Interface | Description |
HasCleanup |
An interface for things that need to be cleaned up after
operations complete.
ParserPlugin |
A simple extension point to allow us to switch between the classic Groovy parser and the new Antlr based parser
Class | Description |
CompilationUnit |
The CompilationUnit collects all compilation data as it is generated by the compiler system.
CompilationUnit.ClassgenCallback |
A callback interface you can use to "accompany" the classgen()
code as it traverses the ClassNode tree.
CompilationUnit.GroovyClassOperation | |
CompilationUnit.PrimaryClassNodeOperation |
An callback interface for use in the applyToSourceUnits loop driver.
CompilationUnit.ProgressCallback |
A callback interface you can use to get a callback after every
unit of the compile process.
CompilationUnit.SourceUnitOperation |
An callback interface for use in the applyToSourceUnits loop driver.
CompilerConfiguration |
Compilation control flags and coordination stuff.
ErrorCollector |
A base class for collecting messages and errors during processing.
GenericsVisitor |
class used to verify correct usage of generics in
class header (class and superclass declaration)
Janitor |
An agent that can be used to defer cleanup operations to
a later time.
LabelVerifier |
This class checks the handling of labels in the AST
OptimizerVisitor |
Visitor to produce several optimizations
- to replace numbered constants with references to static fields
ParserPluginFactory |
A factory of parser plugin instances
Phases |
Compilation phase identifiers.
ProcessingUnit |
A base class for data structures that can collect messages and errors
during processing.
ResolveVisitor |
Visitor to resolve Types and convert VariableExpression to
ClassExpressions if needed.
SourceExtensionHandler |
Looks for source file extensions in META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.source.Extensions
SourceUnit |
Provides an anchor for a single source unit (usually a script file)
as it passes through the compiler system.
StaticImportVisitor |
Visitor to resolve constants and method calls from static Imports
StaticVerifier |
Verifier to check non-static access in static contexts
Enum | Description |
CompilePhase |
The phases of the GroovyCompiler.
Exception | Description |
CompilationFailedException |
Thrown when compilation fails from source errors.
ConfigurationException |
Thrown when configuration data is invalid.
MultipleCompilationErrorsException |
Compiler control classes.