under. The resulting map will have an entry for each 'group' key returned by the closure, with values being the frequency counts for that 'group'.
def result = [a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5].countBy { it.value % 2 } assert result == [0:2, 1:3]
- a map to group and countclosure
- a closure mapping entries to frequency count keys Returns true
if the intersection of two iterables is empty.
assert [1,2,3].disjoint([3,4,5]) == false
assert [1,2].disjoint([3,4]) == true
- an Iterableright
- an Iterabletrue
if the intersection of two iterables
is empty, false
otherwise.Divide a Character by a Number. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the division (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Characterright
- a NumberDivide a Number by a Character. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the division (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Numberright
- a CharacterDivide one Character by another. The ordinal values of the Characters are used in the division (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Characterright
- another CharacterIterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time.
- a Numberto
- another Number to go down toclosure
- the closure to callIterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time.
- a longto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time.
- a Longto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time.
- a floatto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time.
- a Floatto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time.
- a doubleto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time.
- a Doubleto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time.
- a BigIntegerto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number down to the given number, inclusive, decrementing by one each time. Each number is passed to the closure. Example:
10.5.downto(0) { println it }Prints numbers 10.5, 9.5 ... to 0.5.
- a BigDecimalto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberDrops the given number of elements from the head of this List.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as SortedSet assert strings.drop( 0 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as SortedSet assert strings.drop( 2 ) == [ 'c' ] as SortedSet assert strings.drop( 5 ) == [] as SortedSet
- the original SortedSetnum
- the number of elements to drop from this Iterablenum
or an empty list if it has less then num
elements.Drops the given number of elements from the head of this List.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.drop( 0 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.drop( 2 ) == [ 'c' ] assert strings.drop( 5 ) == []
- the original Listnum
- the number of elements to drop from this Iterablenum
or an empty list if it has less then num
elements.Drops the given number of elements from the head of this Iterable.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.drop( 0 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.drop( 2 ) == [ 'c' ] assert strings.drop( 5 ) == [] class AbcIterable implements Iterable{ Iterator iterator() { "abc".iterator() } } def abc = new AbcIterable() assert abc.drop(0) == ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert abc.drop(1) == ['b', 'c'] assert abc.drop(3) == [] assert abc.drop(5) == []
- the original Iterablenum
- the number of elements to drop from this Iterablenum
or an empty list if it has less then num
elements.Drops the given number of elements from the head of this array if they are available.
String[] strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.drop( 0 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as String[] assert strings.drop( 2 ) == [ 'c' ] as String[] assert strings.drop( 5 ) == [] as String[]
- the original arraynum
- the number of elements to drop from this arraynum
ones, or else the empty array, if this
array has less than num
elements.Drops the given number of key/value pairs from the head of this map if they are available.
def strings = [ 'a':10, 'b':20, 'c':30 ] assert strings.drop( 0 ) == [ 'a':10, 'b':20, 'c':30 ] assert strings.drop( 2 ) == [ 'c':30 ] assert strings.drop( 5 ) == [:]If the map instance does not have ordered keys, then this function could drop a random
entries. Groovy by default uses LinkedHashMap, so this shouldn't be an issue in the main.
- the original mapnum
- the number of elements to drop from this mapnum
ones, or else the empty map, if this map has
less than num
elements. Drops the given number of elements from the head of this iterator if they are available.
The original iterator is stepped along by num
def iteratorCompare( Iterator a, List b ) { a.collect { it } == b } def iter = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].listIterator() assert iteratorCompare( iter.drop( 0 ), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ) iter = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].listIterator() assert iteratorCompare( iter.drop( 2 ), [ 3, 4, 5 ] ) iter = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].listIterator() assert iteratorCompare( iter.drop( 5 ), [] )
- the original iteratornum
- the number of elements to drop from this iteratornum
elements if they exist.Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this SortedSet.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as SortedSet assert strings.dropRight( 0 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as SortedSet assert strings.dropRight( 2 ) == [ 'a' ] as SortedSet assert strings.dropRight( 5 ) == [] as SortedSet
- the original SortedSetnum
- the number of elements to drop from this SortedSetnum
or an empty SortedSet if it has less then num
elements.Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this List.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.dropRight( 0 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.dropRight( 2 ) == [ 'a' ] assert strings.dropRight( 5 ) == []
- the original Listnum
- the number of elements to drop from this Listnum
or an empty List if it has less then num
elements.Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this Iterable.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.dropRight( 0 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.dropRight( 2 ) == [ 'a' ] assert strings.dropRight( 5 ) == [] class AbcIterable implements Iterable{ Iterator iterator() { "abc".iterator() } } def abc = new AbcIterable() assert abc.dropRight(0) == ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert abc.dropRight(1) == ['a', 'b'] assert abc.dropRight(3) == [] assert abc.dropRight(5) == []
- the original Iterablenum
- the number of elements to drop from this Iterablenum
or an empty list if it has less then num
elements.Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this Iterator.
def getObliterator() { "obliter8".iterator() } assert obliterator.dropRight(-1).toList() == ['o', 'b', 'l', 'i', 't', 'e', 'r', '8'] assert obliterator.dropRight(0).toList() == ['o', 'b', 'l', 'i', 't', 'e', 'r', '8'] assert obliterator.dropRight(1).toList() == ['o', 'b', 'l', 'i', 't', 'e', 'r'] assert obliterator.dropRight(4).toList() == ['o', 'b', 'l', 'i'] assert obliterator.dropRight(7).toList() == ['o'] assert obliterator.dropRight(8).toList() == [] assert obliterator.dropRight(9).toList() == []
- the original Iteratornum
- the number of elements to dropnum
or an empty Iterator if it has less then num
elements.Drops the given number of elements from the tail of this array if they are available.
String[] strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.dropRight( 0 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as String[] assert strings.dropRight( 2 ) == [ 'a' ] as String[] assert strings.dropRight( 5 ) == [] as String[]
- the original arraynum
- the number of elements to drop from this arraynum
ones, or else the empty array, if this
array has less than num
elements.Returns a suffix of this SortedSet where elements are dropped from the front while the given Closure evaluates to true. Similar to dropWhile(Iterable, groovy.lang.Closure) except that it attempts to preserve the type of the original SortedSet.
def nums = [ 1, 2, 3 ] as SortedSet assert nums.dropWhile{ it < 4 } == [] as SortedSet assert nums.dropWhile{ it < 2 } == [ 2, 3 ] as SortedSet assert nums.dropWhile{ it != 3 } == [ 3 ] as SortedSet assert nums.dropWhile{ it == 0 } == [ 1, 2, 3 ] as SortedSet
- the original SortedSetcondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to continue dropping elementsReturns a suffix of this List where elements are dropped from the front while the given Closure evaluates to true. Similar to dropWhile(Iterable, groovy.lang.Closure) except that it attempts to preserve the type of the original list.
def nums = [ 1, 3, 2 ] assert nums.dropWhile{ it < 4 } == [] assert nums.dropWhile{ it < 3 } == [ 3, 2 ] assert nums.dropWhile{ it != 2 } == [ 2 ] assert nums.dropWhile{ it == 0 } == [ 1, 3, 2 ]
- the original listcondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to continue dropping elementsReturns a suffix of this Iterable where elements are dropped from the front while the given closure evaluates to true.
class HorseIterable implements Iterable{ Iterator iterator() { "horse".iterator() } } def horse = new HorseIterable() assert horse.dropWhile{ it < 'r' } == ['r', 's', 'e'] assert horse.dropWhile{ it <= 'r' } == ['s', 'e']
- an Iterablecondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to continue dropping elementsCreate a suffix of the given Map by dropping as many entries as possible from the front of the original Map such that calling the given closure condition evaluates to true when passed each of the dropped entries (or key/value pairs).
def shopping = [milk:1, bread:2, chocolate:3] assert shopping.dropWhile{ it.key.size() < 6 } == [chocolate:3] assert shopping.dropWhile{ it.value % 2 } == [bread:2, chocolate:3] assert shopping.dropWhile{ k, v -> k.size() + v <= 7 } == [chocolate:3]If the map instance does not have ordered keys, then this function could appear to drop random entries. Groovy by default uses LinkedHashMap, so this shouldn't be an issue in the main.
- a Mapcondition
- a 1 (or 2) arg Closure that must evaluate to true for the
entry (or key and value) to continue dropping elementsCreate a suffix of the given array by dropping as many elements as possible from the front of the original array such that calling the given closure condition evaluates to true when passed each of the dropped elements.
def nums = [ 1, 3, 2 ] as Integer[] assert nums.dropWhile{ it <= 3 } == [ ] as Integer[] assert nums.dropWhile{ it < 3 } == [ 3, 2 ] as Integer[] assert nums.dropWhile{ it != 2 } == [ 2 ] as Integer[] assert nums.dropWhile{ it == 0 } == [ 1, 3, 2 ] as Integer[]
- the original arraycondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to
continue dropping elementsCreates an Iterator that returns a suffix of the elements from an original Iterator. As many elements as possible are dropped from the front of the original Iterator such that calling the given closure condition evaluates to true when passed each of the dropped elements.
def a = 0 def iter = [ hasNext:{ a < 10 }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator assert [].iterator().dropWhile{ it < 3 }.toList() == [] assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].iterator().dropWhile{ it < 3 }.toList() == [ 3, 4, 5 ] assert iter.dropWhile{ it < 5 }.toList() == [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
- the Iteratorcondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to continue dropping elementsGenerates a detailed dump string of an object showing its class, hashCode and fields.
- an objectIterates through an array passing each array entry to the given closure.
String[] letters = ['a', 'b', 'c'] String result = '' letters.each{ result += it } assert result == 'abc'
- the array over which we iterateclosure
- the closure applied on each array entryIterates through an aggregate type or data structure, passing each item to the given closure. Custom types may utilize this method by simply providing an "iterator()" method. The items returned from the resulting iterator will be passed to the closure.
String result = '' ['a', 'b', 'c'].each{ result += it } assert result == 'abc'
- the object over which we iterateclosure
- the closure applied on each element foundIterates through an Iterable, passing each item to the given closure.
- the Iterable over which we iterateclosure
- the closure applied on each element foundIterates through an Iterator, passing each item to the given closure.
- the Iterator over which we iterateclosure
- the closure applied on each element foundIterates through a Collection, passing each item to the given closure.
- the Collection over which we iterateclosure
- the closure applied on each element foundIterates through a List, passing each item to the given closure.
- the List over which we iterateclosure
- the closure applied on each element foundIterates through a Set, passing each item to the given closure.
- the Set over which we iterateclosure
- the closure applied on each element foundIterates through a SortedSet, passing each item to the given closure.
- the SortedSet over which we iterateclosure
- the closure applied on each element foundAllows a Map to be iterated through using a closure. If the closure takes one parameter then it will be passed the Map.Entry otherwise if the closure takes two parameters then it will be passed the key and the value.
def result = "" [a:1, b:3].each { key, value -> result += "$key$value" } assert result == "a1b3"
def result = "" [a:1, b:3].each { entry -> result += entry } assert result == "a=1b=3"In general, the order in which the map contents are processed cannot be guaranteed. In practise, specialized forms of Map, e.g. a TreeMap will have its contents processed according to the natural ordering of the map.
- the map over which we iterateclosure
- the 1 or 2 arg closure applied on each entry of the mapTraverse through each byte of this Byte array. Alias for each.
- a Byte arrayclosure
- a closureTraverse through each byte of this byte array. Alias for each.
- a byte arrayclosure
- a closureApplies a function on each combination of the input lists.
Example usage:
[[2, 3],[4, 5, 6]].eachCombination { println "Found $it" }
- a Collection of listsfunction
- a closure to be called on each combinationIterates over all permutations of a collection, running a closure for each iteration.
Example usage:
def permutations = [] [1, 2, 3].eachPermutation{ permutations << it } assert permutations == [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1]]
- the Collection of itemsclosure
- the closure to call for each permutationIterates through an array, passing each array element and the element's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure.
String[] letters = ['a', 'b', 'c'] String result = '' letters.eachWithIndex{ letter, index -> result += "$index:$letter" } assert result == '0:a1:b2:c'
- an arrayclosure
- a Closure to operate on each array entryIterates through an aggregate type or data structure, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure.
String result = '' ['a', 'b', 'c'].eachWithIndex{ letter, index -> result += "$index:$letter" } assert result == '0:a1:b2:c'
- an Objectclosure
- a Closure to operate on each itemIterates through an iterable type, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure.
- an Iterableclosure
- a Closure to operate on each itemIterates through an iterator type, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure.
- an Iteratorclosure
- a Closure to operate on each itemIterates through a Collection, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure.
- a Collectionclosure
- a Closure to operate on each itemIterates through a List, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure.
- a Listclosure
- a Closure to operate on each itemIterates through a Set, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure.
- a Setclosure
- a Closure to operate on each itemIterates through a SortedSet, passing each item and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) to the given closure.
- a SortedSetclosure
- a Closure to operate on each itemAllows a Map to be iterated through using a closure. If the closure takes two parameters then it will be passed the Map.Entry and the item's index (a counter starting at zero) otherwise if the closure takes three parameters then it will be passed the key, the value, and the index.
def result = "" [a:1, b:3].eachWithIndex { key, value, index -> result += "$index($key$value)" } assert result == "0(a1)1(b3)"
def result = "" [a:1, b:3].eachWithIndex { entry, index -> result += "$index($entry)" } assert result == "0(a=1)1(b=3)"
- the map over which we iterateclosure
- a 2 or 3 arg Closure to operate on each itemCompare the contents of this array to the contents of the given array.
- an int arrayright
- the array being compared Determines if the contents of this array are equal to the
contents of the given list, in the same order. This returns
if either collection is null
- an arrayright
- the List being compared Determines if the contents of this list are equal to the
contents of the given array in the same order. This returns
if either collection is null
assert [1, "a"].equals( [ 1, "a" ] as Object[] )
- a Listright
- the Object[] being compared to Compare the contents of two Lists. Order matters.
If numbers exist in the Lists, then they are compared as numbers,
for example 2 == 2L. If both lists are null
, the result
is true; otherwise if either list is null
, the result
is false
assert ["a", 2].equals(["a", 2]) assert ![2, "a"].equals("a", 2) assert [2.0, "a"].equals(2L, "a") // number comparison at work
- a Listright
- the List being compared totrue
if the contents of both lists are identical,
otherwise.Compare the contents of two Sets for equality using Groovy's coercion rules.
Returns true if the two sets have the same size, and every member
of the specified set is contained in this set (or equivalently, every member
of this set is contained in the specified set).
If numbers exist in the sets, then they are compared as numbers,
for example 2 == 2L. If both sets are null
, the result
is true; otherwise if either set is null
, the result
is false
. Example usage:
Set s1 = ["a", 2] def s2 = [2, 'a'] as Set Set s3 = [3, 'a'] def s4 = [2.0, 'a'] as Set def s5 = [2L, 'a'] as Set assert s1.equals(s2) assert !s1.equals(s3) assert s1.equals(s4) assert s1.equals(s5)
- a Setother
- the Set being compared toCompares two Maps treating coerced numerical values as identical.
Example usage:
assert [a:2, b:3] == [a:2L, b:3.0]
- this Mapother
- the Map being compared to Used to determine if the given predicate closure is valid (i.e. returns
for all items in this data structure).
A simple example for a list:
def list = [3,4,5] def greaterThanTwo = list.every { it > 2 }
- the object over which we iteratepredicate
- the closure predicate used for matching Used to determine if the given predicate closure is valid (i.e. returns
for all items in this iterator).
A simple example for a list:
def list = [3,4,5] def greaterThanTwo = list.iterator().every { it > 2 }
- the iterator over which we iteratepredicate
- the closure predicate used for matching Used to determine if the given predicate closure is valid (i.e. returns
for all items in this Array).
- an Arraypredicate
- the closure predicate used for matching Used to determine if the given predicate closure is valid (i.e. returns
for all items in this iterable).
A simple example for a list:
def list = [3,4,5] def greaterThanTwo = list.every { it > 2 }
- the iterable over which we iteratepredicate
- the closure predicate used for matchingIterates over the entries of a map, and checks whether a predicate is valid for all entries. If the closure takes one parameter then it will be passed the Map.Entry otherwise if the closure takes two parameters then it will be passed the key and the value.
def map = [a:1, b:2.0, c:2L] assert !map.every { key, value -> value instanceof Integer } assert map.every { entry -> entry.value instanceof Number }
- the map over which we iteratepredicate
- the 1 or 2 arg Closure predicate used for matching Iterates over every element of a collection, and checks whether all
elements are true
according to the Groovy Truth.
Equivalent to self.every({element -> element})
assert [true, true].every() assert [1, 1].every() assert ![1, 0].every()
- the object over which we iterateFinds the first value matching the closure condition.
def numbers = [1, 2, 3] def result = numbers.find { it > 1} assert result == 2
- an Object with an iterator returning its valuesclosure
- a closure conditionFinds the first item matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth).
def items = [null, 0, 0.0, false, '', [], 42, 43] assert items.find() == 42
- an Object with an Iterator returning its valuesFinds the first value matching the closure condition. Example:
def list = [1,2,3] assert 2 == list.find { it > 1 }
- a Collectionclosure
- a closure conditionFinds the first element in the array that matches the given closure condition. Example:
def list = [1,2,3] as Integer[] assert 2 == list.find { it > 1 } assert null == list.find { it > 5 }
- an Arraycondition
- a closure conditionFinds the first item matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth).
def items = [null, 0, 0.0, false, '', [], 42, 43] assert items.find() == 42
- a CollectionFinds the first entry matching the closure condition. If the closure takes two parameters, the entry key and value are passed. If the closure takes one parameter, the Map.Entry object is passed.
assert [a:1, b:3].find { it.value == 3 }.key == "b"
- a Mapclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure conditionFinds all values matching the closure condition.
assert ([2,4] as Set) == ([1,2,3,4] as Set).findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
- a Setclosure
- a closure conditionFinds all values matching the closure condition.
assert [2,4] == [1,2,3,4].findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
- a Listclosure
- a closure conditionFinds all values matching the closure condition.
assert [2,4] == [1,2,3,4].findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
- a Collectionclosure
- a closure conditionFinds all elements of the array matching the given Closure condition.
def items = [1,2,3,4] as Integer[] assert [2,4] == items.findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
- an arraycondition
- a closure conditionFinds the items matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth).
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] as Set assert items.findAll() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]] as Set
- a SetFinds the items matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth).
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] assert items.findAll() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]]
- a ListFinds the items matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth).
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] assert items.findAll() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]]
- a CollectionFinds the elements of the array matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth).
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] as Object[] assert items.findAll() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]]
- an arrayFinds all items matching the closure condition.
- an Object with an Iterator returning its valuesclosure
- a closure conditionFinds all items matching the IDENTITY Closure (i.e. matching Groovy truth).
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] assert items.findAll() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]]
- an Object with an Iterator returning its valuesFinds all entries matching the closure condition. If the closure takes one parameter then it will be passed the Map.Entry. Otherwise if the closure should take two parameters, which will be the key and the value.
If the self
map is one of TreeMap, LinkedHashMap, Hashtable
or Properties, the returned Map will preserve that type, otherwise a HashMap will
be returned.
Example usage:
def result = [a:1, b:2, c:4, d:5].findAll { it.value % 2 == 0 } assert result.every { it instanceof Map.Entry } assert result*.key == ["b", "c"] assert result*.value == [2, 4]
- a Mapclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure condition applying on the entriesIterates over the elements of an aggregate of items and returns the index of the first item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- the iteration object over which to iteratecondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an aggregate of items, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the first item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- the iteration object over which to iteratestartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterator and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure.
- an Iteratorcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterator, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure.
- an IteratorstartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterable and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure.
- an Iterablecondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterable, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure.
- an IterablestartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Array and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure.
- an Arraycondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Array, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure.
- an ArraystartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an aggregate of items and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.
- the iteration object over which to iteratecondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an aggregate of items, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.
- the iteration object over which to iteratestartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterator and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.
- an Iteratorcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterator, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.
- an IteratorstartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterable and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.
- an Iterablecondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterable, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.
- an IterablestartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Array and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.
- an Arraycondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Array, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.
- an ArraystartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an aggregate of items and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- the iteration object over which to iteratecondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an aggregate of items, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- the iteration object over which to iteratestartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterator and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- an Iteratorcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterator, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- an IteratorstartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterable and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- an Iterablecondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Iterable, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- an IterablestartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Array and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- an Arraycondition
- the matching conditionIterates over the elements of an Array, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the last item that matches the condition specified in the closure.
- an ArraystartIndex
- start matching from this indexcondition
- the matching conditionTreats the object as iterable, iterating through the values it represents and returns the first non-null result obtained from calling the closure, otherwise returns null.
int[] numbers = [1, 2, 3] assert numbers.findResult { if(it > 1) return it } == 2 assert numbers.findResult { if(it > 4) return it } == null
- an Object with an iterator returning its valuescondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedTreats the object as iterable, iterating through the values it represents and returns the first non-null result obtained from calling the closure, otherwise returns the defaultResult.
int[] numbers = [1, 2, 3] assert numbers.findResult(5) { if(it > 1) return it } == 2 assert numbers.findResult(5) { if(it > 4) return it } == 5
- an Object with an iterator returning its valuesdefaultResult
- an Object that should be returned if all closure results are nullcondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedIterates through the collection calling the given closure for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. If all are null, the defaultResult is returned.
- a CollectiondefaultResult
- an Object that should be returned if all closure results are nullcondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedIterates through the collection calling the given closure for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. If all results are null, null is returned.
- a Collectioncondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedIterates through the Iterator calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. If all are null, the defaultResult is returned.
def iter = [1,2,3].iterator() assert "Found 2" == iter.findResult("default") { it > 1 ? "Found $it" : null } assert "default" == iter.findResult("default") { it > 3 ? "Found $it" : null }
- an IteratordefaultResult
- an Object that should be returned if all closure results are nullcondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedIterates through the Iterator calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. If all results are null, null is returned.
- an Iteratorcondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedIterates through the Iterable calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. If all are null, the defaultResult is returned.
def list = [1,2,3] assert "Found 2" == list.findResult("default") { it > 1 ? "Found $it" : null } assert "default" == list.findResult("default") { it > 3 ? "Found $it" : null }
- an IterabledefaultResult
- an Object that should be returned if all closure results are nullcondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedIterates through the Iterable calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. If all results are null, null is returned.
- an Iterablecondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedIterates through the Array calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. If all are null, the defaultResult is returned.
- an ArraydefaultResult
- an Object that should be returned if all closure results are nullcondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedIterates through the Array calling the given closure condition for each item but stopping once the first non-null result is found and returning that result. If all results are null, null is returned.
- an Arraycondition
- a closure that returns a non-null value to indicate that processing should stop and the value should be returnedReturns the first non-null closure result found by passing each map entry to the closure, otherwise null is returned. If the closure takes two parameters, the entry key and value are passed. If the closure takes one parameter, the Map.Entry object is passed.
assert "Found b:3" == [a:1, b:3].findResult { if (it.value == 3) return "Found ${it.key}:${it.value}" } assert null == [a:1, b:3].findResult { if (it.value == 9) return "Found ${it.key}:${it.value}" } assert "Found a:1" == [a:1, b:3].findResult { k, v -> if (k.size() + v == 2) return "Found $k:$v" }
- a Mapcondition
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure that returns a non-null value when processing should stop and a value should be returnedReturns the first non-null closure result found by passing each map entry to the closure, otherwise the defaultResult is returned. If the closure takes two parameters, the entry key and value are passed. If the closure takes one parameter, the Map.Entry object is passed.
assert "Found b:3" == [a:1, b:3].findResult("default") { if (it.value == 3) return "Found ${it.key}:${it.value}" } assert "default" == [a:1, b:3].findResult("default") { if (it.value == 9) return "Found ${it.key}:${it.value}" } assert "Found a:1" == [a:1, b:3].findResult("default") { k, v -> if (k.size() + v == 2) return "Found $k:$v" }
- a MapdefaultResult
- an Object that should be returned if all closure results are nullcondition
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure that returns a non-null value when processing should stop and a value should be returnedIterates through the Iterable transforming items using the supplied closure and collecting any non-null results.
def list = [1,2,3] def result = list.findResults { it > 1 ? "Found $it" : null } assert result == ["Found 2", "Found 3"]
- an IterablefilteringTransform
- a Closure that should return either a non-null transformed value or null for items which should be discardedIterates through the Iterator transforming items using the supplied closure and collecting any non-null results.
- an IteratorfilteringTransform
- a Closure that should return either a non-null transformed value or null for items which should be discardedIterates through the Array transforming items using the supplied closure and collecting any non-null results.
- an ArrayfilteringTransform
- a Closure that should return either a non-null transformed value or null for items which should be discardedIterates through the map transforming items using the supplied closure and collecting any non-null results. If the closure takes two parameters, the entry key and value are passed. If the closure takes one parameter, the Map.Entry object is passed.
def map = [a:1, b:2, hi:2, cat:3, dog:2] def result = map.findResults { k, v -> k.size() == v ? "Found $k:$v" : null } assert result == ["Found a:1", "Found hi:2", "Found cat:3"]
- a MapfilteringTransform
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure that should return either a non-null transformed value or null for items which should be discardedReturns the first item from the List.
def list = [3, 4, 2] assert list.first() == 3 // check original is unaltered assert list == [3, 4, 2]
- a ListReturns the first item from the Iterable.
def set = [3, 4, 2] as LinkedHashSet assert set.first() == 3 // check original is unaltered assert set == [3, 4, 2] as SetThe first element returned by the Iterable's iterator is returned. If the Iterable doesn't guarantee a defined order it may appear like a random element is returned.
- an IterableReturns the first item from the array.
def array = [3, 4, 2].toArray() assert array.first() == 3
- an arrayFlatten a Collection. This Collection and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
assert [1,2,3,4,5] == [1,[2,3],[[4]],[],5].flatten()
- a Collection to flattenFlatten an Iterable. This Iterable and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
assert [1,2,3,4,5] == [1,[2,3],[[4]],[],5].flatten()
- an Iterable to flattenFlatten a List. This List and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new List.
assert [1,2,3,4,5] == [1,[2,3],[[4]],[],5].flatten()
- a List to flattenFlatten a Set. This Set and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new Set.
assert [1,2,3,4,5] as Set == ([1,[2,3],[[4]],[],5] as Set).flatten()
- a Set to flattenFlatten a SortedSet. This SortedSet and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new SortedSet.
Set nested = [[0,1],[2],3,[4],5] SortedSet sorted = new TreeSet({ a, b -> (a instanceof List ? a[0] : a) <=> (b instanceof List ? b[0] : b) } as Comparator) sorted.addAll(nested) assert [0,1,2,3,4,5] as SortedSet == sorted.flatten()
- a SortedSet to flattenFlatten an array. This array and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
- an Array to flattenFlatten an array. This array and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
- a boolean Array to flattenFlatten an array. This array and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
- a byte Array to flattenFlatten an array. This array and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
- a char Array to flattenFlatten an array. This array and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
- a short Array to flattenFlatten an array. This array and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
- an int Array to flattenFlatten an array. This array and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
- a long Array to flattenFlatten an array. This array and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
- a float Array to flattenFlatten an array. This array and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection.
- a double Array to flattenFlatten an Iterable. This Iterable and any nested arrays or collections have their contents (recursively) added to the new collection. For any non-Array, non-Collection object which represents some sort of collective type, the supplied closure should yield the contained items; otherwise, the closure should just return any element which corresponds to a leaf.
- an IterableflattenUsing
- a closure to determine how to flatten non-Array, non-Collection elementsLooks up an item in a Map for the given key and returns the value - unless there is no entry for the given key in which case add the default value to the map and return that.
def map=[:] map.get("a", []) << 5 assert map == [a:[5]]
- a Mapkey
- the key to lookup the value ofdefaultValue
- the value to return and add to the map for this key if
there is no entry for the given key Allows the subscript operator to be used to lookup dynamic property values.
. The normal property notation
of groovy is neater and more concise but only works with compile-time known
property names.
- the object to act uponproperty
- the property name of interestSupport the range subscript operator for a List.
def list = [1, "a", 4.5, true] assert list[1..2] == ["a", 4.5]
- a Listrange
- a Range indicating the items to getSelect a List of items from an eager or lazy List using a Collection to identify the indices to be selected.
def list = [].withDefault { 42 } assert list[1,0,2] == [42, 42, 42]
- a ListWithDefaultindices
- a Collection of indicesSupport the range subscript operator for an eager or lazy List.
def list = [].withDefault { 42 } assert list[1..2] == [null, 42]
- a ListWithDefaultrange
- a Range indicating the items to getSupport the range subscript operator for an eager or lazy List.
def list = [true, 1, 3.4].withDefault{ 42 } assert list[0..<0] == []
- a ListWithDefaultrange
- a Range indicating the items to getSupport the range subscript operator for a List.
def list = [true, 1, 3.4] assert list[0..<0] == []
- a Listrange
- a Range indicating the items to getSelect a List of items from a List using a Collection to identify the indices to be selected.
def list = [true, 1, 3.4, false] assert list[1,0,2] == [1, true, 3.4]
- a Listindices
- a Collection of indicesSelect a List of items from an array using a Collection to identify the indices to be selected.
- an arrayindices
- a Collection of indicesSupport the range subscript operator for an Array
- an Array of Objectsrange
- a Range
- an Array of Objectsrange
- an IntRange
- an Array of Objectsrange
- an EmptyRange
- an Array of Objectsrange
- an ObjectRangeSupport the subscript operator for a List.
def list = [2, "a", 5.3] assert list[1] == "a"
- a Listidx
- an indexSupport the subscript operator for an Iterator. The iterator will be partially exhausted up until the idx entry after returning if a +ve or 0 idx is used, or fully exhausted if a -ve idx is used or no corresponding entry was found. Typical usage:
def iter = [2, "a", 5.3].iterator() assert iter[1] == "a"A more elaborate example:
def items = [2, "a", 5.3] def iter = items.iterator() assert iter[-1] == 5.3 // iter exhausted, so reset iter = items.iterator() assert iter[1] == "a" // iter partially exhausted so now idx starts after "a" assert iter[0] == 5.3
- an Iteratoridx
- an index value (-self.size() <= idx < self.size())Support the subscript operator for an Iterable. Typical usage:
// custom Iterable example: class MyIterable implements Iterable { Iterator iterator() { [1, 2, 3].iterator() } } def myIterable = new MyIterable() assert myIterable[1] == 2 // Set example: def set = [1,2,3] as LinkedHashSet assert set[1] == 2
- an Iterableidx
- an index value (-self.size() <= idx < self.size()) but using -ve index values will be inefficientSupport the subscript operator for a Map.
def map = [a:10] assert map["a"] == 10
- a Mapkey
- an Object as a key for the mapSupport the subscript operator for Collection.
assert [String, Long, Integer] == ["a",5L,2]["class"]
- a Collectionproperty
- a StringSupport the subscript operator with a range for a byte array
- a byte arrayrange
- a range indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a range for a char array
- a char arrayrange
- a range indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a range for a short array
- a short arrayrange
- a range indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a range for an int array
- an int arrayrange
- a range indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a range for a long array
- a long arrayrange
- a range indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a range for a float array
- a float arrayrange
- a range indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a range for a double array
- a double arrayrange
- a range indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a range for a boolean array
- a boolean arrayrange
- a range indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an IntRange for a byte array
- a byte arrayrange
- an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an IntRange for a char array
- a char arrayrange
- an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an IntRange for a short array
- a short arrayrange
- an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an IntRange for an int array
- an int arrayrange
- an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an IntRange for a long array
- a long arrayrange
- an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an IntRange for a float array
- a float arrayrange
- an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an IntRange for a double array
- a double arrayrange
- an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an IntRange for a boolean array
- a boolean arrayrange
- an IntRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a byte array
- a byte arrayrange
- an ObjectRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a char array
- a char arrayrange
- an ObjectRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a short array
- a short arrayrange
- an ObjectRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for an int array
- an int arrayrange
- an ObjectRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a long array
- a long arrayrange
- an ObjectRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a float array
- a float arrayrange
- an ObjectRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a double array
- a double arrayrange
- an ObjectRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with an ObjectRange for a byte array
- a byte arrayrange
- an ObjectRange indicating the indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a collection for a byte array
- a byte arrayindices
- a collection of indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a collection for a char array
- a char arrayindices
- a collection of indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a collection for a short array
- a short arrayindices
- a collection of indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a collection for an int array
- an int arrayindices
- a collection of indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a collection for a long array
- a long arrayindices
- a collection of indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a collection for a float array
- a float arrayindices
- a collection of indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a collection for a double array
- a double arrayindices
- a collection of indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator with a collection for a boolean array
- a boolean arrayindices
- a collection of indices for the items to retrieveSupport the subscript operator for a Bitset
- a BitSetindex
- index to retrieveSupport retrieving a subset of a BitSet using a Range
- a BitSetrange
- a Range defining the desired subsetGet runtime groovydoc
- the groovydoc holdReturns indices of the collection.
assert 0..2 == [5, 6, 7].indices
- a collectionReturns indices of the array.
String[] letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] assert 0..<4 == letters.indices
- an array Adds a "metaClass" property to all class objects so you can use the syntax
String.metaClass.myMethod = { println "foo" }
- The java.lang.Class instanceObtains a MetaClass for an object either from the registry or in the case of a GroovyObject from the object itself.
- The object in questionObtains a MetaClass for an object either from the registry or in the case of a GroovyObject from the object itself.
- The object in questionRetrieves the list of MetaProperty objects for 'self' and wraps it in a list of PropertyValue objects that additionally provide the value for each property of 'self'.
- the receiver objectConvenience method that calls getMetaPropertyValues(java.lang.Object)(self) and provides the data in form of simple key/value pairs, i.e. without type() information.
- the receiver object Iterates through the classloader parents until it finds a loader with a class
named "". If there is no such class
will be returned. The name is used for comparison because
a direct comparison using == may fail as the class may be loaded through
different classloaders.
- a ClassLoader Iterates over the collection of items which this Object represents and returns each item that matches
the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. This method can be used with different
kinds of filters like regular expressions, classes, ranges etc.
def list = ['a', 'b', 'aa', 'bc', 3, 4.5] assert list.grep( ~/a+/ ) == ['a', 'aa'] assert list.grep( ~/../ ) == ['aa', 'bc'] assert list.grep( Number ) == [ 3, 4.5 ] assert list.grep{ it.toString().size() == 1 } == [ 'a', 'b', 3 ]
- the object over which we iteratefilter
- the filter to perform on the object (using the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method) Iterates over the collection of items and returns each item that matches
the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. This method can be used with different
kinds of filters like regular expressions, classes, ranges etc.
def list = ['a', 'b', 'aa', 'bc', 3, 4.5] assert list.grep( ~/a+/ ) == ['a', 'aa'] assert list.grep( ~/../ ) == ['aa', 'bc'] assert list.grep( Number ) == [ 3, 4.5 ] assert list.grep{ it.toString().size() == 1 } == [ 'a', 'b', 3 ]
- a collectionfilter
- the filter to perform on each element of the collection (using the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method) Iterates over the collection of items and returns each item that matches
the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. This method can be used with different
kinds of filters like regular expressions, classes, ranges etc.
def list = ['a', 'b', 'aa', 'bc', 3, 4.5] assert list.grep( ~/a+/ ) == ['a', 'aa'] assert list.grep( ~/../ ) == ['aa', 'bc'] assert list.grep( Number ) == [ 3, 4.5 ] assert list.grep{ it.toString().size() == 1 } == [ 'a', 'b', 3 ]
- a Listfilter
- the filter to perform on each element of the collection (using the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method) Iterates over the collection of items and returns each item that matches
the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. This method can be used with different
kinds of filters like regular expressions, classes, ranges etc.
def set = ['a', 'b', 'aa', 'bc', 3, 4.5] as Set assert set.grep( ~/a+/ ) == ['a', 'aa'] as Set assert set.grep( ~/../ ) == ['aa', 'bc'] as Set assert set.grep( Number ) == [ 3, 4.5 ] as Set assert set.grep{ it.toString().size() == 1 } == [ 'a', 'b', 3 ] as Set
- a Setfilter
- the filter to perform on each element of the collection (using the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method) Iterates over the array of items and returns a collection of items that match
the given filter - calling the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
method used by switch statements. This method can be used with different
kinds of filters like regular expressions, classes, ranges etc.
def items = ['a', 'b', 'aa', 'bc', 3, 4.5] as Object[] assert items.grep( ~/a+/ ) == ['a', 'aa'] assert items.grep( ~/../ ) == ['aa', 'bc'] assert items.grep( Number ) == [ 3, 4.5 ] assert items.grep{ it.toString().size() == 1 } == [ 'a', 'b', 3 ]
- an arrayfilter
- the filter to perform on each element of the array (using the isCase(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method)Iterates over the collection of items which this Object represents and returns each item that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth.
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] assert items.grep() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]]
- the object over which we iterateIterates over the collection returning each element that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth.
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] assert items.grep() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]]
- a CollectionIterates over the collection returning each element that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth.
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] assert items.grep() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]]
- a ListIterates over the collection returning each element that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth.
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] as Set assert items.grep() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]] as Set
- a SetIterates over the array returning each element that matches using the IDENTITY Closure as a filter - effectively returning all elements which satisfy Groovy truth.
def items = [1, 2, 0, false, true, '', 'foo', [], [4, 5], null] as Object[] assert items.grep() == [1, 2, true, 'foo', [4, 5]]
- an arrayGroups the current element according to the value
- the map containing the resultselement
- the element to be placedvalue
- the value according to which the element will be placedSorts all Iterable members into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure. The closure should return the key that this item should be grouped by. The returned LinkedHashMap will have an entry for each distinct key returned from the closure, with each value being a list of items for that group.
Example usage:
assert [0:[2,4,6], 1:[1,3,5]] == [1,2,3,4,5,6].groupBy { it % 2 }
- a collection to groupclosure
- a closure mapping entries on keysSorts all array members into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure. The closure should return the key that this item should be grouped by. The returned LinkedHashMap will have an entry for each distinct key returned from the closure, with each value being a list of items for that group.
Example usage:
Integer[] items = [1,2,3,4,5,6] assert [0:[2,4,6], 1:[1,3,5]] == items.groupBy { it % 2 }
- an array to groupclosure
- a closure mapping entries on keysSorts all Iterable members into (sub)groups determined by the supplied mapping closures. Each closure should return the key that this item should be grouped by. The returned LinkedHashMap will have an entry for each distinct 'key path' returned from the closures, with each value being a list of items for that 'group path'. Example usage:
def result = [1,2,3,4,5,6].groupBy({ it % 2 }, { it < 4 }) assert result == [1:[(true):[1, 3], (false):[5]], 0:[(true):[2], (false):[4, 6]]]Another example:
def sql = groovy.sql.Sql.newInstance(/* ... */) def data = sql.rows("SELECT * FROM a_table").groupBy({ it.column1 }, { it.column2 }, { it.column3 }) if (data.val1.val2.val3) { // there exists a record where: // a_table.column1 == val1 // a_table.column2 == val2, and // a_table.column3 == val3 } else { // there is no such record }If an empty array of closures is supplied the IDENTITY Closure will be used.
- a collection to groupclosures
- an array of closures, each mapping entries on keysSorts all array members into (sub)groups determined by the supplied mapping closures as per the Iterable variant of this method.
- an array to groupclosures
- an array of closures, each mapping entries on keysSorts all Iterable members into (sub)groups determined by the supplied mapping closures. Each closure should return the key that this item should be grouped by. The returned LinkedHashMap will have an entry for each distinct 'key path' returned from the closures, with each value being a list of items for that 'group path'. Example usage:
def result = [1,2,3,4,5,6].groupBy([{ it % 2 }, { it < 4 }]) assert result == [1:[(true):[1, 3], (false):[5]], 0:[(true):[2], (false):[4, 6]]]Another example:
def sql = groovy.sql.Sql.newInstance(/* ... */) def data = sql.rows("SELECT * FROM a_table").groupBy([{ it.column1 }, { it.column2 }, { it.column3 }]) if (data.val1.val2.val3) { // there exists a record where: // a_table.column1 == val1 // a_table.column2 == val2, and // a_table.column3 == val3 } else { // there is no such record }If an empty list of closures is supplied the IDENTITY Closure will be used.
- a collection to groupclosures
- a list of closures, each mapping entries on keysSorts all array members into (sub)groups determined by the supplied mapping closures as per the list variant of this method.
- an array to groupclosures
- a list of closures, each mapping entries on keysGroups the members of a map into sub maps determined by the supplied mapping closure. The closure will be passed a Map.Entry or key and value (depending on the number of parameters the closure accepts) and should return the key that each item should be grouped under. The resulting map will have an entry for each 'group' key returned by the closure, with values being the map members from the original map that belong to each group. (If instead of a map, you want a list of map entries use {code}groupEntriesBy{code}.)
If the self
map is one of TreeMap, Hashtable or Properties,
the returned Map will preserve that type, otherwise a LinkedHashMap will
be returned.
def result = [a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6].groupBy { it.value % 2 } assert result == [0:[b:2, d:4, f:6], 1:[a:1, c:3, e:5]]
- a map to groupclosure
- a closure mapping entries on keys Groups the members of a map into sub maps determined by the supplied
mapping closures. Each closure will be passed a Map.Entry or key and
value (depending on the number of parameters the closure accepts) and
should return the key that each item should be grouped under. The
resulting map will have an entry for each 'group path' returned by all
closures, with values being the map members from the original map that
belong to each such 'group path'.
If the self
map is one of TreeMap, Hashtable, or Properties,
the returned Map will preserve that type, otherwise a LinkedHashMap will
be returned.
def result = [a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6].groupBy({ it.value % 2 }, { }) assert result == [1:[b:[a:1], d:[c:3], f:[e:5]], 0:[c:[b:2], e:[d:4], g:[f:6]]]If an empty array of closures is supplied the IDENTITY Closure will be used.
- a map to groupclosures
- an array of closures that map entries on keys Groups the members of a map into sub maps determined by the supplied
mapping closures. Each closure will be passed a Map.Entry or key and
value (depending on the number of parameters the closure accepts) and
should return the key that each item should be grouped under. The
resulting map will have an entry for each 'group path' returned by all
closures, with values being the map members from the original map that
belong to each such 'group path'.
If the self
map is one of TreeMap, Hashtable, or Properties,
the returned Map will preserve that type, otherwise a LinkedHashMap will
be returned.
def result = [a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6].groupBy([{ it.value % 2 }, { }]) assert result == [1:[b:[a:1], d:[c:3], f:[e:5]], 0:[c:[b:2], e:[d:4], g:[f:6]]]If an empty list of closures is supplied the IDENTITY Closure will be used.
- a map to groupclosures
- a list of closures that map entries on keysGroups all map entries into groups determined by the supplied mapping closure. The closure will be passed a Map.Entry or key and value (depending on the number of parameters the closure accepts) and should return the key that each item should be grouped under. The resulting map will have an entry for each 'group' key returned by the closure, with values being the list of map entries that belong to each group. (If instead of a list of map entries, you want an actual map use {code}groupBy{code}.)
def result = [a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6].groupEntriesBy { it.value % 2 } assert result[0]*.key == ["b", "d", "f"] assert result[1]*.value == [1, 3, 5]
- a map to groupclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure mapping entries on keys
Returns true of the implementing MetaClass has a property of the given name
Note that this method will only return true for realised properties and does not take into account implementation of getProperty or propertyMissing
- The object to inspectname
- The name of the property of interestReturns the first item from the Iterable.
def set = [3, 4, 2] as LinkedHashSet assert set.head() == 3 // check original is unaltered assert set == [3, 4, 2] as SetThe first element returned by the Iterable's iterator is returned. If the Iterable doesn't guarantee a defined order it may appear like a random element is returned.
- an IterableReturns the first item from the List.
def list = [3, 4, 2] assert list.head() == 3 assert list == [3, 4, 2]
- a ListReturns the first item from the Object array.
def array = [3, 4, 2].toArray() assert array.head() == 3
- an arrayAllows the closure to be called for the object reference self. Synonym for 'with()'.
- the object to have a closure act uponclosure
- the closure to call on the objectLogical implication of two boolean operators
- left operatorright
- right operatorZips an Iterable with indices in (index, value) order.
Example usage:assert [0: "a", 1: "b"] == ["a", "b"].indexed() assert ["0: a", "1: b"] == ["a", "b"].indexed().collect { idx, str -> "$idx: $str" }
- an IterableZips an Iterable with indices in (index, value) order.
Example usage:assert [5: "a", 6: "b"] == ["a", "b"].indexed(5) assert ["1: a", "2: b"] == ["a", "b"].indexed(1).collect { idx, str -> "$idx: $str" }
- an Iterableoffset
- an index to start fromZips an iterator with indices in (index, value) order.
Example usage:assert [[0, "a"], [1, "b"]] == ["a", "b"].iterator().indexed().collect{ tuple -> [tuple.first, tuple.second] } assert ["0: a", "1: b"] == ["a", "b"].iterator().indexed().collect { idx, str -> "$idx: $str" }.toList()
- an iteratorZips an iterator with indices in (index, value) order.
Example usage:assert [[5, "a"], [6, "b"]] == ["a", "b"].iterator().indexed(5).toList() assert ["a: 1", "b: 2"] == ["a", "b"].iterator().indexed(1).collect { idx, str -> "$str: $idx" }.toList()
- an iteratoroffset
- an index to start fromReturns the items from the Iterable excluding the last item. Leaves the original Iterable unchanged.
def list = [3, 4, 2] assert list.init() == [3, 4] assert list == [3, 4, 2]
- an IterableReturns the items from the List excluding the last item. Leaves the original List unchanged.
def list = [3, 4, 2] assert list.init() == [3, 4] assert list == [3, 4, 2]
- a ListReturns the items from the SortedSet excluding the last item. Leaves the original SortedSet unchanged.
def sortedSet = [3, 4, 2] as SortedSet assert sortedSet.init() == [2, 3] as SortedSet assert sortedSet == [3, 4, 2] as SortedSet
- a SortedSetReturns an Iterator containing all of the items from this iterator except the last one.
def iter = [3, 4, 2].listIterator() def result = iter.init() assert result.toList() == [3, 4]
- an IteratorReturns the items from the Object array excluding the last item.
String[] strings = ["a", "b", "c"] def result = strings.init() assert result.length == 2 assert strings.class.componentType == String
- an arrayCalculates the init values of this Iterable: the first value will be this list of all items from the iterable and the final one will be an empty list, with the intervening values the results of successive applications of init on the items.
assert [1, 2, 3, 4].inits() == [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], [1], []]
- an IterablePerforms the same function as the version of inject that takes an initial value, but uses the head of the Collection as the initial value, and iterates over the tail.
assert 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 == [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].inject { acc, val -> acc * val } assert ['b'] == [['a','b'], ['b','c'], ['d','b']].inject { acc, val -> acc.intersect( val ) } LinkedHashSet set = [ 't', 'i', 'm' ] assert 'tim' == set.inject { a, b -> a + b }
- a Collectionclosure
- a closureIterates through the given Collection, passing in the initial value to the 2-arg closure along with the first item. The result is passed back (injected) into the closure along with the second item. The new result is injected back into the closure along with the third item and so on until the entire collection has been used. Also known as foldLeft or reduce in functional parlance. Examples:
assert 1*1*2*3*4 == [1,2,3,4].inject(1) { acc, val -> acc * val } assert 0+1+2+3+4 == [1,2,3,4].inject(0) { acc, val -> acc + val } assert 'The quick brown fox' == ['quick', 'brown', 'fox'].inject('The') { acc, val -> acc + ' ' + val } assert 'bat' == ['rat', 'bat', 'cat'].inject('zzz') { min, next -> next < min ? next : min } def max = { a, b -> [a, b].max() } def animals = ['bat', 'rat', 'cat'] assert 'rat' == animals.inject('aaa', max)Visual representation of the last example above:
initVal animals[0] v v max('aaa', 'bat') => 'bat' animals[1] v v max('bat', 'rat') => 'rat' animals[2] v v max('rat', 'cat') => 'rat'
- a CollectioninitialValue
- some initial valueclosure
- a closureIterates through the given Map, passing in the initial value to the 2-arg Closure along with the first item (or 3-arg Closure along with the first key and value). The result is passed back (injected) into the closure along with the second item. The new result is injected back into the closure along with the third item and so on until the entire collection has been used. Also known as foldLeft or reduce in functional parlance. Examples:
def map = [a:1, b:2, c:3] assert map.inject([]) { list, k, v -> list + [k] * v } == ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c']
- a MapinitialValue
- some initial valueclosure
- a 2 or 3 arg ClosureIterates through the given Iterator, passing in the initial value to the closure along with the first item. The result is passed back (injected) into the closure along with the second item. The new result is injected back into the closure along with the third item and so on until the Iterator has been expired of values. Also known as foldLeft in functional parlance.
- an IteratorinitialValue
- some initial valueclosure
- a closureIterates through the given Object, passing in the first value to the closure along with the first item. The result is passed back (injected) into the closure along with the second item. The new result is injected back into the closure along with the third item and so on until further iteration of the object is not possible. Also known as foldLeft in functional parlance.
- an Objectclosure
- a closureIterates through the given Object, passing in the initial value to the closure along with the first item. The result is passed back (injected) into the closure along with the second item. The new result is injected back into the closure along with the third item and so on until further iteration of the object is not possible. Also known as foldLeft in functional parlance.
- an ObjectinitialValue
- some initial valueclosure
- a closureIterates through the given array as with inject(Object[],initialValue,closure), but using the first element of the array as the initialValue, and then iterating the remaining elements of the array.
- an Object[]closure
- a closureIterates through the given array, passing in the initial value to the closure along with the first item. The result is passed back (injected) into the closure along with the second item. The new result is injected back into the closure along with the third item and so on until all elements of the array have been used. Also known as foldLeft in functional parlance.
- an Object[]initialValue
- some initial valueclosure
- a closureInspects returns the String that matches what would be typed into a terminal to create this object.
- any ObjectInteger Divide a Character by a Number. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the division (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Characterright
- a NumberInteger Divide a Number by a Character. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the division (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Numberright
- a CharacterInteger Divide two Characters. The ordinal values of the Characters are used in the division (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Characterright
- another CharacterInteger Divide two Numbers.
- a Numberright
- another NumberCreate a Collection composed of the intersection of both collections. Any elements that exist in both collections are added to the resultant collection. For collection of custom objects; objects should implement java.lang.Comparable
assert [4,5] == [1,2,3,4,5].intersect([4,5,6,7,8])
- a Collectionright
- a CollectionCreate a Collection composed of the intersection of both iterables. Any elements that exist in both iterables are added to the resultant collection. For collection of custom objects; objects should implement java.lang.Comparable
assert [4,5] == [1,2,3,4,5].intersect([4,5,6,7,8])
- an Iterableright
- an IterableCreate a List composed of the intersection of a List and an Iterable. Any elements that exist in both iterables are added to the resultant collection.
assert [4,5] == [1,2,3,4,5].intersect([4,5,6,7,8])
- a Listright
- an IterableCreate a Set composed of the intersection of a Set and an Iterable. Any elements that exist in both iterables are added to the resultant collection.
assert [4,5] as Set == ([1,2,3,4,5] as Set).intersect([4,5,6,7,8])
- a Setright
- an IterableCreate a SortedSet composed of the intersection of a SortedSet and an Iterable. Any elements that exist in both iterables are added to the resultant collection.
assert [4,5] as SortedSet == ([1,2,3,4,5] as SortedSet).intersect([4,5,6,7,8])
- a SortedSetright
- an IterableCreate a Map composed of the intersection of both maps. Any entries that exist in both maps are added to the resultant map.
assert [4:4,5:5] == [1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,5:5].intersect([4:4,5:5,6:6,7:7,8:8])
assert [1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4].intersect( [1: 1.0, 2: 2, 5: 5] ) == [1:1, 2:2]
- a mapright
- a mapProvide a dynamic method invocation method which can be overloaded in classes to implement dynamic proxies easily.
- any Objectmethod
- the name of the method to callarguments
- the arguments to use Identity check. Since == is overridden in Groovy with the meaning of equality
we need some fallback to check for object identity. Invoke using the
'is' method, like so: def same =
- an objectother
- an object to compare identity withMethod for overloading the behavior of the 'case' method in switch statements. The default implementation handles arrays types but otherwise simply delegates to Object#equals, but this may be overridden for other types. In this example:
switch( a ) { case b: //some code }"some code" is called when
b.isCase( a )
- the case valueswitchValue
- the switch valueSpecial 'Case' implementation for Class, which allows testing for a certain class in a switch statement. For example:
switch( obj ) { case List : // obj is a list break; case Set : // etc }
- the case valueswitchValue
- the switch value'Case' implementation for collections which tests if the 'switch' operand is contained in any of the 'case' values. For example:
switch( 3 ) { case [1,3,5]: assert true break default: assert false }
- the case valueswitchValue
- the switch value'Case' implementation for maps which tests the groovy truth value obtained using the 'switch' operand as key. For example:
switch( 'foo' ) { case [foo:true, bar:false]: assert true break default: assert false }
- the case valueswitchValue
- the switch value Special 'case' implementation for all numbers, which delegates to the
method for comparing numbers of different
- the case valueswitchValue
- the switch valueDetermines if a character is a digit. Synonym for 'Character.isDigit(this)'.
- a Character Check whether an Iterable
has elements
def items = [1] def iterable = { [ hasNext:{ !items.isEmpty() }, next:{ items.pop() } ] as Iterator } as Iterable assert !iterable.isEmpty() iterable.iterator().next() assert iterable.isEmpty()
- an IterableDetermines if a character is a letter. Synonym for 'Character.isLetter(this)'.
- a CharacterDetermines if a character is a letter or digit. Synonym for 'Character.isLetterOrDigit(this)'.
- a CharacterDetermine if a Character is lowercase. Synonym for 'Character.isLowerCase(this)'.
- a CharacterDetermine if a Character is uppercase. Synonym for 'Character.isUpperCase(this)'.
- a CharacterDetermines if a character is a whitespace character. Synonym for 'Character.isWhitespace(this)'.
- a CharacterAttempts to create an Iterator for the given object by first converting it to a Collection.
- an arrayAttempts to create an Iterator for the given object by first converting it to a Collection.
- an objectAllows an Enumeration to behave like an Iterator. Note that the Iterator.remove method is unsupported since the underlying Enumeration does not provide a mechanism for removing items.
- an Enumeration objectAn identity function for iterators, supporting 'duck-typing' when trying to get an iterator for each object within a collection, some of which may already be iterators.
- an iterator object Concatenates the toString()
representation of each
item from the iterator, with the given String as a separator between
each item. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after
determining the resulting conjoined value.
- an Iterator of itemsseparator
- a String separator Concatenates the toString()
representation of each
item in this Iterable, with the given String as a separator between each item.
assert "1, 2, 3" == [1,2,3].join(", ")
- an Iterable of objectsseparator
- a String separator Concatenates the toString()
representation of each
items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each
- an array of Objectseparator
- a String separatorConcatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item.
- an array of booleanseparator
- a String separatorConcatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item.
- an array of byteseparator
- a String separatorConcatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item.
- an array of charseparator
- a String separatorConcatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item.
- an array of doubleseparator
- a String separatorConcatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item.
- an array of floatseparator
- a String separatorConcatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item.
- an array of intseparator
- a String separatorConcatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item.
- an array of longseparator
- a String separatorConcatenates the string representation of each items in this array, with the given String as a separator between each item.
- an array of shortseparator
- a String separatorReturns the last item from the List.
def list = [3, 4, 2] assert list.last() == 2 // check original is unaltered assert list == [3, 4, 2]
- a ListReturns the last item from the Iterable.
def set = [3, 4, 2] as LinkedHashSet assert set.last() == 2 // check original unaltered assert set == [3, 4, 2] as SetThe last element returned by the Iterable's iterator is returned. If the Iterable doesn't guarantee a defined order it may appear like a random element is returned.
- an IterableReturns the last item from the array.
def array = [3, 4, 2].toArray() assert array.last() == 2
- an arrayOverloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a Collection.
def list = [1,2] list << 3 assert list == [1,2,3]
- a Collectionvalue
- an Object to be added to the collection.Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a List.
def list = [1,2] list << 3 assert list == [1,2,3]
- a Listvalue
- an Object to be added to the List.Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a Set.
def set = [1,2] as Set set << 3 assert set == [1,2,3] as Set
- a Setvalue
- an Object to be added to the Set.Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a SortedSet.
def set = [1,2] as SortedSet set << 3 assert set == [1,2,3] as SortedSet
- a SortedSetvalue
- an Object to be added to the SortedSet.Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append objects to a BlockingQueue. In case of bounded queue the method will block till space in the queue become available
def list = new java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue () list << 3 << 2 << 1 assert list.iterator().collect{it} == [3,2,1]
- a Collectionvalue
- an Object to be added to the collection.Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append Map.Entry values to a Map.
- a Mapentry
- a Map.Entry to be added to the Map. Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to put
one maps entries into another map. This allows the compact syntax
map1 << map2
; otherwise it's just a synonym for
though it returns the original map rather than
being a void
method. Example usage:
def map = [a:1, b:2] map << [c:3, d:4] assert map == [a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4]
- a Mapother
- another Map whose entries should be added to the original Map.Implementation of the left shift operator for integral types. Non integral Number types throw UnsupportedOperationException.
- a Number objectoperand
- the shift distance by which to left shift the numberSelects an entry in the map having the maximum calculated value as determined by the supplied closure. If more than one entry has the maximum value, an arbitrary choice is made between the entries having the maximum value.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison. An example:
def zoo = [monkeys:6, lions:5, tigers:7] def mostCommonEntry = zoo.max{ it.value } assert mostCommonEntry.value == 7 def leastCommonEntry = zoo.max{ a, b -> b.value <=> a.value } // double negative! assert leastCommonEntry.value == 5Edge case for multiple max values:
def zoo = [monkeys:6, lions:5, tigers:7] def lengthOfNamePlusNumber = { e -> e.key.size() + e.value } def ans = zoo.max(lengthOfNamePlusNumber) // one of [monkeys:6, tigers:7] assert lengthOfNamePlusNumber(ans) == 13
- a Mapclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine the correct orderingAdds max() method to Iterable objects.
assert 5 == [2,3,1,5,4].max()
- an IterableAdds max() method to Iterator objects. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after determining the maximum value.
- an IteratorAdds max() method to Object arrays.
- an arraySelects the item in the iterable which when passed as a parameter to the supplied closure returns the maximum value. A null return value represents the least possible return value, so any item for which the supplied closure returns null, won't be selected (unless all items return null). If more than one item has the maximum value, an arbitrary choice is made between the items having the maximum value.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
assert "hello" == ["hello","hi","hey"].max { it.length() }
assert "hello" == ["hello","hi","hey"].max { a, b -> a.length() <=> b.length() }
def pets = ['dog', 'elephant', 'anaconda'] def longestName = pets.max{ it.size() } // one of 'elephant' or 'anaconda' assert longestName.size() == 8
- an Iterableclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine the correct orderingSelects the maximum value found from the Iterator using the closure to determine the correct ordering. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after this operation.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
- an Iteratorclosure
- a Closure used to determine the correct orderingSelects the maximum value found from the Object array using the closure to determine the correct ordering.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
- an arrayclosure
- a Closure used to determine the correct orderingSelects the maximum value found in the Iterable using the given comparator.
assert "hello" == ["hello","hi","hey"].max( { a, b -> a.length() <=> b.length() } as Comparator )
- an Iterablecomparator
- a ComparatorSelects the maximum value found from the Iterator using the given comparator.
- an Iteratorcomparator
- a ComparatorSelects the maximum value found from the Object array using the given comparator.
- an arraycomparator
- a ComparatorSets/updates the metaclass for a given class to a closure.
- the class whose metaclass we wish to updateclosure
- the closure representing the new metaclassSets/updates the metaclass for a given object to a closure.
- the object whose metaclass we wish to updateclosure
- the closure representing the new metaclassAdds min() method to Collection objects.
assert 2 == [4,2,5].min()
- a CollectionAdds min() method to Iterator objects. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after determining the minimum value.
- an IteratorAdds min() method to Object arrays.
- an arraySelects the minimum value found in the Iterable using the given comparator.
assert "hi" == ["hello","hi","hey"].min( { a, b -> a.length() <=> b.length() } as Comparator )
- an Iterablecomparator
- a ComparatorSelects the minimum value found from the Iterator using the given comparator.
- an Iteratorcomparator
- a ComparatorSelects the minimum value found from the Object array using the given comparator.
- an arraycomparator
- a ComparatorSelects the item in the iterable which when passed as a parameter to the supplied closure returns the minimum value. A null return value represents the least possible return value. If more than one item has the minimum value, an arbitrary choice is made between the items having the minimum value.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
assert "hi" == ["hello","hi","hey"].min { it.length() }
def lastDigit = { a, b -> a % 10 <=> b % 10 } assert [19, 55, 91].min(lastDigit) == 91
def pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'anaconda'] def shortestName = pets.min{ it.size() } // one of 'dog' or 'cat' assert shortestName.size() == 3
- an Iterableclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine the correct orderingSelects an entry in the map having the minimum calculated value as determined by the supplied closure. If more than one entry has the minimum value, an arbitrary choice is made between the entries having the minimum value.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
def zoo = [monkeys:6, lions:5, tigers:7] def leastCommonEntry = zoo.min{ it.value } assert leastCommonEntry.value == 5 def mostCommonEntry = zoo.min{ a, b -> b.value <=> a.value } // double negative! assert mostCommonEntry.value == 7Edge case for multiple min values:
def zoo = [monkeys:6, lions:5, tigers:7] def lastCharOfName = { e -> e.key[-1] } def ans = zoo.min(lastCharOfName) // some random entry assert lastCharOfName(ans) == 's'
- a Mapclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine the correct orderingSelects the minimum value found from the Iterator using the closure to determine the correct ordering. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after this operation.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
- an Iteratorclosure
- a Closure used to determine the correct orderingSelects the minimum value found from the Object array using the closure to determine the correct ordering.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
- an arrayclosure
- a Closure used to determine the correct orderingCreate a Set composed of the elements of the first Set minus the elements of the given Collection.
- a Set objectremoveMe
- the items to remove from the SetCreate a Set composed of the elements of the first Set minus the elements from the given Iterable.
- a Set objectremoveMe
- the items to remove from the SetCreate a Set composed of the elements of the first Set minus the given element.
- a Set objectremoveMe
- the element to remove from the SetCreate a SortedSet composed of the elements of the first SortedSet minus the elements of the given Collection.
- a SortedSet objectremoveMe
- the items to remove from the SortedSetCreate a SortedSet composed of the elements of the first SortedSet minus the elements of the given Iterable.
- a SortedSet objectremoveMe
- the items to remove from the SortedSetCreate a SortedSet composed of the elements of the first SortedSet minus the given element.
- a SortedSet objectremoveMe
- the element to remove from the SortedSetCreate an array composed of the elements of the first array minus the elements of the given Iterable.
- an arrayremoveMe
- a Collection of elements to removeCreate an array composed of the elements of the first array minus the elements of the given array.
- an arrayremoveMe
- an array of elements to removeCreate a List composed of the elements of the first list minus every occurrence of elements of the given Collection.
assert [1, "a", true, true, false, 5.3] - [true, 5.3] == [1, "a", false]
- a ListremoveMe
- a Collection of elements to removeCreate a new Collection composed of the elements of the first Collection minus every occurrence of elements of the given Collection.
assert [1, "a", true, true, false, 5.3] - [true, 5.3] == [1, "a", false]
- a CollectionremoveMe
- a Collection of elements to removeCreate a new List composed of the elements of the first List minus every occurrence of elements of the given Iterable.
assert [1, "a", true, true, false, 5.3] - [true, 5.3] == [1, "a", false]
- a ListremoveMe
- an Iterable of elements to removeCreate a new Collection composed of the elements of the first Iterable minus every occurrence of elements of the given Iterable.
assert [1, "a", true, true, false, 5.3] - [true, 5.3] == [1, "a", false]
- an IterableremoveMe
- an Iterable of elements to removeCreate a new List composed of the elements of the first List minus every occurrence of the given element to remove.
assert ["a", 5, 5, true] - 5 == ["a", true]
- a List objectremoveMe
- an element to remove from the ListCreate a new Collection composed of the elements of the first Iterable minus every occurrence of the given element to remove.
assert ["a", 5, 5, true] - 5 == ["a", true]
- an Iterable objectremoveMe
- an element to remove from the IterableCreate a new object array composed of the elements of the first array minus the element to remove.
- an arrayremoveMe
- an element to remove from the arrayCreate a Map composed of the entries of the first map minus the entries of the given map.
- a map objectremoveMe
- the entries to remove from the mapSubtract a Character from a Number. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the subtraction (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Numberright
- a CharacterSubtract one Character from another. The ordinal values of the Characters is used in the comparison (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Characterright
- a CharacterExtend object with category methods. All methods for given class and all super classes will be added to the object.
- any ClasscategoryClasses
- a category classes to useExtend class globally with category methods. All methods for given class and all super classes will be added to the class.
- any ClasscategoryClasses
- a category classes to useExtend class globally with category methods.
- any ClasscategoryClass
- a category class to useExtend class globally with category methods.
- any ClasscategoryClass
- a category class to useExtend class globally with category methods.
- any ClasscategoryClass
- a category class to useExtend class globally with category methods.
- any ClasscategoryClass
- a category class to usePerforms a division modulus operation. Called by the '%' operator.
- a Numberright
- another Number to modCreate a Collection composed of the elements of this Iterable, repeated a certain number of times. Note that for non-primitive elements, multiple references to the same instance will be added.
assert [1,2,3,1,2,3] == [1,2,3] * 2Note: if the Iterable happens to not support duplicates, e.g. a Set, then the method will effectively return a Collection with a single copy of the Iterable's items.
- an Iterablefactor
- the number of times to appendCreate a List composed of the elements of this Iterable, repeated a certain number of times. Note that for non-primitive elements, multiple references to the same instance will be added.
assert [1,2,3,1,2,3] == [1,2,3] * 2Note: if the Iterable happens to not support duplicates, e.g. a Set, then the method will effectively return a Collection with a single copy of the Iterable's items.
- a Listfactor
- the number of times to appendMultiply a Character by a Number. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the multiplication (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Characterright
- a NumberMultiply a Number by a Character. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the multiplication (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Numberright
- a CharacterMultiply two Characters. The ordinal values of the Characters are used in the multiplication (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Characterright
- another CharacterMultiply a BigDecimal and a Double. Note: This method was added to enforce the Groovy rule of BigDecimal*Double == Double. Without this method, the multiply(BigDecimal) method in BigDecimal would respond and return a BigDecimal instead. Since BigDecimal is preferred over Number, the Number*Number method is not chosen as in older versions of Groovy.
- a BigDecimalright
- a DoubleMultiply a BigDecimal and a BigInteger. Note: This method was added to enforce the Groovy rule of BigDecimal*long == long. Without this method, the multiply(BigDecimal) method in BigDecimal would respond and return a BigDecimal instead. Since BigDecimal is preferred over Number, the Number*Number method is not chosen as in older versions of Groovy. BigInteger is the fallback for all integer types in Groovy
- a BigDecimalright
- a BigIntegerConvenience method to dynamically create a new instance of this class. Calls the default constructor.
- a class Helper to construct a new instance from the given arguments.
The constructor is called based on the number and types in the
args array. Use newInstance(null)
or simply
for the default (no-arg) constructor.
- a classargs
- the constructor argumentsIncrement a Character by one.
- a CharacterIncrement a Number by one.
- a NumberProvides a method that compares two comparables using Groovy's default number aware comparator.
- a Comparableother
- another ComparableBitwise OR together two numbers.
- a Numberright
- another Number to bitwise ORBitwise OR together two BitSets. Called when the '|' operator is used between two bit sets.
- a BitSetright
- another BitSet to bitwise ANDLogical disjunction of two boolean operators
- left operatorright
- right operatorFinds all permutations of an iterable.
Example usage:
def result = [1, 2, 3].permutations() assert result == [[3, 2, 1], [3, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2], [2, 3, 1], [2, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3]] as Set
- the Iterable of itemsFinds all permutations of an iterable, applies a function to each permutation and collects the result into a list.
Example usage:
Set result = [1, 2, 3].permutations { it.collect { v -> 2*v }} assert result == [[6, 4, 2], [6, 2, 4], [2, 6, 4], [4, 6, 2], [4, 2, 6], [2, 4, 6]] as Set
- the Iterable of itemsfunction
- the function to apply on each permutation Returns a new Map
containing all entries from left
and right
giving precedence to right
. Any keys appearing in both Maps
will appear in the resultant map with values from the right
operand. If the left
map is one of TreeMap, LinkedHashMap, Hashtable
or Properties, the returned Map will preserve that type, otherwise a HashMap will
be returned.
Roughly equivalent to Map m = new HashMap(); m.putAll(left); m.putAll(right); return m;
but with some additional logic to preserve the left
Map type for common cases as
described above.
assert [a:10, b:20] + [a:5, c:7] == [a:5, b:20, c:7]
- a Mapright
- a Map Returns a new Map
containing all entries from self
and entries
giving precedence to entries
. Any keys appearing in both Maps
will appear in the resultant map with values from the entries
operand. If self
map is one of TreeMap, LinkedHashMap, Hashtable
or Properties, the returned Map will preserve that type, otherwise a HashMap will
be returned.
- a Mapentries
- a Collection of Map.Entry items to be added to the Map.Create an array as a union of two arrays.
Integer[] a = [1, 2, 3] Integer[] b = [4, 5, 6] assert a + b == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] as Integer[]
- the left Arrayright
- the right ArrayCreate an array containing elements from an original array plus an additional appended element.
Integer[] a = [1, 2, 3] Integer[] result = a + 4 assert result == [1, 2, 3, 4] as Integer[]
- the arrayright
- the value to appendCreate an array containing elements from an original array plus those from a Collection.
Integer[] a = [1, 2, 3] def additions = [7, 8] assert a + additions == [1, 2, 3, 7, 8] as Integer[]
- the arrayright
- a Collection to be appendedCreate an array containing elements from an original array plus those from an Iterable.
class AbcIterable implements Iterable{ Iterator iterator() { "abc".iterator() } } String[] letters = ['x', 'y', 'z'] def result = letters + new AbcIterable() assert result == ['x', 'y', 'z', 'a', 'b', 'c'] as String[] assert result.class.array
- the arrayright
- an Iterable to be appendedCreate a Collection as a union of two collections. If the left collection is a Set, then the returned collection will be a Set otherwise a List. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
assert [1,2,3,4] == [1,2] + [3,4]
- the left Collectionright
- the right CollectionCreate a Collection as a union of two iterables. If the left iterable is a Set, then the returned collection will be a Set otherwise a List. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
assert [1,2,3,4] == [1,2] + [3,4]
- the left Iterableright
- the right IterableCreate a Collection as a union of a Collection and an Iterable. If the left collection is a Set, then the returned collection will be a Set otherwise a List. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
- the left Collectionright
- the right IterableCreate a List as a union of a List and an Iterable. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
- the left Listright
- the right IterableCreate a List as a union of a List and a Collection. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
- the left Listright
- the right CollectionCreate a Set as a union of a Set and an Iterable. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
- the left Setright
- the right IterableCreate a Set as a union of a Set and a Collection. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
- the left Setright
- the right CollectionCreate a SortedSet as a union of a SortedSet and an Iterable. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
- the left SortedSetright
- the right IterableCreate a SortedSet as a union of a SortedSet and a Collection. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
- the left SortedSetright
- the right CollectionCreates a new List by inserting all of the elements in the specified array to the elements from the original List at the specified index. Shifts the element currently at that index (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (increasing their indices). The new elements will appear in the resulting List in the order that they occur in the original array. The behavior of this operation is undefined if the list or array operands are modified while the operation is in progress. The original list and array operands remain unchanged.
def items = [1, 2, 3] def newItems =, 'a'..'c' as String[]) assert newItems == [1, 2, 'a', 'b', 'c', 3] assert items == [1, 2, 3]See also
for similar functionality with modify semantics, i.e. which performs
the changes on the original list itself.
- an original listitems
- array containing elements to be merged with elements from the original listindex
- index at which to insert the first element from the specified arrayCreates a new List by inserting all of the elements in the given additions List to the elements from the original List at the specified index. Shifts the element currently at that index (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (increasing their indices). The new elements will appear in the resulting List in the order that they occur in the original lists. The behavior of this operation is undefined if the original lists are modified while the operation is in progress. The original lists remain unchanged.
def items = [1, 2, 3] def newItems =, 'a'..'c') assert newItems == [1, 2, 'a', 'b', 'c', 3] assert items == [1, 2, 3]See also
for similar functionality with modify semantics, i.e. which performs
the changes on the original list itself.
- an original Listadditions
- a List containing elements to be merged with elements from the original Listindex
- index at which to insert the first element from the given additions ListCreates a new List by inserting all of the elements in the given Iterable to the elements from this List at the specified index.
- an original listadditions
- an Iterable containing elements to be merged with the elements from the original Listindex
- index at which to insert the first element from the given additions IterableCreate a collection as a union of a Collection and an Object. If the collection is a Set, then the returned collection will be a Set otherwise a List. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
assert [1,2,3] == [1,2] + 3
- a Collectionright
- an object to add/appendCreate a collection as a union of an Iterable and an Object. If the iterable is a Set, then the returned collection will be a Set otherwise a List. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
assert [1,2,3] == [1,2] + 3
- an Iterableright
- an object to add/appendCreate a List as a union of a List and an Object. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
assert [1,2,3] == [1,2] + 3
- a Listright
- an object to add/appendCreate a Set as a union of a Set and an Object. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
assert [1,2,3] == [1,2] + 3
- a Setright
- an object to add/appendCreate a SortedSet as a union of a SortedSet and an Object. This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
assert [1,2,3] == [1,2] + 3
- a SortedSetright
- an object to add/appendAdd a Character and a Number. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the addition (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value). This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
- a Characterright
- a NumberAdd a Number and a Character. The ordinal value of the Character is used in the addition (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value).
- a Numberright
- a CharacterAdd one Character to another. The ordinal values of the Characters are used in the addition (the ordinal value is the unicode value which for simple character sets is the ASCII value). This operation will always create a new object for the result, while the operands remain unchanged.
- a Characterright
- a CharacterRemoves the initial item from the List.
def list = ["a", false, 2] assert list.pop() == 'a' assert list == [false, 2]This is similar to pop on a Stack where the first item in the list represents the top of the stack. Note: The behavior of this method changed in Groovy 2.5 to align with Java. If you need the old behavior use 'removeLast'.
- a ListPower of a Number to a certain exponent. Called by the '**' operator.
- a Numberexponent
- a Number exponentPower of a BigDecimal to an integer certain exponent. If the exponent is positive, call the BigDecimal.pow(int) method to maintain precision. Called by the '**' operator.
- a BigDecimalexponent
- an Integer exponentPower of a BigInteger to an integer certain exponent. If the exponent is positive, call the BigInteger.pow(int) method to maintain precision. Called by the '**' operator.
- a BigIntegerexponent
- an Integer exponentPower of an integer to an integer certain exponent. If the exponent is positive, convert to a BigInteger and call BigInteger.pow(int) method to maintain precision. Called by the '**' operator.
- an Integerexponent
- an Integer exponentPower of a long to an integer certain exponent. If the exponent is positive, convert to a BigInteger and call BigInteger.pow(int) method to maintain precision. Called by the '**' operator.
- a Longexponent
- an Integer exponentPower of a BigInteger to a BigInteger certain exponent. Called by the '**' operator.
- a BigIntegerexponent
- a BigInteger exponentDecrement a Character by one.
- a CharacterDecrement a Number by one.
- a NumberImplements the getAt(int) method for primitive type arrays.
- an array objectidx
- the index of interestImplements the getAt(Range) method for primitive type arrays.
- an array objectrange
- the range of indices of interestImplements the getAt(Collection) method for primitive type arrays. Each value in the collection argument is assumed to be a valid array index. The value at each index is then added to a list which is returned.
- an array objectindices
- the indices of interestImplements the setAt(int idx) method for primitive type arrays.
- an objectidx
- the index of interestnewValue
- the new value to be put into the index of interestPrint a value formatted Groovy style to self if it is a Writer, otherwise to the standard output stream.
- any Objectvalue
- the value to printPrint a value formatted Groovy style to the print writer.
- a PrintWritervalue
- the value to printPrint a value formatted Groovy style to the print stream.
- a PrintStreamvalue
- the value to printPrint a value to the standard output stream. This method delegates to the owner to execute the method.
- a generated closurevalue
- the value to printPrint to a console in interactive format.
- any Objectout
- the PrintWriter used for printingPrintf to a console.
- any Objectformat
- a format stringvalues
- values referenced by the format specifiers in the format string.Prints a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments.
printf ( "Hello, %s!\n" , [ "world" ] as String[] ) printf ( "Hello, %s!\n" , [ "Groovy" ]) printf ( "%d + %d = %d\n" , [ 1 , 2 , 1+2 ] as Integer[] ) printf ( "%d + %d = %d\n" , [ 3 , 3 , 3+3 ]) ( 1..5 ).each { printf ( "-- %d\n" , [ it ] as Integer[] ) } ( 1..5 ).each { printf ( "-- %d\n" , [ it ] as int[] ) } ( 0x41..0x45 ).each { printf ( "-- %c\n" , [ it ] as char[] ) } ( 07..011 ).each { printf ( "-- %d\n" , [ it ] as byte[] ) } ( 7..11 ).each { printf ( "-- %d\n" , [ it ] as short[] ) } ( 7..11 ).each { printf ( "-- %d\n" , [ it ] as long[] ) } ( 7..11 ).each { printf ( "-- %5.2f\n" , [ it ] as float[] ) } ( 7..11 ).each { printf ( "-- %5.2g\n" , [ it ] as double[] ) }
- any Objectformat
- A format stringarg
- Argument which is referenced by the format specifiers in the format
string. The type of arg
should be one of Object[], List,
int[], short[], byte[], char[], boolean[], long[], float[], or double[].Print a linebreak to the standard output stream.
- any ObjectPrint a linebreak to the standard output stream. This method delegates to the owner to execute the method.
- a closurePrint a value formatted Groovy style (followed by a newline) to self if it is a Writer, otherwise to the standard output stream.
- any Objectvalue
- the value to printPrint a value formatted Groovy style (followed by a newline) to the print writer.
- a PrintWritervalue
- the value to printPrint a value formatted Groovy style (followed by a newline) to the print stream.
- any Objectvalue
- the value to printPrint a value (followed by a newline) to the standard output stream. This method delegates to the owner to execute the method.
- a closurevalue
- the value to printPrint to a console in interactive format.
- any Objectout
- the PrintWriter used for printingPrepends an item to the start of the List.
def list = [3, 4, 2] list.push("x") assert list == ['x', 3, 4, 2]This is similar to push on a Stack where the first item in the list represents the top of the stack. Note: The behavior of this method changed in Groovy 2.5 to align with Java. If you need the old behavior use 'add'.
- a Listvalue
- element to be prepended to this list.Provides an easy way to append multiple Map.Entry values to a Map.
- a Mapentries
- a Collection of Map.Entry items to be added to the Map. Allows the subscript operator to be used to set dynamically named property values.
bean[somePropertyNameExpression] = foo
. The normal property notation
of groovy is neater and more concise but only works with property names which
are known at compile time.
- the object to act uponproperty
- the name of the property to setnewValue
- the value to setA helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators.
def list = [2, 3] list[0] = 1 assert list == [1, 3]
- a Listidx
- an indexvalue
- the value to put at the given indexA helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators.
def list = ["a", true] list[1..<1] = 5 assert list == ["a", 5, true]
- a Listrange
- the (in this case empty) subset of the list to setvalue
- the values to put at the given sublist or a Collection of valuesA helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators.
def list = ["a", true] list[1..<1] = [4, 3, 2] assert list == ["a", 4, 3, 2, true]
- a Listrange
- the (in this case empty) subset of the list to setvalue
- the Collection of valuesList subscript assignment operator when given a range as the index and the assignment operand is a collection. Example:
def myList = [4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 8, 10] myList[3..5] = ["a", true] assert myList == [4, 3, 5, "a", true, 10]Items in the given range are replaced with items from the collection.
- a Listrange
- the subset of the list to setcol
- the collection of values to put at the given sublistList subscript assignment operator when given a range as the index. Example:
def myList = [4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 8, 10] myList[3..5] = "b" assert myList == [4, 3, 5, "b", 10]Items in the given range are replaced with the operand. The
operand is
always treated as a single value.
- a Listrange
- the subset of the list to setvalue
- the value to put at the given sublistA helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators.
def list = ["a", true, 42, 9.4] list[1, 4] = ["x", false] assert list == ["a", "x", 42, 9.4, false]
- a Listsplice
- the subset of the list to setvalues
- the value to put at the given sublistA helper method to allow lists to work with subscript operators.
def list = ["a", true, 42, 9.4] list[1, 3] = 5 assert list == ["a", 5, 42, 5]
- a Listsplice
- the subset of the list to setvalue
- the value to put at the given sublistA helper method to allow maps to work with subscript operators
- a Mapkey
- an Object as a key for the mapvalue
- the value to put into the mapSupport assigning a range of values with a single assignment statement.
- a BitSetrange
- the range of values to setvalue
- valueSupport subscript-style assignment for a BitSet.
- a BitSetindex
- index of the entry to setvalue
- value Modifies this collection by removing its elements that are contained
within the specified object array.
See also findAll
and grep
when wanting to produce a new list
containing items which don't match some criteria while leaving the original collection unchanged.
- a Collection to be modifieditems
- array containing elements to be removed from this collectionModifies this collection by removing the elements that are matched according to the specified closure condition.
def list = ['a', 'b'] list.removeAll { it == 'b' } assert list == ['a']See also
and grep
when wanting to produce a new list
containing items which match some criteria but leaving the original collection unchanged.
- a Collection to be modifiedcondition
- a closure condition Modifies this map by removing the elements that are matched according to the
specified closure condition. If the closure takes one parameter then it will be
passed the Map.Entry
. Otherwise the closure should take two parameters, which
will be the key and the value.
def map = [a:1, b:2] map.removeAll { k,v -> k == 'b' } assert map == [a:1]See also
when wanting to produce a new map containing items
which match some criteria but leaving the original map unchanged.
- a Map to be modifiedcondition
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure condition applying on the entriesModifies this list by removing the element at the specified position in this list. Returns the removed element. Essentially an alias for List.remove but with no ambiguity for List<Integer>.
Example:def list = [1, 2, 3] list.removeAt(1) assert [1, 3] == list
- a Listindex
- the index of the element to be removedModifies this collection by removing a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present. Essentially an alias for Collection.remove but with no ambiguity for Collection<Integer>.
Example:def list = [1, 2, 3, 2] list.removeElement(2) assert [1, 3, 2] == list
- a Collectiono
- element to be removed from this collection, if presentRemoves the last item from the List.
def list = ["a", false, 2] assert list.removeLast() == 2 assert list == ["a", false]Using add() and removeLast() is similar to push and pop on a Stack where the last item in the list represents the top of the stack.
- a List
Returns an object satisfying Groovy truth if the implementing MetaClass responds to a method with the given name and arguments types.
Note that this method's return value is based on realised methods and does not take into account objects or classes that implement invokeMethod or methodMissing
This method is "safe" in that it will always return a value and never throw an exception
- The object to inspectname
- The name of the method of interestargTypes
- The argument types to match against
Returns an object satisfying Groovy truth if the implementing MetaClass responds to a method with the given name regardless of the arguments.
Note that this method's return value is based on realised methods and does not take into account objects or classes that implement invokeMethod or methodMissing
This method is "safe" in that it will always return a value and never throw an exception
- The object to inspectname
- The name of the method of interest Modifies this collection so that it retains only its elements that are contained
in the specified array. In other words, removes from this collection all of
its elements that are not contained in the specified array.
See also grep
and findAll
when wanting to produce a new list
containing items which match some specified items but leaving the original collection unchanged.
- a Collection to be modifieditems
- array containing elements to be retained from this collectionModifies this collection so that it retains only its elements that are matched according to the specified closure condition. In other words, removes from this collection all of its elements that don't match.
def list = ['a', 'b'] list.retainAll { it == 'b' } assert list == ['b']See also
and grep
when wanting to produce a new list
containing items which match some criteria but leaving the original collection unchanged.
- a Collection to be modifiedcondition
- a closure condition Modifies this map so that it retains only its elements that are matched
according to the specified closure condition. In other words, removes from
this map all of its elements that don't match. If the closure takes one
parameter then it will be passed the Map.Entry
. Otherwise the closure should
take two parameters, which will be the key and the value.
def map = [a:1, b:2] map.retainAll { k,v -> k == 'b' } assert map == [b:2]See also
when wanting to produce a new map containing items
which match some criteria but leaving the original map unchanged.
- a Map to be modifiedcondition
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure condition applying on the entriesCreates a new List with the identical contents to this list but in reverse order.
def list = ["a", 4, false] assert list.reverse() == [false, 4, "a"] assert list == ["a", 4, false]
- a ListReverses the elements in a list. If mutate is true, the original list is modified in place and returned. Otherwise, a new list containing the reversed items is produced.
def list = ["a", 4, false] assert list.reverse(false) == [false, 4, "a"] assert list == ["a", 4, false] assert list.reverse(true) == [false, 4, "a"] assert list == [false, 4, "a"]
- a Listmutate
- true if the list itself should be reversed in place and returned, false if a new list should be createdCreates a new array containing items which are the same as this array but in reverse order.
- an arrayReverse the items in an array. If mutate is true, the original array is modified in place and returned. Otherwise, a new array containing the reversed items is produced.
- an arraymutate
- true if the array itself should be reversed in place and returned, false if a new array should be createdReverses the iterator. The original iterator will become exhausted of elements after determining the reversed values. A new iterator for iterating through the reversed values is returned.
- an IteratorAllows a Map to be iterated through in reverse order using a closure. In general, the order in which the map contents are processed cannot be guaranteed. In practise, specialized forms of Map, e.g. a TreeMap will have its contents processed according to the reverse of the natural ordering of the map.
- the map over which we iterateclosure
- the 1 or 2 arg closure applied on each entry of the mapIterate over each element of the list in the reverse order.
def result = [] [1,2,3].reverseEach { result << it } assert result == [3,2,1]
- a Listclosure
- a closure to which each item is passed.Iterate over each element of the array in the reverse order.
- an arrayclosure
- a closure to which each item is passedImplementation of the right shift operator for integral types. Non integral Number types throw UnsupportedOperationException.
- a Number objectoperand
- the shift distance by which to right shift the numberImplementation of the right shift (unsigned) operator for integral types. Non integral Number types throw UnsupportedOperationException.
- a Number objectoperand
- the shift distance by which to right shift (unsigned) the numberRound the value
- a FloatRound the value
- a Floatprecision
- the number of decimal places to keepRound the value
- a DoubleRound the value
- a Doubleprecision
- the number of decimal places to keepRound the value
Note that this method differs from BigDecimal.round which specifies the digits to retain starting from the leftmost nonzero digit. This methods rounds the integral part to the nearest whole number.
- a BigDecimalRound the value
Note that this method differs from BigDecimal.round which specifies the digits to retain starting from the leftmost nonzero digit. This method operates on the fractional part of the number and the precision argument specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point to retain.
- a BigDecimalprecision
- the number of decimal places to keepAllows a simple syntax for using timers. This timer will execute the given closure after the given delay.
- a timer objectdelay
- the delay in milliseconds before running the closure codeclosure
- the closure to invokeSets the metaclass for a given class.
- the class whose metaclass we wish to setmetaClass
- the new MetaClassSet the metaclass for an object.
- the object whose metaclass we want to setmetaClass
- the new metaclass valueSet the metaclass for a GroovyObject.
- the object whose metaclass we want to setmetaClass
- the new metaclass value Provide the standard Groovy size()
method for Iterator
The iterator will become exhausted of elements after determining the size value.
- an Iterator Provide the standard Groovy size()
method for Iterable
def items = [1, 2, 3] def iterable = { [ hasNext:{ !items.isEmpty() }, next:{ items.pop() } ] as Iterator } as Iterable assert iterable.size() == 3
- an Iterable Provide the standard Groovy size()
method for an array.
- an Array of objectsAllows arrays to behave similar to collections.
- a boolean arrayAllows arrays to behave similar to collections.
- a byte arrayAllows arrays to behave similar to collections.
- a char arrayAllows arrays to behave similar to collections.
- a short arrayAllows arrays to behave similar to collections.
- an int arrayAllows arrays to behave similar to collections.
- a long arrayAllows arrays to behave similar to collections.
- a float arrayAllows arrays to behave similar to collections.
- a double arraySorts the Collection. Assumes that the collection items are comparable and uses their natural ordering to determine the resulting order. If the Collection is a List, it is sorted in place and returned. Otherwise, the elements are first placed into a new list which is then sorted and returned - leaving the original Collection unchanged.
assert [1,2,3] == [3,1,2].sort()
- the Iterable to be sortedSorts the Iterable. Assumes that the Iterable items are comparable and uses their natural ordering to determine the resulting order. If the Iterable is a List and mutate is true, it is sorted in place and returned. Otherwise, the elements are first placed into a new list which is then sorted and returned - leaving the original Iterable unchanged.
assert [1,2,3] == [3,1,2].sort()
def orig = [1, 3, 2] def sorted = orig.sort(false) assert orig == [1, 3, 2] assert sorted == [1, 2, 3]
- the iterable to be sortedmutate
- false will always cause a new list to be created, true will mutate lists in placeSorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered map using the closure as a comparator to determine the ordering. The original map is unchanged.
def map = [a:5, b:3, c:6, d:4].sort { a, b -> a.value <=> b.value } assert map == [b:3, d:4, a:5, c:6]
- the original unsorted mapclosure
- a Closure used as a comparatorSorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered Map using the specified key comparator to determine the ordering. The original map is unchanged.
def map = [ba:3, cz:6, ab:5].sort({ a, b -> a[-1] <=> b[-1] } as Comparator) assert map*.value == [3, 5, 6]
- the original unsorted mapcomparator
- a ComparatorSorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered Map using the natural ordering of the keys to determine the ordering. The original map is unchanged.
map = [ba:3, cz:6, ab:5].sort() assert map*.value == [5, 3, 6]
- the original unsorted mapModifies this array so that its elements are in sorted order. The array items are assumed to be comparable.
- the array to be sortedSorts the given array into sorted order. The array items are assumed to be comparable. If mutate is true, the array is sorted in place and returned. Otherwise, a new sorted array is returned and the original array remains unchanged.
def orig = ["hello","hi","Hey"] as String[] def sorted = orig.sort(false) assert orig == ["hello","hi","Hey"] as String[] assert sorted == ["Hey","hello","hi"] as String[] orig.sort(true) assert orig == ["Hey","hello","hi"] as String[]
- the array to be sortedmutate
- false will always cause a new array to be created, true will mutate the array in placeSorts the given iterator items into a sorted iterator. The items are assumed to be comparable. The original iterator will become exhausted of elements after completing this method call. A new iterator is produced that traverses the items in sorted order.
- the Iterator to be sortedSorts the given iterator items into a sorted iterator using the comparator. The original iterator will become exhausted of elements after completing this method call. A new iterator is produced that traverses the items in sorted order.
- the Iterator to be sortedcomparator
- a Comparator used for comparing itemsSorts the Iterable using the given Comparator. If the Iterable is a List and mutate is true, it is sorted in place and returned. Otherwise, the elements are first placed into a new list which is then sorted and returned - leaving the original Iterable unchanged.
assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort(false, { a, b -> a.length() <=> b.length() } as Comparator )
def orig = ["hello","hi","Hey"] def sorted = orig.sort(false, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) assert orig == ["hello","hi","Hey"] assert sorted == ["hello","Hey","hi"]
- the Iterable to be sortedmutate
- false will always cause a new list to be created, true will mutate lists in placecomparator
- a Comparator used for the comparisonSorts the given array into sorted order using the given comparator.
- the array to be sortedcomparator
- a Comparator used for the comparisonModifies this array so that its elements are in sorted order as determined by the given comparator. If mutate is true, the array is sorted in place and returned. Otherwise, a new sorted array is returned and the original array remains unchanged.
def orig = ["hello","hi","Hey"] as String[] def sorted = orig.sort(false, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) assert orig == ["hello","hi","Hey"] as String[] assert sorted == ["hello","Hey","hi"] as String[] orig.sort(true, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) assert orig == ["hello","Hey","hi"] as String[]
- the array containing elements to be sortedmutate
- false will always cause a new array to be created, true will mutate arrays in placecomparator
- a Comparator used for the comparisonSorts the given iterator items into a sorted iterator using the Closure to determine the correct ordering. The original iterator will be fully processed after the method call.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
- the Iterator to be sortedclosure
- a Closure used to determine the correct orderingSorts the elements from this array into a newly created array using the Closure to determine the correct ordering.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
- the array containing the elements to be sortedclosure
- a Closure used to determine the correct orderingModifies this array so that its elements are in sorted order using the Closure to determine the correct ordering. If mutate is false, a new array is returned and the original array remains unchanged. Otherwise, the original array is sorted in place and returned.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
def orig = ["hello","hi","Hey"] as String[] def sorted = orig.sort(false) { it.size() } assert orig == ["hello","hi","Hey"] as String[] assert sorted == ["hi","Hey","hello"] as String[] orig.sort(true) { it.size() } assert orig == ["hi","Hey","hello"] as String[]
- the array to be sortedmutate
- false will always cause a new array to be created, true will mutate arrays in placeclosure
- a Closure used to determine the correct orderingSorts this Iterable using the given Closure to determine the correct ordering. If the Iterable is a List, it is sorted in place and returned. Otherwise, the elements are first placed into a new list which is then sorted and returned - leaving the original Iterable unchanged.
If the Closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort { it.length() }
assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort { a, b -> a.length() <=> b.length() }
- the Iterable to be sortedclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine the correct orderingSorts this Iterable using the given Closure to determine the correct ordering. If the Iterable is a List and mutate is true, it is sorted in place and returned. Otherwise, the elements are first placed into a new list which is then sorted and returned - leaving the original Iterable unchanged.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort { it.length() }
assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort { a, b -> a.length() <=> b.length() }
def orig = ["hello","hi","Hey"] def sorted = orig.sort(false) { it.toUpperCase() } assert orig == ["hello","hi","Hey"] assert sorted == ["hello","Hey","hi"]
- the Iterable to be sortedmutate
- false will always cause a new list to be created, true will mutate lists in placeclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine the correct orderingAvoids doing unnecessary work when sorting an already sorted set (i.e. an identity function for an already sorted set).
- an already sorted setAvoids doing unnecessary work when sorting an already sorted map (i.e. an identity function for an already sorted map).
- an already sorted mapSplits all items into two lists based on the closure condition. The first list contains all items matching the closure expression. The second list all those that don't.
- an Object with an Iterator returning its valuesclosure
- a closure conditionSplits all items into two collections based on the closure condition. The first list contains all items which match the closure expression. The second list all those that don't.
Example usage:
assert [[2,4],[1,3]] == [1,2,3,4].split { it % 2 == 0 }
- a Collection of valuesclosure
- a closure conditionSplits all items into two collections based on the closure condition. The first list contains all items which match the closure expression. The second list all those that don't.
- an Arrayclosure
- a closure conditionSplits all items into two collections based on the closure condition. The first list contains all items which match the closure expression. The second list all those that don't.
Example usage:
assert [[2,4],[1,3]] == [1,2,3,4].split { it % 2 == 0 }
- a List of valuesclosure
- a closure conditionSplits all items into two collections based on the closure condition. The first list contains all items which match the closure expression. The second list all those that don't.
Example usage:
assert [[2,4] as Set, [1,3] as Set] == ([1,2,3,4] as Set).split { it % 2 == 0 }
- a Set of valuesclosure
- a closure conditionSynonym for toSpreadMap(java.util.Map).
- a mapSprintf to a string.
- any Objectformat
- a format stringvalues
- values referenced by the format specifiers in the format string.Returns a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments.
- any Objectformat
- A format stringarg
- Argument which is referenced by the format specifiers in the format
string. The type of arg
should be one of Object[], List,
int[], short[], byte[], char[], boolean[], long[], float[], or double[].Iterates from this number up to the given number using a step increment. Each intermediate number is passed to the given closure. Example:
0.step( 10, 2 ) { println it }Prints even numbers 0 through 8.
- a Number to start withto
- a Number to go up to, exclusivestepNumber
- a Number representing the step incrementclosure
- the closure to callCreates a sub-Map containing the given keys. This method is similar to List.subList() but uses keys rather than index ranges.
assert [1:10, 2:20, 4:40].subMap( [2, 4] ) == [2:20, 4:40]
- a Mapkeys
- a Collection of keysCreates a sub-Map containing the given keys. This method is similar to List.subList() but uses keys rather than index ranges. The original map is unaltered.
def orig = [1:10, 2:20, 3:30, 4:40] assert orig.subMap([1, 3] as int[]) == [1:10, 3:30] assert orig.subMap([2, 4] as Integer[]) == [2:20, 4:40] assert orig.size() == 4
- a Mapkeys
- an array of keysFinds all non-null subsequences of a list.
Example usage:
def result = [1, 2, 3].subsequences() assert result == [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 2], [1], [2], [3]] as Set
- the List of itemsSums the items in an Iterable. This is equivalent to invoking the "plus" method on all items in the Iterable.
assert 1+2+3+4 == [1,2,3,4].sum()
- Collection of values to add togetherSums the items in an array. This is equivalent to invoking the "plus" method on all items in the array.
- The array of values to add togetherSums the items from an Iterator. This is equivalent to invoking the "plus" method on all items from the Iterator. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after determining the sum value.
- an Iterator for the values to add togetherSums the items in an array.
assert (1+2+3+4 as byte) == ([1,2,3,4] as byte[]).sum()
- The array of values to add togetherSums the items in an array.
assert (1+2+3+4 as short) == ([1,2,3,4] as short[]).sum()
- The array of values to add togetherSums the items in an array.
assert 1+2+3+4 == ([1,2,3,4] as int[]).sum()
- The array of values to add togetherSums the items in an array.
assert (1+2+3+4 as long) == ([1,2,3,4] as long[]).sum()
- The array of values to add togetherSums the items in an array.
assert (1+2+3+4 as char) == ([1,2,3,4] as char[]).sum()
- The array of values to add togetherSums the items in an array.
assert (1+2+3+4 as float) == ([1,2,3,4] as float[]).sum()
- The array of values to add togetherSums the items in an array.
assert (1+2+3+4 as double) == ([1,2,3,4] as double[]).sum()
- The array of values to add togetherSums the items in an Iterable, adding the result to some initial value.
assert 5+1+2+3+4 == [1,2,3,4].sum(5)
- an Iterable of values to suminitialValue
- the items in the collection will be summed to this initial valueSums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value.
- an array of values to suminitialValue
- the items in the array will be summed to this initial valueSums the items from an Iterator, adding the result to some initial value. This is equivalent to invoking the "plus" method on all items from the Iterator. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after determining the sum value.
- an Iterator for the values to add togetherinitialValue
- the items in the collection will be summed to this initial valueSums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value.
assert (5+1+2+3+4 as byte) == ([1,2,3,4] as byte[]).sum(5 as byte)
- an array of values to suminitialValue
- the items in the array will be summed to this initial valueSums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value.
assert (5+1+2+3+4 as short) == ([1,2,3,4] as short[]).sum(5 as short)
- an array of values to suminitialValue
- the items in the array will be summed to this initial valueSums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value.
assert 5+1+2+3+4 == ([1,2,3,4] as int[]).sum(5)
- an array of values to suminitialValue
- the items in the array will be summed to this initial valueSums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value.
assert (5+1+2+3+4 as long) == ([1,2,3,4] as long[]).sum(5)
- an array of values to suminitialValue
- the items in the array will be summed to this initial valueSums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value.
assert (5+1+2+3+4 as char) == ([1,2,3,4] as char[]).sum(5 as char)
- an array of values to suminitialValue
- the items in the array will be summed to this initial valueSums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value.
assert (5+1+2+3+4 as float) == ([1,2,3,4] as float[]).sum(5)
- an array of values to suminitialValue
- the items in the array will be summed to this initial valueSums the items in an array, adding the result to some initial value.
assert (5+1+2+3+4 as double) == ([1,2,3,4] as double[]).sum(5)
- an array of values to suminitialValue
- the items in the array will be summed to this initial value Sums the result of apply a closure to each item of an Iterable.
is equivalent to:
assert 4+6+10+12 == [2,3,5,6].sum { it * 2 }
- an Iterableclosure
- a single parameter closure that returns a numeric value. Sums the result of apply a closure to each item of an array.
is equivalent to:
- An arrayclosure
- a single parameter closure that returns a numeric value. Sums the result of apply a closure to each item returned from an iterator.
is equivalent to:
. The iterator will become
exhausted of elements after determining the sum value.
- An Iteratorclosure
- a single parameter closure that returns a numeric value. Sums the result of applying a closure to each item of an Iterable to some initial value.
coll.sum(initVal, closure)
is equivalent to:
assert 50+4+6+10+12 == [2,3,5,6].sum(50) { it * 2 }
- an Iterableclosure
- a single parameter closure that returns a numeric value.initialValue
- the closure results will be summed to this initial value Sums the result of applying a closure to each item of an array to some initial value.
array.sum(initVal, closure)
is equivalent to:
- an arrayclosure
- a single parameter closure that returns a numeric value.initialValue
- the closure results will be summed to this initial value Sums the result of applying a closure to each item of an Iterator to some initial value.
iter.sum(initVal, closure)
is equivalent to:
. The iterator will become
exhausted of elements after determining the sum value.
- an Iteratorclosure
- a single parameter closure that returns a numeric value.initialValue
- the closure results will be summed to this initial valueSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert [1, 3, 2, 4] == [1, 2, 3, 4].swap(1, 2)
- a Listi
- a positionj
- a positionSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert (["a", "c", "b", "d"] as String[]) == (["a", "b", "c", "d"] as String[]).swap(1, 2)
- an arrayi
- a positionj
- a positionSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert ([false, true, false, true] as boolean[]) == ([false, false, true, true] as boolean[]).swap(1, 2)
- a boolean arrayi
- a positionj
- a positionSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert ([1, 3, 2, 4] as byte[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as byte[]).swap(1, 2)
- a boolean arrayi
- a positionj
- a positionSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert ([1, 3, 2, 4] as char[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as char[]).swap(1, 2)
- a boolean arrayi
- a positionj
- a positionSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert ([1, 3, 2, 4] as double[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as double[]).swap(1, 2)
- a boolean arrayi
- a positionj
- a positionSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert ([1, 3, 2, 4] as float[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as float[]).swap(1, 2)
- a boolean arrayi
- a positionj
- a positionSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert ([1, 3, 2, 4] as int[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as int[]).swap(1, 2)
- a boolean arrayi
- a positionj
- a positionSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert ([1, 3, 2, 4] as long[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as long[]).swap(1, 2)
- a boolean arrayi
- a positionj
- a positionSwaps two elements at the specified positions.
assert ([1, 3, 2, 4] as short[]) == ([1, 2, 3, 4] as short[]).swap(1, 2)
- a boolean arrayi
- a positionj
- a positionReturns the items from the List excluding the first item.
def list = [3, 4, 2] assert list.tail() == [4, 2] assert list == [3, 4, 2]
- a ListReturns the items from the SortedSet excluding the first item.
def sortedSet = [3, 4, 2] as SortedSet assert sortedSet.tail() == [3, 4] as SortedSet assert sortedSet == [3, 4, 2] as SortedSet
- a SortedSetReturns the items from the Iterable excluding the first item.
def list = [3, 4, 2] assert list.tail() == [4, 2] assert list == [3, 4, 2]
- an IterableReturns the items from the array excluding the first item.
String[] strings = ["a", "b", "c"] def result = strings.tail() assert result.class.componentType == String String[] expected = ["b", "c"] assert result == expected
- an arrayReturns the original iterator after throwing away the first element.
- the original iteratorCalculates the tail values of this Iterable: the first value will be this list of all items from the iterable and the final one will be an empty list, with the intervening values the results of successive applications of tail on the items.
assert [1, 2, 3, 4].tails() == [[1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4], [4], []]
- an Iterable Returns the first num
elements from the head of this List.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.take( 0 ) == [] assert strings.take( 2 ) == [ 'a', 'b' ] assert strings.take( 5 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
- the original Listnum
- the number of elements to take from this Listnum
elements from this List,
or else all the elements from the List if it has less then num
elements. Returns the first num
elements from the head of this SortedSet.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as SortedSet assert strings.take( 0 ) == [] as SortedSet assert strings.take( 2 ) == [ 'a', 'b' ] as SortedSet assert strings.take( 5 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as SortedSet
- the original SortedSetnum
- the number of elements to take from this SortedSetnum
elements from this List,
or else all the elements from the SortedSet if it has less then num
elements. Returns the first num
elements from the head of this array.
String[] strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.take( 0 ) == [] as String[] assert strings.take( 2 ) == [ 'a', 'b' ] as String[] assert strings.take( 5 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as String[]
- the original arraynum
- the number of elements to take from this arraynum
elements of this array,
or else the whole array if it has less then num
elements. Returns the first num
elements from the head of this Iterable.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.take( 0 ) == [] assert strings.take( 2 ) == [ 'a', 'b' ] assert strings.take( 5 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] class AbcIterable implements Iterable{ Iterator iterator() { "abc".iterator() } } def abc = new AbcIterable() assert abc.take(0) == [] assert abc.take(1) == ['a'] assert abc.take(3) == ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert abc.take(5) == ['a', 'b', 'c']
- the original Iterablenum
- the number of elements to take from this Iterablenum
elements from this Iterable,
or else all the elements from the Iterable if it has less then num
elements. Returns a new map containing the first num
elements from the head of this map.
If the map instance does not have ordered keys, then this function could return a random num
entries. Groovy by default uses LinkedHashMap, so this shouldn't be an issue in the main.
def strings = [ 'a':10, 'b':20, 'c':30 ] assert strings.take( 0 ) == [:] assert strings.take( 2 ) == [ 'a':10, 'b':20 ] assert strings.take( 5 ) == [ 'a':10, 'b':20, 'c':30 ]
- the original mapnum
- the number of elements to take from this mapnum
elements of this map,
or else the whole map if it has less then num
elements. Returns an iterator of up to the first num
elements from this iterator.
The original iterator is stepped along by num
def a = 0 def iter = [ hasNext:{ true }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator def iteratorCompare( Iterator a, List b ) { a.collect { it } == b } assert iteratorCompare( iter.take( 0 ), [] ) assert iteratorCompare( iter.take( 2 ), [ 0, 1 ] ) assert iteratorCompare( iter.take( 5 ), [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] )
- the Iteratornum
- the number of elements to take from this iteratornum
elements of this iterator. Returns the last num
elements from the tail of this array.
String[] strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.takeRight( 0 ) == [] as String[] assert strings.takeRight( 2 ) == [ 'b', 'c' ] as String[] assert strings.takeRight( 5 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as String[]
- the original arraynum
- the number of elements to take from this arraynum
elements of this array,
or else the whole array if it has less then num
elements. Returns the last num
elements from the tail of this Iterable.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.takeRight( 0 ) == [] assert strings.takeRight( 2 ) == [ 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.takeRight( 5 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] class AbcIterable implements Iterable{ Iterator iterator() { "abc".iterator() } } def abc = new AbcIterable() assert abc.takeRight(0) == [] assert abc.takeRight(1) == ['c'] assert abc.takeRight(3) == ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert abc.takeRight(5) == ['a', 'b', 'c']
- the original Iterablenum
- the number of elements to take from this Iterablenum
elements from this Iterable,
or else all the elements from the Iterable if it has less then num
elements. Returns the last num
elements from the tail of this List.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.takeRight( 0 ) == [] assert strings.takeRight( 2 ) == [ 'b', 'c' ] assert strings.takeRight( 5 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
- the original Listnum
- the number of elements to take from this Listnum
elements from this List,
or else all the elements from the List if it has less then num
elements. Returns the last num
elements from the tail of this SortedSet.
def strings = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as SortedSet assert strings.takeRight( 0 ) == [] as SortedSet assert strings.takeRight( 2 ) == [ 'b', 'c' ] as SortedSet assert strings.takeRight( 5 ) == [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] as SortedSet
- the original SortedSetnum
- the number of elements to take from this SortedSetnum
elements from this SortedSet,
or else all the elements from the SortedSet if it has less then num
elements.Returns the longest prefix of this list where each element passed to the given closure condition evaluates to true. Similar to takeWhile(Iterable, groovy.lang.Closure) except that it attempts to preserve the type of the original list.
def nums = [ 1, 3, 2 ] assert nums.takeWhile{ it < 1 } == [] assert nums.takeWhile{ it < 3 } == [ 1 ] assert nums.takeWhile{ it < 4 } == [ 1, 3, 2 ]
- the original listcondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to
continue taking elementsReturns a Collection containing the longest prefix of the elements from this Iterable where each element passed to the given closure evaluates to true.
class AbcIterable implements Iterable{ Iterator iterator() { "abc".iterator() } } def abc = new AbcIterable() assert abc.takeWhile{ it < 'b' } == ['a'] assert abc.takeWhile{ it <= 'b' } == ['a', 'b']
- an Iterablecondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to
continue taking elementsReturns the longest prefix of this SortedSet where each element passed to the given closure condition evaluates to true. Similar to takeWhile(Iterable, groovy.lang.Closure) except that it attempts to preserve the type of the original SortedSet.
def nums = [ 1, 2, 3 ] as SortedSet assert nums.takeWhile{ it < 1 } == [] as SortedSet assert nums.takeWhile{ it < 2 } == [ 1 ] as SortedSet assert nums.takeWhile{ it < 4 } == [ 1, 2, 3 ] as SortedSet
- the original SortedSetcondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to
continue taking elementsReturns the longest prefix of this Map where each entry (or key/value pair) when passed to the given closure evaluates to true.
def shopping = [milk:1, bread:2, chocolate:3] assert shopping.takeWhile{ it.key.size() < 6 } == [milk:1, bread:2] assert shopping.takeWhile{ it.value % 2 } == [milk:1] assert shopping.takeWhile{ k, v -> k.size() + v <= 7 } == [milk:1, bread:2]If the map instance does not have ordered keys, then this function could appear to take random entries. Groovy by default uses LinkedHashMap, so this shouldn't be an issue in the main.
- a Mapcondition
- a 1 (or 2) arg Closure that must evaluate to true for the
entry (or key and value) to continue taking elementsReturns the longest prefix of this array where each element passed to the given closure evaluates to true.
def nums = [ 1, 3, 2 ] as Integer[] assert nums.takeWhile{ it < 1 } == [] as Integer[] assert nums.takeWhile{ it < 3 } == [ 1 ] as Integer[] assert nums.takeWhile{ it < 4 } == [ 1, 3, 2 ] as Integer[]
- the original arraycondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to
continue taking elementsReturns the longest prefix of elements in this iterator where each element passed to the given condition closure evaluates to true.
def a = 0 def iter = [ hasNext:{ true }, next:{ a++ } ] as Iterator assert [].iterator().takeWhile{ it < 3 }.toList() == [] assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].iterator().takeWhile{ it < 3 }.toList() == [ 1, 2 ] assert iter.takeWhile{ it < 5 }.toList() == [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
- the Iteratorcondition
- the closure that must evaluate to true to
continue taking elements Allows the closure to be called for the object reference self (similar
to with
and always returns self.
Any method invoked inside the closure will first be invoked on the self reference. For instance, the following method calls to the append() method are invoked on the StringBuilder instance:
def b = new StringBuilder().tap { append('foo') append('bar') } assert b.toString() == 'foobar'This is commonly used to simplify object creation, such as this example:
def p = new Person().tap { firstName = 'John' lastName = 'Doe' }
- the object to have a closure act uponclosure
- the closure to call on the objectExecutes the closure this many times, starting from zero. The current index is passed to the closure each time. Example:
10.times { println it }Prints the numbers 0 through 9.
- a Numberclosure
- the closure to call a number of times Returns the string representation of the given array. The string
displays the contents of the array, similar to an array literal, i.e.
{1, 2, "a"}
- an Object[]Transform a Number into a BigDecimal
- a NumberTransform this Number into a BigInteger.
- a NumberIdentity conversion which returns Boolean.TRUE for a true Boolean and Boolean.FALSE for a false Boolean.
- a BooleanTransform a Number into a Double
- a NumberTransform a Number into a Float
- a NumberTransform a Number into an Integer
- a NumberConvert an iterator to a List. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after making this conversion.
- an iteratorConvert an Iterable to a List. The Iterable's iterator will become exhausted of elements after making this conversion.
Example usage:
def x = [1,2,3] as HashSet assert x.class == HashSet assert x.toList() instanceof List
- an IterableConvert an enumeration to a List.
- an enumerationAllows conversion of arrays into a mutable List.
- an Array of ObjectsConverts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list.
- a byte arrayConverts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list.
- a boolean arrayConverts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list.
- a char arrayConverts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list.
- a short arrayConverts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list.
- an int arrayConverts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list.
- a long arrayConverts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list.
- a float arrayConverts this array to a List of the same size, with each element added to the list.
- a double array Returns the string representation of the given list. The string
displays the contents of the list, similar to a list literal, i.e.
[1, 2, a]
- a Collection Returns the string representation of the given list. The string
displays the contents of the list, similar to a list literal, i.e.
[1, 2, a]
- a CollectionmaxSize
- stop after approximately this many characters and append '...'Transform a Number into a Long
- a NumberConverts the character to lowercase. Synonym for 'Character.toLowerCase(this)'.
- a Character to convert Returns the string representation of this map. The string displays the
contents of the map, i.e. [one:1, two:2, three:3]
- a Map Returns the string representation of this map. The string displays the
contents of the map, i.e. [one:1, two:2, three:3]
- a MapmaxSize
- stop after approximately this many characters and append '...'Converts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set.
- a byte arrayConverts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set.
- a boolean arrayConverts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set.
- a char arrayConverts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set.
- a short arrayConverts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set.
- an int arrayConverts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set.
- a long arrayConverts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set.
- a float arrayConverts this array to a Set, with each unique element added to the set.
- a double arrayConvert a Collection to a Set. Always returns a new Set even if the Collection is already a Set.
Example usage:
def result = [1, 2, 2, 2, 3].toSet() assert result instanceof Set assert result == [1, 2, 3] as Set
- a collectionConvert an Iterable to a Set. Always returns a new Set even if the Iterable is already a Set.
Example usage:
def result = [1, 2, 2, 2, 3].toSet() assert result instanceof Set assert result == [1, 2, 3] as Set
- an IterableConvert an iterator to a Set. The iterator will become exhausted of elements after making this conversion.
- an iteratorConvert an enumeration to a Set.
- an enumeration Sorts the Iterable. Assumes that the Iterable elements are
comparable and uses a NumberAwareComparator to determine the resulting order.
has special treatment for numbers but otherwise uses the
natural ordering of the Iterable elements. The elements are first placed into a new list which
is then sorted and returned - leaving the original Iterable unchanged.
def orig = [1, 3, 2] def sorted = orig.toSorted() assert orig == [1, 3, 2] assert sorted == [1, 2, 3]
- the Iterable to be sortedSorts the Iterable using the given Comparator. The elements are first placed into a new list which is then sorted and returned - leaving the original Iterable unchanged.
def orig = ["hello","hi","Hey"] def sorted = orig.toSorted(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) assert orig == ["hello","hi","Hey"] assert sorted == ["hello","Hey","hi"]
- the Iterable to be sortedcomparator
- a Comparator used for the comparisonSorts this Iterable using the given Closure to determine the correct ordering. The elements are first placed into a new list which is then sorted and returned - leaving the original Iterable unchanged.
If the Closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort { it.length() }
assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort { a, b -> a.length() <=> b.length() }
- the Iterable to be sortedclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine the correct ordering Sorts the Iterator. Assumes that the Iterator elements are
comparable and uses a NumberAwareComparator to determine the resulting order.
has special treatment for numbers but otherwise uses the
natural ordering of the Iterator elements.
A new iterator is produced that traverses the items in sorted order.
- the Iterator to be sortedSorts the given iterator items using the comparator. The original iterator will become exhausted of elements after completing this method call. A new iterator is produced that traverses the items in sorted order.
- the Iterator to be sortedcomparator
- a Comparator used for comparing itemsSorts the given iterator items into a sorted iterator using the Closure to determine the correct ordering. The original iterator will be fully processed after the method call.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
- the Iterator to be sortedclosure
- a Closure used to determine the correct orderingReturns a sorted version of the given array using the supplied comparator.
- the array to be sortedReturns a sorted version of the given array using the supplied comparator to determine the resulting order.
def sumDigitsComparator = [compare: { num1, num2 -> num1.toString().toList()*.toInteger().sum() <=> num2.toString().toList()*.toInteger().sum() }] as Comparator Integer[] nums = [9, 44, 222, 7000] def result = nums.toSorted(sumDigitsComparator) assert result instanceof Integer[] assert result == [222, 7000, 44, 9]
- the array to be sortedcomparator
- a Comparator used for the comparisonSorts the elements from this array into a newly created array using the Closure to determine the correct ordering.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
- the array containing the elements to be sortedcondition
- a Closure used to determine the correct ordering Sorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered map using
a NumberAwareComparator on map entry values to determine the resulting order.
has special treatment for numbers but otherwise uses the
natural ordering of the Iterator elements. The original map is unchanged.
def map = [a:5L, b:3, c:6, d:4.0].toSorted() assert map.toString() == '[b:3, d:4.0, a:5, c:6]'
- the original unsorted mapSorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered map using the supplied comparator to determine the ordering. The original map is unchanged.
def keyComparator = [compare: { e1, e2 -> e1.key <=> e2.key }] as Comparator def valueComparator = [compare: { e1, e2 -> e1.value <=> e2.value }] as Comparator def map1 = [a:5, b:3, d:4, c:6].toSorted(keyComparator) assert map1.toString() == '[a:5, b:3, c:6, d:4]' def map2 = [a:5, b:3, d:4, c:6].toSorted(valueComparator) assert map2.toString() == '[b:3, d:4, a:5, c:6]'
- the original unsorted mapcomparator
- a Comparator used for the comparisonSorts the elements from the given map into a new ordered map using the supplied Closure condition as a comparator to determine the ordering. The original map is unchanged.
If the closure has two parameters it is used like a traditional Comparator. I.e. it should compare its two entry parameters for order, returning a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater than the second respectively. Otherwise, the Closure is assumed to take a single entry parameter and return a Comparable (typically an Integer) which is then used for further comparison.
def map = [a:5, b:3, c:6, d:4].toSorted { a, b -> a.value <=> b.value } assert map.toString() == '[b:3, d:4, a:5, c:6]'
- the original unsorted mapcondition
- a Closure used as a comparatorAvoids doing unnecessary work when sorting an already sorted set
- an already sorted setAvoids doing unnecessary work when sorting an already sorted map
- an already sorted map Returns a new SpreadMap
from this map.
The example below shows the various possible use cases:
def fn(Map m) { return m.a + m.b + m.c + m.d } assert fn(a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4) == 10 assert fn(a:1, *:[b:2, c:3], d:4) == 10 assert fn([a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4].toSpreadMap()) == 10 assert fn((['a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3, 'd', 4] as Object[]).toSpreadMap()) == 10 assert fn(['a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3, 'd', 4].toSpreadMap()) == 10 assert fn(['abcd'.toList(), 1..4].transpose().flatten().toSpreadMap()) == 10Note that toSpreadMap() is not normally used explicitly but under the covers by Groovy.
- a map to be converted into a SpreadMapCreates a spreadable map from this array.
- an object arrayCreates a spreadable map from this list.
- a listCreates a spreadable map from this iterable.
- an iterableReturns the string representation of the given array.
- an arrayReturns the string representation of the given array.
- an arrayReturns the string representation of the given array.
- an arrayReturns the string representation of the given array.
- an arrayReturns the string representation of the given array.
- an arrayReturns the string representation of the given array.
- an arrayReturns the string representation of the given array.
- an arrayReturns the string representation of the given array.
- an arrayReturns the string representation of the given map.
- a Map Returns the string representation of the given collection. The string
displays the contents of the collection, i.e.
[1, 2, a]
- a CollectionReturns the string representation of this array's contents.
- an Object[]Create a String representation of this object.
- an objectReturns an iterator equivalent to this iterator but with all duplicated items removed where duplicate (equal) items are deduced by calling the supplied Closure condition.
If the supplied Closure takes a single parameter, the argument passed will be each element, and the closure should return a value used for comparison (either using Comparable.compareTo or Object.equals). If the closure takes two parameters, two items from the Iterator will be passed as arguments, and the closure should return an int value (with 0 indicating the items are not unique).
def items = "Hello".toList() + [null, null] + "there".toList() def toLower = { it == null ? null : it.toLowerCase() } def noDups = items.iterator().toUnique(toLower).toList() assert noDups == ['H', 'e', 'l', 'o', null, 't', 'r']
assert [1,4] == [1,3,4,5].toUnique { it % 2 }
assert [2,3,4] == [2,3,3,4].toUnique { a, b -> a <=> b }
- an Iteratorcondition
- a Closure used to determine unique itemsReturns an iterator equivalent to this iterator with all duplicated items removed by using the supplied comparator.
- an Iteratorcomparator
- a Comparator used to determine unique (equal) items
If null
, the Comparable natural ordering of the elements will be used.Returns an iterator equivalent to this iterator with all duplicated items removed by using the natural ordering of the items.
- an IteratorReturns a Collection containing the items from the Iterable but with duplicates removed. The items in the Iterable are compared by the given Comparator. For each duplicate, the first member which is returned from the Iterable is retained, but all other ones are removed.
class Person { def fname, lname String toString() { return fname + " " + lname } } class PersonComparator implements Comparator { int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Person p1 = (Person) o1 Person p2 = (Person) o2 if (p1.lname != p2.lname) return p1.lname.compareTo(p2.lname) else return p1.fname.compareTo(p2.fname) } boolean equals(Object obj) { return this.equals(obj) } } Person a = new Person(fname:"John", lname:"Taylor") Person b = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") Person c = new Person(fname:"Tom", lname:"Cruz") Person d = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") def list = [a, b, c, d] List list2 = list.toUnique(new PersonComparator()) assert list2 == [a, b, c] && list == [a, b, c, d]
- an Iterablecomparator
- a Comparator used to determine unique (equal) items
If null
, the Comparable natural ordering of the elements will be used.Returns a List containing the items from the List but with duplicates removed. The items in the List are compared by the given Comparator. For each duplicate, the first member which is returned from the List is retained, but all other ones are removed.
class Person { def fname, lname String toString() { return fname + " " + lname } } class PersonComparator implements Comparator { int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Person p1 = (Person) o1 Person p2 = (Person) o2 if (p1.lname != p2.lname) return p1.lname.compareTo(p2.lname) else return p1.fname.compareTo(p2.fname) } boolean equals(Object obj) { return this.equals(obj) } } Person a = new Person(fname:"John", lname:"Taylor") Person b = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") Person c = new Person(fname:"Tom", lname:"Cruz") Person d = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") def list = [a, b, c, d] List list2 = list.toUnique(new PersonComparator()) assert list2 == [a, b, c] && list == [a, b, c, d]
- a Listcomparator
- a Comparator used to determine unique (equal) items
If null
, the Comparable natural ordering of the elements will be used.Returns a Collection containing the items from the Iterable but with duplicates removed using the natural ordering of the items to determine uniqueness.
String[] letters = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'a', 't', 'h', 'a', 't'] String[] expected = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'h'] assert letters.toUnique() == expected
- an IterableReturns a List containing the items from the List but with duplicates removed using the natural ordering of the items to determine uniqueness.
def letters = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'a', 't', 'h', 'a', 't'] def expected = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'h'] assert letters.toUnique() == expected
- a ListReturns a Collection containing the items from the Iterable but with duplicates removed. The items in the Iterable are compared by the given Closure condition. For each duplicate, the first member which is returned from the Iterable is retained, but all other ones are removed.
If the closure takes a single parameter, each element from the Iterable will be passed to the closure. The closure should return a value used for comparison (either using Comparable.compareTo or Object.equals). If the closure takes two parameters, two items from the Iterable will be passed as arguments, and the closure should return an int value (with 0 indicating the items are not unique).
class Person { def fname, lname String toString() { return fname + " " + lname } } Person a = new Person(fname:"John", lname:"Taylor") Person b = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") Person c = new Person(fname:"Tom", lname:"Cruz") Person d = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") def list = [a, b, c, d] def list2 = list.toUnique{ p1, p2 -> p1.lname != p2.lname ? p1.lname <=> p2.lname : p1.fname <=> p2.fname } assert( list2 == [a, b, c] && list == [a, b, c, d] ) def list3 = list.toUnique{ it.toString() } assert( list3 == [a, b, c] && list == [a, b, c, d] )
- an Iterablecondition
- a Closure used to determine unique itemsReturns a List containing the items from the List but with duplicates removed. The items in the List are compared by the given Closure condition. For each duplicate, the first member which is returned from the Iterable is retained, but all other ones are removed.
If the closure takes a single parameter, each element from the Iterable will be passed to the closure. The closure should return a value used for comparison (either using Comparable.compareTo or Object.equals). If the closure takes two parameters, two items from the Iterable will be passed as arguments, and the closure should return an int value (with 0 indicating the items are not unique).
class Person { def fname, lname String toString() { return fname + " " + lname } } Person a = new Person(fname:"John", lname:"Taylor") Person b = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") Person c = new Person(fname:"Tom", lname:"Cruz") Person d = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") def list = [a, b, c, d] def list2 = list.toUnique{ p1, p2 -> p1.lname != p2.lname ? p1.lname <=> p2.lname : p1.fname <=> p2.fname } assert( list2 == [a, b, c] && list == [a, b, c, d] ) def list3 = list.toUnique{ it.toString() } assert( list3 == [a, b, c] && list == [a, b, c, d] )
- a Listcondition
- a Closure used to determine unique itemsReturns a new Array containing the items from the original Array but with duplicates removed with the supplied comparator determining which items are unique.
String[] letters = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'A', 't', 'h', 'a', 'T'] String[] lower = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'h'] class LowerComparator implements Comparator { int compare(let1, let2) { let1.toLowerCase() <=> let2.toLowerCase() } } assert letters.toUnique(new LowerComparator()) == lower
- an arraycomparator
- a Comparator used to determine unique (equal) items
If null
, the Comparable natural ordering of the elements will be used.Returns a new Array containing the items from the original Array but with duplicates removed using the natural ordering of the items in the array.
String[] letters = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'a', 't', 'h', 'a', 't'] String[] expected = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'h'] def result = letters.toUnique() assert result == expected assert result.class.componentType == String
- an arrayReturns a new Array containing the items from the original Array but with duplicates removed with the supplied comparator determining which items are unique.
String[] letters = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'A', 't', 'h', 'a', 'T'] String[] expected = ['c', 'a', 't', 's', 'h'] assert letters.toUnique{ p1, p2 -> p1.toLowerCase() <=> p2.toLowerCase() } == expected assert letters.toUnique{ it.toLowerCase() } == expected
- an arraycondition
- a Closure used to determine unique itemsConverts the character to uppercase. Synonym for 'Character.toUpperCase(this)'.
- a Character to convertAdds GroovyCollections#transpose(List) as a method on lists. A Transpose Function takes a collection of columns and returns a collection of rows. The first row consists of the first element from each column. Successive rows are constructed similarly.
Example usage:
def result = [['a', 'b'], [1, 2]].transpose() assert result == [['a', 1], ['b', 2]]
def result = [['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [3, 4]].transpose() assert result == [['a', 1, 3], ['b', 2, 4]]
- a List of listsTruncate the value
- a Floatprecision
- the number of decimal places to keepTruncate the value
- a FloatTruncate the value
- a DoubleTruncate the value
- a Doubleprecision
- the number of decimal places to keepTruncate the value
- a BigDecimalTruncate the value
- a BigDecimalprecision
- the number of decimal places to keep Negates the number. Equivalent to the '-' operator when it preceeds
a single operand, i.e. -10
- a Number Returns the number, effectively being a noop for numbers.
Operator overloaded form of the '+' operator when it preceeds
a single operand, i.e. +10
- a NumberReturns an iterator equivalent to this iterator with all duplicated items removed by using Groovy's default number-aware comparator. The original iterator will become exhausted of elements after determining the unique values. A new iterator for the unique values will be returned.
- an IteratorModifies this collection to remove all duplicated items, using Groovy's default number-aware comparator.
assert [1,3] == [1,3,3].unique()
- a collectionModifies this List to remove all duplicated items, using Groovy's default number-aware comparator.
assert [1,3] == [1,3,3].unique()
- a ListRemove all duplicates from a given Collection using Groovy's default number-aware comparator. If mutate is true, it works by modifying the original object (and also returning it). If mutate is false, a new collection is returned leaving the original unchanged.
assert [1,3] == [1,3,3].unique()
def orig = [1, 3, 2, 3] def uniq = orig.unique(false) assert orig == [1, 3, 2, 3] assert uniq == [1, 3, 2]
- a collectionmutate
- false will cause a new list containing unique items from the collection to be created, true will mutate collections in placeRemove all duplicates from a given List using Groovy's default number-aware comparator. If mutate is true, it works by modifying the original object (and also returning it). If mutate is false, a new collection is returned leaving the original unchanged.
assert [1,3] == [1,3,3].unique()
def orig = [1, 3, 2, 3] def uniq = orig.unique(false) assert orig == [1, 3, 2, 3] assert uniq == [1, 3, 2]
- a Listmutate
- false will cause a new List containing unique items from the List to be created, true will mutate List in placeReturns an iterator equivalent to this iterator but with all duplicated items removed by using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items. The original iterator will be fully processed after the call.
If the closure takes a single parameter, the argument passed will be each element, and the closure should return a value used for comparison (either using Comparable.compareTo or Object.equals). If the closure takes two parameters, two items from the Iterator will be passed as arguments, and the closure should return an int value (with 0 indicating the items are not unique).
- an Iteratorcondition
- a Closure used to determine unique itemsA convenience method for making a collection unique using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items.
If the closure takes a single parameter, the argument passed will be each element, and the closure should return a value used for comparison (either using Comparable.compareTo or Object.equals). If the closure takes two parameters, two items from the collection will be passed as arguments, and the closure should return an int value (with 0 indicating the items are not unique).
assert [1,4] == [1,3,4,5].unique { it % 2 }
assert [2,3,4] == [2,3,3,4].unique { a, b -> a <=> b }
- a Collectionclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine unique itemsA convenience method for making a List unique using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items.
If the closure takes a single parameter, the argument passed will be each element, and the closure should return a value used for comparison (either using Comparable.compareTo or Object.equals). If the closure takes two parameters, two items from the List will be passed as arguments, and the closure should return an int value (with 0 indicating the items are not unique).
assert [1,4] == [1,3,4,5].unique { it % 2 }
assert [2,3,4] == [2,3,3,4].unique { a, b -> a <=> b }
- a Listclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine unique itemsA convenience method for making a collection unique using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items. If mutate is true, it works on the receiver object and returns it. If mutate is false, a new collection is returned.
If the closure takes a single parameter, each element from the Collection will be passed to the closure. The closure should return a value used for comparison (either using Comparable.compareTo or Object.equals). If the closure takes two parameters, two items from the collection will be passed as arguments, and the closure should return an int value (with 0 indicating the items are not unique).
def orig = [1, 3, 4, 5] def uniq = orig.unique(false) { it % 2 } assert orig == [1, 3, 4, 5] assert uniq == [1, 4]
def orig = [2, 3, 3, 4] def uniq = orig.unique(false) { a, b -> a <=> b } assert orig == [2, 3, 3, 4] assert uniq == [2, 3, 4]
- a Collectionmutate
- false will always cause a new list to be created, true will mutate lists in placeclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine unique itemsA convenience method for making a List unique using a Closure to determine duplicate (equal) items. If mutate is true, it works on the receiver object and returns it. If mutate is false, a new collection is returned.
If the closure takes a single parameter, each element from the List will be passed to the closure. The closure should return a value used for comparison (either using Comparable.compareTo or Object.equals). If the closure takes two parameters, two items from the collection will be passed as arguments, and the closure should return an int value (with 0 indicating the items are not unique).
def orig = [1, 3, 4, 5] def uniq = orig.unique(false) { it % 2 } assert orig == [1, 3, 4, 5] assert uniq == [1, 4]
def orig = [2, 3, 3, 4] def uniq = orig.unique(false) { a, b -> a <=> b } assert orig == [2, 3, 3, 4] assert uniq == [2, 3, 4]
- a Listmutate
- false will always cause a new list to be created, true will mutate lists in placeclosure
- a 1 or 2 arg Closure used to determine unique itemsReturns an iterator equivalent to this iterator with all duplicated items removed by using the supplied comparator. The original iterator will be exhausted upon returning.
- an Iteratorcomparator
- a ComparatorRemove all duplicates from a given Collection. Works on the original object (and also returns it). The order of members in the Collection are compared by the given Comparator. For each duplicate, the first member which is returned by the given Collection's iterator is retained, but all other ones are removed. The given Collection's original order is preserved.
class Person { def fname, lname String toString() { return fname + " " + lname } } class PersonComparator implements Comparator { int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Person p1 = (Person) o1 Person p2 = (Person) o2 if (p1.lname != p2.lname) return p1.lname.compareTo(p2.lname) else return p1.fname.compareTo(p2.fname) } boolean equals(Object obj) { return this.equals(obj) } } Person a = new Person(fname:"John", lname:"Taylor") Person b = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") Person c = new Person(fname:"Tom", lname:"Cruz") Person d = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") def list = [a, b, c, d] List list2 = list.unique(new PersonComparator()) assert( list2 == list && list == [a, b, c] )
- a Collectioncomparator
- a ComparatorRemove all duplicates from a given List. Works on the original object (and also returns it). The order of members in the List are compared by the given Comparator. For each duplicate, the first member which is returned by the given List's iterator is retained, but all other ones are removed. The given List's original order is preserved.
class Person { def fname, lname String toString() { return fname + " " + lname } } class PersonComparator implements Comparator { int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Person p1 = (Person) o1 Person p2 = (Person) o2 if (p1.lname != p2.lname) return p1.lname.compareTo(p2.lname) else return p1.fname.compareTo(p2.fname) } boolean equals(Object obj) { return this.equals(obj) } } Person a = new Person(fname:"John", lname:"Taylor") Person b = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") Person c = new Person(fname:"Tom", lname:"Cruz") Person d = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") def list = [a, b, c, d] List list2 = list.unique(new PersonComparator()) assert( list2 == list && list == [a, b, c] )
- a Listcomparator
- a ComparatorRemove all duplicates from a given Collection. If mutate is true, it works on the original object (and also returns it). If mutate is false, a new collection is returned. The order of members in the Collection are compared by the given Comparator. For each duplicate, the first member which is returned by the given Collection's iterator is retained, but all other ones are removed. The given Collection's original order is preserved.
class Person { def fname, lname String toString() { return fname + " " + lname } } class PersonComparator implements Comparator { int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Person p1 = (Person) o1 Person p2 = (Person) o2 if (p1.lname != p2.lname) return p1.lname.compareTo(p2.lname) else return p1.fname.compareTo(p2.fname) } boolean equals(Object obj) { return this.equals(obj) } } Person a = new Person(fname:"John", lname:"Taylor") Person b = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") Person c = new Person(fname:"Tom", lname:"Cruz") Person d = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") def list = [a, b, c, d] List list2 = list.unique(false, new PersonComparator()) assert( list2 != list && list2 == [a, b, c] )
- a Collectionmutate
- false will always cause a new collection to be created, true will mutate collections in placecomparator
- a ComparatorRemove all duplicates from a given List. If mutate is true, it works on the original object (and also returns it). If mutate is false, a new List is returned. The order of members in the List are compared by the given Comparator. For each duplicate, the first member which is returned by the given List's iterator is retained, but all other ones are removed. The given List's original order is preserved.
class Person { def fname, lname String toString() { return fname + " " + lname } } class PersonComparator implements Comparator { int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Person p1 = (Person) o1 Person p2 = (Person) o2 if (p1.lname != p2.lname) return p1.lname.compareTo(p2.lname) else return p1.fname.compareTo(p2.fname) } boolean equals(Object obj) { return this.equals(obj) } } Person a = new Person(fname:"John", lname:"Taylor") Person b = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") Person c = new Person(fname:"Tom", lname:"Cruz") Person d = new Person(fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor") def list = [a, b, c, d] List list2 = list.unique(false, new PersonComparator()) assert( list2 != list && list2 == [a, b, c] )
- a Listmutate
- false will always cause a new List to be created, true will mutate List in placecomparator
- a ComparatorIterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time.
- a Numberto
- another Number to go up toclosure
- the closure to callIterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time.
- a longto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time.
- a Longto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time.
- a floatto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time.
- a Floatto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time.
- a doubleto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time.
- a Doubleto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time. Example:
0.upto( 10 ) { println it }Prints numbers 0 to 10
- a BigIntegerto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberIterates from this number up to the given number, inclusive, incrementing by one each time.
0.1.upto( 10 ) { println it }Prints numbers 0.1, 1.1, 2.1... to 9.1
- a BigDecimalto
- the end numberclosure
- the code to execute for each numberScoped use method
- any ObjectcategoryClass
- a category class to useclosure
- the closure to invoke with the category in placeScoped use method with list of categories.
- any ObjectcategoryClassList
- a list of category classesclosure
- the closure to invoke with the categories in place Allows you to use a list of categories, specifying the list as varargs.
use(CategoryClass1, CategoryClass2) { ... }
This method saves having to wrap the the category
classes in a list.
- any Objectarray
- a list of category classes and a ClosureAllows the closure to be called for the object reference self.
Any method invoked inside the closure will first be invoked on the self reference. For instance, the following method calls to the append() method are invoked on the StringBuilder instance:
def b = new StringBuilder().with { append('foo') append('bar') return it } assert b.toString() == 'foobar'This is commonly used to simplify object creation, such as this example:
def p = new Person().with { firstName = 'John' lastName = 'Doe' return it }The other typical usage, uses the self object while creating some value:
def fullName = person.with{ "$firstName $lastName" }
- the object to have a closure act uponclosure
- the closure to call on the objectAllows the closure to be called for the object reference self.
Any method invoked inside the closure will first be invoked on the self reference. For example, the following method calls to the append() method are invoked on the StringBuilder instance and then, because 'returning' is true, the self instance is returned:def b = new StringBuilder().with(true) { append('foo') append('bar') } assert b.toString() == 'foobar'The returning parameter is commonly set to true when using with to simplify object creation, such as this example:
def p = new Person().with(true) { firstName = 'John' lastName = 'Doe' }Alternatively, 'tap' is an alias for 'with(true)', so that method can be used instead. The other main use case for with is when returning a value calculated using self as shown here:
def fullName = person.with(false){ "$firstName $lastName" }Alternatively, 'with' is an alias for 'with(false)', so the boolean parameter can be ommitted instead.
- the object to have a closure act uponreturning
- if true, return the self object; otherwise, the result of calling the closureclosure
- the closure to call on the object Wraps a map using the decorator pattern with a wrapper that intercepts all calls
to get(key)
. If an unknown key is found, a default value will be
stored into the Map before being returned. The default value stored will be the
result of calling the supplied Closure with the key as the parameter to the Closure.
Example usage:
def map = [a:1, b:2].withDefault{ k -> k.toCharacter().isLowerCase() ? 10 : -10 } def expected = [a:1, b:2, c:10, D:-10] assert expected.every{ e -> e.value == map[e.key] } def constMap = [:].withDefault{ 42 } assert == 42 assert constMap.size() == 1
- a Mapinit
- a Closure which is passed the unknown key An alias for withLazyDefault
which decorates a list allowing
it to grow when called with index values outside the normal list bounds.
- a Listinit
- a Closure with the target index as parameter which generates the default value Decorates a list allowing it to grow when called with a non-existent index value.
When called with such values, the list is grown in size and a default value
is placed in the list by calling a supplied init
Closure. Null values
can be stored in the list.
How it works: The decorated list intercepts all calls
to getAt(index)
and get(index)
. If an index greater than
or equal to the current size()
is used, the list will grow automatically
up to the specified index. Gaps will be filled by calling the init
If generating a default value is a costly operation consider using withLazyDefault
Example usage:
def list = [0, 1].withEagerDefault{ 42 } assert list[0] == 0 assert list[1] == 1 assert list[3] == 42 // default value assert list == [0, 1, 42, 42] // gap filled with default value // illustrate using the index when generating default values def list2 = [5].withEagerDefault{ index -> index * index } assert list2[3] == 9 assert list2 == [5, 1, 4, 9] // illustrate what happens with null values list2[2] = null assert list2[2] == null assert list2 == [5, 1, null, 9]
- a Listinit
- a Closure with the target index as parameter which generates the default valueZips an Iterable with indices in (value, index) order.
Example usage:assert [["a", 0], ["b", 1]] == ["a", "b"].withIndex() assert ["0: a", "1: b"] == ["a", "b"].withIndex().collect { str, idx -> "$idx: $str" }
- an IterableZips an Iterable with indices in (value, index) order.
Example usage:assert [["a", 5], ["b", 6]] == ["a", "b"].withIndex(5) assert ["1: a", "2: b"] == ["a", "b"].withIndex(1).collect { str, idx -> "$idx: $str" }
- an Iterableoffset
- an index to start fromZips an iterator with indices in (value, index) order.
Example usage:assert [["a", 0], ["b", 1]] == ["a", "b"].iterator().withIndex().toList() assert ["0: a", "1: b"] == ["a", "b"].iterator().withIndex().collect { str, idx -> "$idx: $str" }.toList()
- an iteratorZips an iterator with indices in (value, index) order.
Example usage:assert [["a", 5], ["b", 6]] == ["a", "b"].iterator().withIndex(5).toList() assert ["1: a", "2: b"] == ["a", "b"].iterator().withIndex(1).collect { str, idx -> "$idx: $str" }.toList()
- an iteratoroffset
- an index to start from Decorates a list allowing it to grow when called with a non-existent index value.
When called with such values, the list is grown in size and a default value
is placed in the list by calling a supplied init
Closure. Subsequent
retrieval operations if finding a null value in the list assume it was set
as null from an earlier growing operation and again call the init
to populate the retrieved value; consequently the list can't be used to store null values.
How it works: The decorated list intercepts all calls
to getAt(index)
and get(index)
. If an index greater than
or equal to the current size()
is used, the list will grow automatically
up to the specified index. Gaps will be filled by null
. If a default value
should also be used to fill gaps instead of null
, use withEagerDefault
If getAt(index)
or get(index)
are called and a null value
is found, it is assumed that the null value was a consequence of an earlier grow list
operation and the init
Closure is called to populate the value.
Example usage:
def list = [0, 1].withLazyDefault{ 42 } assert list[0] == 0 assert list[1] == 1 assert list[3] == 42 // default value assert list == [0, 1, null, 42] // gap filled with null // illustrate using the index when generating default values def list2 = [5].withLazyDefault{ index -> index * index } assert list2[3] == 9 assert list2 == [5, null, null, 9] assert list2[2] == 4 assert list2 == [5, null, 4, 9] // illustrate what happens with null values list2[2] = null assert list2[2] == 4
- a Listinit
- a Closure with the target index as parameter which generates the default valueDynamically wraps an instance into something which implements the supplied trait classes. It is guaranteed that the returned object will implement the trait interfaces, but the original type of the object is lost (replaced with a proxy).
- object to be wrappedtraits
- a list of trait classesBitwise XOR together two BitSets. Called when the '^' operator is used between two bit sets.
- a BitSetright
- another BitSet to bitwise ANDBitwise XOR together two Numbers. Called when the '^' operator is used.
- a Numberright
- another Number to bitwse XOR