public class Verifier extends Object
Verifies the AST node and adds any default AST code before bytecode generation occurs. Checks include:
Modifiers | Name | Description |
interface |
Verifier.DefaultArgsAction |
Modifiers | Name | Description |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
protected void |
addClosureCode(InnerClassNode node) |
protected void |
addConstructor(Parameter[] newParams, ConstructorNode ctor, Statement code, ClassNode node) |
protected void |
addCovariantMethods(ClassNode classNode) |
protected void |
addDefaultConstructor(ClassNode node) |
protected void |
addDefaultParameterConstructors(ClassNode node) |
protected void |
addDefaultParameterMethods(ClassNode node) Creates a new helper method for each combination of default parameter expressions |
protected void |
addDefaultParameters(List methods, Verifier.DefaultArgsAction action) Creates a new helper method for each combination of default parameter expressions |
protected void |
addDefaultParameters(Verifier.DefaultArgsAction action, MethodNode method) |
protected void |
addFieldInitialization(List list, List staticList, FieldNode fieldNode, boolean isEnumClassNode, List initStmtsAfterEnumValuesInit, Set explicitStaticPropsInEnum) |
protected void |
addGroovyObjectInterfaceAndMethods(ClassNode node, String classInternalName) |
protected void |
addInitialization(ClassNode node) |
protected void |
addInitialization(ClassNode node, ConstructorNode constructorNode) |
protected MethodNode |
addMethod(ClassNode node, boolean shouldBeSynthetic, String name, int modifiers, ClassNode returnType, Parameter[] parameters, ClassNode[] exceptions, Statement code) the code is: if (this.metaClass==null) { this.metaClass = this. |
protected void |
addPropertyMethod(MethodNode method) |
protected void |
addReturnIfNeeded(MethodNode node) |
protected void |
addTimeStamp(ClassNode node) |
static String |
capitalize(String name) Capitalizes the start of the given bean property name |
protected Statement |
createGetterBlock(PropertyNode propertyNode, FieldNode field) |
protected Statement |
createSetterBlock(PropertyNode propertyNode, FieldNode field) |
ClassNode |
getClassNode() |
protected VariableNotFinalCallback |
getFinalVariablesCallback() |
MethodNode |
getMethodNode() |
static long |
getTimestamp(Class clazz) |
static Long |
getTimestampFromFieldName(String fieldName) |
protected void |
setClassNode(ClassNode classNode) |
static ConstantExpression |
transformToPrimitiveConstantIfPossible(ConstantExpression constantExpression) When constant expressions are created, the value is always wrapped to a non primitive type. |
void |
visitClass(ClassNode node) walk the class |
void |
visitConstructor(ConstructorNode node) |
void |
visitField(FieldNode node) |
void |
visitGenericType(GenericsType genericsType) |
void |
visitMethod(MethodNode node) |
void |
visitProperty(PropertyNode node) |
Creates a new helper method for each combination of default parameter expressions
Creates a new helper method for each combination of default parameter expressions
the code is: if (this.metaClass==null) { this.metaClass = this.$getStaticMetaClass return this.metaClass } else { return this.metaClass } with the optimization that the result of the first this.metaClass is duped on the operand stack and reused for the return in the else part
When constant expressions are created, the value is always wrapped to a non primitive type. Some constant expressions are optimized to return primitive types, but not all primitives are handled. This method guarantees to return a similar constant expression but with a primitive type instead of a boxed type.
Additionally, single char strings are converted to 'char' types.constantExpression
- a constant expressionwalk the class
- the node to visit