- groovy.swing.factory.TitledBorderFactory
The node must be called with either a value argument or a title: attribute.
The following attributes are optional.
position: one of "default", "aboveTop", "top", "belowTop", "aboveBottom", "bottom", "belowBottom", or a constant from javax.swing.border.TitledBorder
justification: one of "default", "left", "center", "right", "leading", "trailing", or a constant from javax.swing.border.TitledBorder
border: javax.swing.Border, some other border, if unset the look and feel default will be used
color: java.awt.Color the color of the text for the title
font: java.awt.Font the font of the text for the title
Methods Summary
Inherited Methods Summary
Property Detail
private static final Map justifications
private static final Map positions
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