Package groovy.lang

Class GroovyClassLoader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class GroovyClassLoader
    A ClassLoader which can load Groovy classes. The loaded classes are cached, classes from other classloaders should not be cached. To be able to load a script that was asked for earlier but was created later it is essential not to keep anything like a "class not found" information for that class name. This includes possible parent loaders. Classes that are not cached are always reloaded.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class> classCache
      this cache contains the loaded classes or PARSING, if the class is currently parsed
      protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class> sourceCache
      This cache contains mappings of file name to class.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addClasspath​(java.lang.String path)
      adds a classpath to this classloader.
      void addURL​( url)
      adds a URL to the classloader.
      void clearCache()
      Removes all classes from the class cache.
      void close()
      Closes this GroovyClassLoader and clears any caches it maintains.
      protected GroovyClassLoader.ClassCollector createCollector​(CompilationUnit unit, SourceUnit su)
      creates a ClassCollector for a new compilation.
      protected CompilationUnit createCompilationUnit​(CompilerConfiguration config, source)
      creates a new CompilationUnit.
      java.lang.Class defineClass​(java.lang.String name, byte[] b)
      open up the super class define that takes raw bytes
      java.lang.Class defineClass​(ClassNode classNode, java.lang.String file, java.lang.String newCodeBase)
      Loads the given class node returning the implementation Class.
      java.lang.String generateScriptName()  
      protected java.lang.Class getClassCacheEntry​(java.lang.String name)
      gets a class from the class cache.
      protected java.lang.String[] getClassPath()
      gets the currently used classpath.
      java.lang.Class[] getLoadedClasses()
      Returns all Groovy classes loaded by this class loader.
      protected getPermissions​( codeSource)  
      GroovyResourceLoader getResourceLoader()  
      protected long getTimeStamp​(java.lang.Class cls)
      gets the time stamp of a given class.
      boolean hasCompatibleConfiguration​(CompilerConfiguration config)
      Check if this class loader has compatible CompilerConfiguration with the provided one.
      protected boolean isRecompilable​(java.lang.Class cls)
      Indicates if a class is recompilable.
      java.lang.Boolean isShouldRecompile()
      gets the currently set recompilation mode.
      protected boolean isSourceNewer​( source, java.lang.Class cls)
      Decides if the given source is newer than a class.
      java.lang.Class<?> loadClass​(java.lang.String name)  
      protected java.lang.Class loadClass​(java.lang.String name, boolean resolve)
      Implemented here to check package access prior to returning an already loaded class.
      java.lang.Class loadClass​(java.lang.String name, boolean lookupScriptFiles, boolean preferClassOverScript)
      loads a class from a file or a parent classloader.
      java.lang.Class loadClass​(java.lang.String name, boolean lookupScriptFiles, boolean preferClassOverScript, boolean resolve)
      loads a class from a file or a parent classloader.
      java.lang.Class parseClass​(GroovyCodeSource codeSource)  
      java.lang.Class parseClass​(GroovyCodeSource codeSource, boolean shouldCacheSource)
      Parses the given code source into a Java class.
      java.lang.Class parseClass​( file)
      Parses the given file into a Java class capable of being run
      java.lang.Class parseClass​( in, java.lang.String fileName)
      Prefer using methods taking a Reader rather than an InputStream to avoid wrong encoding issues.
      java.lang.Class parseClass​( reader, java.lang.String fileName)  
      java.lang.Class parseClass​(java.lang.String text)
      Parses the given text into a Java class capable of being run
      java.lang.Class parseClass​(java.lang.String text, java.lang.String fileName)
      Parses the given text into a Java class capable of being run
      protected java.lang.Class recompile​( source, java.lang.String className, java.lang.Class oldClass)
      (Re)Compiles the given source.
      protected void removeClassCacheEntry​(java.lang.String name)
      removes a class from the class cache.
      protected void setClassCacheEntry​(java.lang.Class cls)
      sets an entry in the class cache.
      void setResourceLoader​(GroovyResourceLoader resourceLoader)  
      void setShouldRecompile​(java.lang.Boolean mode)
      sets if the recompilation should be enable.
      • Methods inherited from class

        definePackage, findClass, findResource, findResources, getResourceAsStream, getURLs, newInstance, newInstance
      • Methods inherited from class

        defineClass, defineClass
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.ClassLoader

        clearAssertionStatus, defineClass, defineClass, defineClass, defineClass, definePackage, findClass, findLibrary, findLoadedClass, findResource, findSystemClass, getClassLoadingLock, getDefinedPackage, getDefinedPackages, getName, getPackage, getPackages, getParent, getPlatformClassLoader, getResource, getResources, getSystemClassLoader, getSystemResource, getSystemResourceAsStream, getSystemResources, getUnnamedModule, isRegisteredAsParallelCapable, registerAsParallelCapable, resolveClass, resources, setClassAssertionStatus, setDefaultAssertionStatus, setPackageAssertionStatus, setSigners
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • classCache

        protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class> classCache
        this cache contains the loaded classes or PARSING, if the class is currently parsed
      • sourceCache

        protected final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Class> sourceCache
        This cache contains mappings of file name to class. It is used to bypass compilation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GroovyClassLoader

        public GroovyClassLoader()
        creates a GroovyClassLoader using the current Thread's context Class loader as parent.
      • GroovyClassLoader

        public GroovyClassLoader​(java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
        creates a GroovyClassLoader using the given ClassLoader as parent
      • GroovyClassLoader

        public GroovyClassLoader​(GroovyClassLoader parent)
        creates a GroovyClassLoader using the given GroovyClassLoader as parent. This loader will get the parent's CompilerConfiguration
      • GroovyClassLoader

        public GroovyClassLoader​(java.lang.ClassLoader parent,
                                 CompilerConfiguration config,
                                 boolean useConfigurationClasspath)
        creates a GroovyClassLoader.
        parent - the parent class loader
        config - the compiler configuration
        useConfigurationClasspath - determines if the configurations classpath should be added
      • GroovyClassLoader

        public GroovyClassLoader​(java.lang.ClassLoader loader,
                                 CompilerConfiguration config)
        creates a GroovyClassLoader using the given ClassLoader as parent.
    • Method Detail

      • defineClass

        public java.lang.Class defineClass​(ClassNode classNode,
                                           java.lang.String file,
                                           java.lang.String newCodeBase)
        Loads the given class node returning the implementation Class.

        WARNING: this compilation is not synchronized

        classNode -
        a class
      • hasCompatibleConfiguration

        public boolean hasCompatibleConfiguration​(CompilerConfiguration config)
        Check if this class loader has compatible CompilerConfiguration with the provided one.
        config - the compiler configuration to test for compatibility
        true if the provided config is exactly the same instance of CompilerConfiguration as this loader has
      • parseClass

        public java.lang.Class parseClass​( file)
                                   throws CompilationFailedException,
        Parses the given file into a Java class capable of being run
        file - the file name to parse
        the main class defined in the given script
      • parseClass

        public java.lang.Class parseClass​(java.lang.String text,
                                          java.lang.String fileName)
                                   throws CompilationFailedException
        Parses the given text into a Java class capable of being run
        text - the text of the script/class to parse
        fileName - the file name to use as the name of the class
        the main class defined in the given script
      • parseClass

        public java.lang.Class parseClass​(java.lang.String text)
                                   throws CompilationFailedException
        Parses the given text into a Java class capable of being run
        text - the text of the script/class to parse
        the main class defined in the given script
      • generateScriptName

        public java.lang.String generateScriptName()
      • parseClass

        public java.lang.Class parseClass​( in,
                                          java.lang.String fileName)
                                   throws CompilationFailedException
        Prefer using methods taking a Reader rather than an InputStream to avoid wrong encoding issues. Use parseClass instead
      • parseClass

        public java.lang.Class parseClass​(GroovyCodeSource codeSource,
                                          boolean shouldCacheSource)
                                   throws CompilationFailedException
        Parses the given code source into a Java class. If there is a class file for the given code source, then no parsing is done, instead the cached class is returned.
        shouldCacheSource - if true then the generated class will be stored in the source cache
        the main class defined in the given script
      • getClassPath

        protected java.lang.String[] getClassPath()
        gets the currently used classpath.
        a String[] containing the file information of the urls
        See Also:
      • getPermissions

        protected getPermissions​( codeSource)
        getPermissions in class
      • createCompilationUnit

        protected CompilationUnit createCompilationUnit​(CompilerConfiguration config,
        creates a new CompilationUnit. If you want to add additional phase operations to the CompilationUnit (for example to inject additional methods, variables, fields), then you should overwrite this method.
        config - the compiler configuration, usually the same as for this class loader
        source - the source containing the initial file to compile, more files may follow during compilation
        the CompilationUnit
      • defineClass

        public java.lang.Class defineClass​(java.lang.String name,
                                           byte[] b)
        open up the super class define that takes raw bytes
      • loadClass

        public java.lang.Class loadClass​(java.lang.String name,
                                         boolean lookupScriptFiles,
                                         boolean preferClassOverScript)
                                  throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException,
        loads a class from a file or a parent classloader. This method does call loadClass(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) with the last parameter set to false.
        CompilationFailedException - if compilation was not successful
      • getClassCacheEntry

        protected java.lang.Class getClassCacheEntry​(java.lang.String name)
        gets a class from the class cache. This cache contains only classes loaded through this class loader or an InnerLoader instance. If no class is stored for a specific name, then the method should return null.
        name - of the class
        the class stored for the given name
        See Also:
        removeClassCacheEntry(String), setClassCacheEntry(Class), clearCache()
      • addURL

        public void addURL​( url)
        adds a URL to the classloader.
        addURL in class
        url - the new classpath element
      • isRecompilable

        protected boolean isRecompilable​(java.lang.Class cls)
        Indicates if a class is recompilable. Recompilable means, that the classloader will try to locate a groovy source file for this class and then compile it again, adding the resulting class as entry to the cache. Giving null as class is like a recompilation, so the method should always return true here. Only classes that are implementing GroovyObject are compilable and only if the timestamp in the class is lower than Long.MAX_VALUE.

        NOTE: First the parent loaders will be asked and only if they don't return a class the recompilation will happen. Recompilation also only happen if the source file is newer.

        cls - the class to be tested. If null the method should return true
        true if the class should be compiled again
        See Also:
        isSourceNewer(URL, Class)
      • setShouldRecompile

        public void setShouldRecompile​(java.lang.Boolean mode)
        sets if the recompilation should be enable. There are 3 possible values for this. Any value different than null overrides the value from the compiler configuration. true means to recompile if needed false means to never recompile.
        mode - the recompilation mode
        See Also:
      • isShouldRecompile

        public java.lang.Boolean isShouldRecompile()
        gets the currently set recompilation mode. null means, the compiler configuration is used. False means no recompilation and true means that recompilation will be done if needed.
        the recompilation mode
      • loadClass

        public java.lang.Class loadClass​(java.lang.String name,
                                         boolean lookupScriptFiles,
                                         boolean preferClassOverScript,
                                         boolean resolve)
                                  throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException,
        loads a class from a file or a parent classloader.
        name - of the class to be loaded
        lookupScriptFiles - if false no lookup at files is done at all
        preferClassOverScript - if true the file lookup is only done if there is no class
        resolve - see ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean)
        the class found or the class created from a file lookup
        java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - if the class could not be found
        CompilationFailedException - if the source file could not be compiled
      • recompile

        protected java.lang.Class recompile​( source,
                                            java.lang.String className,
                                            java.lang.Class oldClass)
                                     throws CompilationFailedException,
        (Re)Compiles the given source. This method starts the compilation of a given source, if the source has changed since the class was created. For this isSourceNewer is called.
        source - the source pointer for the compilation
        className - the name of the class to be generated
        oldClass - a possible former class
        the old class if the source wasn't new enough, the new class else
        CompilationFailedException - if the compilation failed - if the source is not readable
        See Also:
        isSourceNewer(URL, Class)
      • loadClass

        public java.lang.Class<?> loadClass​(java.lang.String name)
                                     throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
        loadClass in class java.lang.ClassLoader
      • loadClass

        protected java.lang.Class loadClass​(java.lang.String name,
                                            boolean resolve)
                                     throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
        Implemented here to check package access prior to returning an already loaded class.
        loadClass in class java.lang.ClassLoader
        CompilationFailedException - if the compilation failed
        java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - if the class was not found
        See Also:
        ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean)
      • getTimeStamp

        protected long getTimeStamp​(java.lang.Class cls)
        gets the time stamp of a given class. For groovy generated classes this usually means to return the value of the static field __timeStamp. If the parameter doesn't have such a field, then Long.MAX_VALUE is returned
        cls - the class
        the time stamp
      • isSourceNewer

        protected boolean isSourceNewer​( source,
                                        java.lang.Class cls)
        Decides if the given source is newer than a class.
        source - the source we may want to compile
        cls - the former class
        true if the source is newer, false else
        Throws: - if it is not possible to open an connection for the given source
        See Also:
      • addClasspath

        public void addClasspath​(java.lang.String path)
        adds a classpath to this classloader.
        path - is a jar file or a directory.
        See Also:
      • getLoadedClasses

        public java.lang.Class[] getLoadedClasses()

        Returns all Groovy classes loaded by this class loader.

        all classes loaded by this class loader
      • close

        public void close()
        Closes this GroovyClassLoader and clears any caches it maintains.

        No use should be made of this instance after this method is invoked. Any classes that are already loaded are still accessible.

        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        close in class
        See Also:
        URLClassLoader.close(), clearCache()