public class StaticTypeCheckingVisitor extends ClassCodeVisitorSupport
The main class code visitor responsible for static type checking. It will perform various inspections like checking assignment types, type inference, ... Eventually, class nodes may be annotated with inferred type information.
Modifiers | Name | Description |
static class |
StaticTypeCheckingVisitor.SignatureCodecFactory |
protected class |
StaticTypeCheckingVisitor.VariableExpressionTypeMemoizer |
Constructor and description |
StaticTypeCheckingVisitor(SourceUnit source, ClassNode classNode) |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
protected void |
addAmbiguousErrorMessage(List<MethodNode> foundMethods, String name, ClassNode[] args, Expression expr) |
protected void |
addAssignmentError(ClassNode leftType, ClassNode rightType, Expression expression) |
protected void |
addCategoryMethodCallError(Expression call) |
protected void |
addClosureReturnType(ClassNode returnType) |
public void |
addError(String msg, ASTNode node) |
protected void |
addNoMatchingMethodError(ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode[] args, Expression exp) |
protected void |
addNoMatchingMethodError(ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode[] args, ASTNode origin) |
protected void |
addReceivers(List<Receiver<String>> receivers, Collection<Receiver<String>> owners, boolean implicitThis) |
protected void |
addStaticTypeError(String msg, ASTNode node) |
public void |
addTypeCheckingExtension(TypeCheckingExtension extension) |
protected void |
addTypeCheckingInfoAnnotation(MethodNode node) |
protected void |
addUnsupportedPreOrPostfixExpressionError(Expression expression) |
protected void |
afterSwitchConditionExpressionVisited(SwitchStatement statement) |
protected boolean |
areCategoryMethodCalls(List<MethodNode> foundMethods, String name, ClassNode[] args) |
protected boolean |
checkCast(ClassNode targetType, Expression source) |
protected void |
checkClosureParameters(Expression callArguments, ClassNode receiver)
protected void |
checkForbiddenSpreadArgument(ArgumentListExpression argumentList) |
protected void |
checkGroovyConstructorMap(Expression receiver, ClassNode receiverType, MapExpression mapExpression) |
protected void |
checkGroovyStyleConstructor(ClassNode node, ClassNode[] arguments) Checks that a constructor style expression is valid regarding the number of arguments and the argument types. |
protected MethodNode |
checkGroovyStyleConstructor(ClassNode node, ClassNode[] arguments, ASTNode origin) Checks that a constructor style expression is valid regarding the number of arguments and the argument types. |
protected ClassNode |
checkReturnType(ReturnStatement statement) |
protected boolean |
existsProperty(PropertyExpression pexp, boolean checkForReadOnly) |
protected boolean |
existsProperty(PropertyExpression pexp, boolean readMode, ClassCodeVisitorSupport visitor) Checks whether a property exists on the receiver, or on any of the possible receiver classes (found in the temporary type information table) |
public static String |
extractPropertyNameFromMethodName(String prefix, String methodName) Given a method name and a prefix, returns the name of the property that should be looked up, following the java beans rules. |
protected Object |
extractTemporaryTypeInfoKey(Expression expression) Computes the key to use for TypeCheckingContext.temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation. |
protected static ClassNode[] |
extractTypesFromParameters(Parameter[] parameters) |
protected ClassNode |
findCurrentInstanceOfClass(Expression expression, ClassNode type) A helper method which determines which receiver class should be used in error messages when a field or attribute is not found. |
protected BinaryExpression |
findInstanceOfNotReturnExpression(IfStatement ifElse) Check IfStatement matched pattern : Object var1; if (! |
protected List<MethodNode> |
findMethod(ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode args) |
protected MethodNode |
findMethodOrFail(Expression expr, ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode args) |
protected List<MethodNode> |
findMethodsWithGenerated(ClassNode receiver, String name) Returns methods defined for the specified receiver and adds "non-existing" methods that will be generated afterwards by the compiler; for example if a method is using default values and the class node is not compiled yet. |
protected BinaryExpression |
findNotInstanceOfReturnExpression(IfStatement ifElse) Check IfStatement matched pattern : Object var1; if (var1 ! |
protected static String |
formatArgumentList(ClassNode[] nodes) |
protected ClassNode[] |
getArgumentTypes(ArgumentListExpression argumentList) |
protected DelegationMetadata |
getDelegationMetadata(ClosureExpression expression) |
protected static ClassNode |
getGroupOperationResultType(ClassNode a, ClassNode b) |
protected ClassNode |
getInferredReturnType(ASTNode node) Returns the inferred return type of a closure or method, if stored on the AST node. |
protected ClassNode |
getInferredReturnTypeFromWithClosureArgument(Expression callArguments) In the case of a Object.with { ... } call, this method is supposed to retrieve the inferred closure return type. |
protected ClassNode |
getOriginalDeclarationType(Expression lhs) |
protected ClassNode |
getResultType(ClassNode left, int op, ClassNode right, BinaryExpression expr) |
protected SourceUnit |
getSourceUnit() |
protected List<ClassNode> |
getTemporaryTypesForExpression(Expression expression) |
protected ClassNode |
getType(ASTNode node) |
protected ClassNode[] |
getTypeCheckingAnnotations() Returns array of type checking annotations. |
public TypeCheckingContext |
getTypeCheckingContext() Returns the current type checking context. |
protected static boolean |
hasRHSIncompleteGenericTypeInfo(ClassNode inferredRightExpressionType) |
protected void |
inferClosureParameterTypes(ClassNode receiver, Expression arguments, ClosureExpression expression, Parameter target, MethodNode method) Performs type inference on closure argument types whenever code like this is found: foo.collect { it.toUpperCase() } . |
protected ClassNode |
inferComponentType(ClassNode receiverType, ClassNode subscriptType) |
protected void |
inferDiamondType(ConstructorCallExpression cce, ClassNode lType) |
protected ClassNode |
inferListExpressionType(ListExpression list) |
public static ClassNode |
inferLoopElementType(ClassNode collectionType) Returns the inferred loop element type given a loop collection type. |
protected ClassNode |
inferMapExpressionType(MapExpression map) |
protected ClassNode |
inferReturnTypeGenerics(ClassNode receiver, MethodNode method, Expression arguments) If a method call returns a parameterized type, then perform additional inference on the return type, so that the type gets actual type arguments. |
protected ClassNode |
inferReturnTypeGenerics(ClassNode receiver, MethodNode method, Expression arguments, GenericsType[] explicitTypeHints) If a method call returns a parameterized type, then perform additional inference on the return type, so that the type gets actual type arguments. |
public void |
initialize() |
protected static boolean |
isClassInnerClassOrEqualTo(ClassNode toBeChecked, ClassNode start) |
protected static boolean |
isNullConstant(Expression expression) |
protected boolean |
isSecondPassNeededForControlStructure(Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> startTypes, Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker) |
public boolean |
isSkipMode(AnnotatedNode node) |
protected boolean |
isSkippedInnerClass(AnnotatedNode node) Tests if a node is an inner class node, and if it is, then checks if the enclosing method is skipped. |
protected static boolean |
isSuperExpression(Expression expression) |
protected static boolean |
isThisExpression(Expression expression) |
protected List<Receiver<String>> |
makeOwnerList(Expression objectExpression) Given an object expression (a message receiver expression), generate list of possible types. |
public void |
performSecondPass() |
protected Map<VariableExpression, ClassNode> |
popAssignmentTracking(Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> oldTracker) |
protected static String |
prettyPrintMethodList(List<MethodNode> nodes) |
protected Map<VariableExpression, List<ClassNode>> |
pushAssignmentTracking() |
protected void |
pushInstanceOfTypeInfo(Expression objectOfInstanceOf, Expression typeExpression) Stores information about types when [objectOfInstanceof instanceof typeExpression] is visited. |
protected void |
restoreVariableExpressionMetadata(Map<VariableExpression, Map<StaticTypesMarker, Object>> typesBeforeVisit) |
protected void |
saveVariableExpressionMetadata(Set<VariableExpression> closureSharedExpressions, Map<VariableExpression, Map<StaticTypesMarker, Object>> typesBeforeVisit) |
public void |
setCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit compilationUnit) |
public void |
setMethodsToBeVisited(Set<MethodNode> methodsToBeVisited) |
protected boolean |
shouldSkipClassNode(ClassNode node) |
protected boolean |
shouldSkipMethodNode(MethodNode node) |
protected void |
silentlyVisitMethodNode(MethodNode directMethodCallCandidate) Visits a method call target, to infer the type. |
protected void |
startMethodInference(MethodNode node, ErrorCollector collector) |
protected ClassNode |
storeInferredReturnType(ASTNode node, ClassNode type) Stores the inferred return type of a closure or method. |
protected void |
storeTargetMethod(Expression call, MethodNode target) |
protected void |
storeType(Expression exp, ClassNode cn) |
protected void |
typeCheckAssignment(BinaryExpression assignmentExpression, Expression leftExpression, ClassNode leftExpressionType, Expression rightExpression, ClassNode rightExpressionType) |
protected void |
typeCheckClosureCall(Expression arguments, ClassNode[] argumentTypes, Parameter[] parameters) |
protected MethodNode |
typeCheckMapConstructor(ConstructorCallExpression call, ClassNode receiver, Expression arguments) |
protected boolean |
typeCheckMethodsWithGenericsOrFail(ClassNode receiver, ClassNode[] arguments, MethodNode candidateMethod, Expression location) |
public void |
visitArrayExpression(ArrayExpression expression) |
public void |
visitAttributeExpression(AttributeExpression expression) |
public void |
visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression expression) |
public void |
visitBitwiseNegationExpression(BitwiseNegationExpression expression) |
public void |
visitBlockStatement(BlockStatement block) |
public void |
visitCaseStatement(CaseStatement statement) |
public void |
visitCastExpression(CastExpression expression) |
public void |
visitClass(ClassNode node) |
public void |
visitClassExpression(ClassExpression expression) |
public void |
visitClosingBlock(BlockStatement block) |
public void |
visitClosureExpression(ClosureExpression expression) |
public void |
visitClosureExpression(ClosureExpression expression) |
public void |
visitConstructor(ConstructorNode node) |
public void |
visitConstructorCallExpression(ConstructorCallExpression call) |
protected void |
visitConstructorOrMethod(MethodNode node, boolean isConstructor) |
public void |
visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement statement) |
public void |
visitField(FieldNode node) |
public void |
visitForLoop(ForStatement forLoop) |
public void |
visitIfElse(IfStatement ifElse) |
protected void |
visitInstanceofNot(BinaryExpression be) |
public void |
visitMethod(MethodNode node) |
protected void |
visitMethodCallArguments(ClassNode receiver, ArgumentListExpression arguments, boolean visitClosures, MethodNode selectedMethod) |
public void |
visitMethodCallExpression(MethodCallExpression mce) |
public void |
visitMethodCallExpression(MethodCallExpression call) |
public void |
visitMethodPointerExpression(MethodPointerExpression expression) |
public void |
visitNotExpression(NotExpression expression) |
protected void |
visitObjectInitializerStatements(ClassNode node) |
public void |
visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression expression) |
public void |
visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression expression) |
public void |
visitProperty(PropertyNode node) |
public void |
visitPropertyExpression(PropertyExpression expression) |
public void |
visitRangeExpression(RangeExpression expression) |
public void |
visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement statement) |
public void |
visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement returnStatement) |
public void |
visitStaticMethodCallExpression(StaticMethodCallExpression call) |
public void |
visitSwitch(SwitchStatement statement) |
public void |
visitTernaryExpression(TernaryExpression expression) |
public void |
visitTryCatchFinally(TryCatchStatement statement) |
public void |
visitUnaryMinusExpression(UnaryMinusExpression expression) |
public void |
visitUnaryPlusExpression(UnaryPlusExpression expression) |
public void |
visitVariableExpression(VariableExpression vexp) |
public void |
visitWhileLoop(WhileStatement loop) |
protected static ClassNode |
wrapTypeIfNecessary(ClassNode type) Returns a wrapped type if, and only if, the provided class node is a primitive type. |
Checks that a constructor style expression is valid regarding the number of arguments and the argument types.
- the class node for which we will try to find a matching constructorarguments
- the constructor argumentsChecks that a constructor style expression is valid regarding the number of arguments and the argument types.
- the class node for which we will try to find a matching constructorarguments
- the constructor argumentsChecks whether a property exists on the receiver, or on any of the possible receiver classes (found in the temporary type information table)
- a property expressionreadMode
- if true, look for property read, else for property setvisitor
- if not null, when the property node is found, visit it with the provided visitorGiven a method name and a prefix, returns the name of the property that should be looked up, following the java beans rules. For example, "getName" would return "name", while "getFullName" would return "fullName". If the prefix is not found, returns null.
- the method name prefix ("get", "is", "set", ...)methodName
- the method nameComputes the key to use for TypeCheckingContext.temporaryIfBranchTypeInformation.
A helper method which determines which receiver class should be used in error messages when a field or attribute is not found. The returned type class depends on whether we have temporary type information available (due to instanceof checks) and whether there is a single candidate in that case.
- the expression for which an unknown field has been foundtype
- the type of the expression (used as fallback type)Check IfStatement matched pattern : Object var1; if (!(var1 instanceOf Runnable)) { return } // Here var1 instance of Runnable
Return expression , which contains instanceOf (without not) Return null, if not found
Returns methods defined for the specified receiver and adds "non-existing" methods that will be generated afterwards by the compiler; for example if a method is using default values and the class node is not compiled yet.
- the type to search for methodsname
- the name of the methods to returnCheck IfStatement matched pattern : Object var1; if (var1 !instanceOf Runnable) { return } // Here var1 instance of Runnable
Return expression , which contains instanceOf (without not) Return null, if not found
Returns the inferred return type of a closure or method, if stored on the AST node. This method doesn't perform any type inference by itself.
- a ClosureExpression or MethodNodeIn the case of a Object.with { ... } call, this method is supposed to retrieve the inferred closure return type.
- the argument list from the Object#with(Closure) call, i.e. a single closure expressionReturns array of type checking annotations. Subclasses may override this method in order to provide additional types which must be looked up when checking if a method or a class node should be skipped.
The default implementation returns TypeChecked.
Returns the current type checking context. The context is used internally by the type checker during type checking to store various state data.
Performs type inference on closure argument types whenever code like this
is found: foo.collect { it.toUpperCase() }
In this case the type checker tries to find if the collect
has its Closure argument annotated with ClosureParams. If
so, then additional type inference can be performed and the type of
may be inferred.
- closure or lambda expression for which the argument types should be inferredtarget
- parameter which may provide ClosureParams annotation or SAM typemethod
- method that declares target
Returns the inferred loop element type given a loop collection type. Used,
for example, to infer the element type of a for (e in list)
- the type of the collection If a method call returns a parameterized type, then perform additional
inference on the return type, so that the type gets actual type arguments.
For example, the method Arrays.asList(T...)
is parameterized with
, which can be deduced type arguments or call arguments.
- the method nodearguments
- the method call argumentsreceiver
- the object expression type If a method call returns a parameterized type, then perform additional
inference on the return type, so that the type gets actual type arguments.
For example, the method Arrays.asList(T...)
is parameterized with
, which can be deduced type arguments or call arguments.
- the method nodearguments
- the method call argumentsreceiver
- the object expression typeexplicitTypeHints
- type arguments (optional), for example Collections.<String>emptyList()
Tests if a node is an inner class node, and if it is, then checks if the enclosing method is skipped.
Given an object expression (a message receiver expression), generate list of possible types.
- the receiver expressionStores information about types when [objectOfInstanceof instanceof typeExpression] is visited.
- the expression to be checked against instanceoftypeExpression
- the expression which represents the target typeVisits a method call target, to infer the type. Don't report errors right away, that will be done by a later visitMethod call.
Stores the inferred return type of a closure or method. We are using a separate key to store inferred return type because the inferred type of a closure is Closure, which is different from the inferred type of the code of the closure.
- a ClosureExpression or MethodNodetype
- the inferred return type of the codeReturns a wrapped type if, and only if, the provided class node is a primitive type. This method differs from ClassHelper#getWrapper(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode) as it will return the same instance if the provided type is not a generic type.
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