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Package Summary
Classes for working with Apache Antâ„¢.
An interactive command line terminal along with a Swing console for evaluating Groovy scripts and inspecting objects, AST and bytecode information.
Text processing helpers for the interactive command line terminal.
Classes for inspecting object properties through introspection.
Classes for Groovier Input/Output.
Classes for working with the Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology.
Classes for the JMX Builder.
Classes to support running JUnit5 tests as scripts.
Core Groovy language classes for implementing data structures, closures, metadata and so forth.
The groovy.mock.interceptor is an all-groovy mock testing library.
Security-related classes
Support for Groovlets which are Servlets written as a simple Groovy script.
Groovy helper classes for working with SQL data as Groovy objects
Binding classes for SwingBuilder
Implementation classes for SwingBuilder
An MVC model package for working with user interfaces and data structures and arbitrary Java and Groovy objects
Contains the text processing utilities including templating APIs and default implementations.
Contains a template engine facilitating generation of XML-like markup with optional type checking.
Classes for easily manipulating Dates and times.
Classes for building and parsing TOML.
Various Groovy utilities for working with nodes, builders, logging, and other things.
Classes for functional interfaces.
Groovy markup builder classes for working with SAX and W3C DOM and Groovy markup.
Groovy XML Dom processing classes.
Helper classes for XmlSlurper.
XmlBuilder related classes to support streaming XML.
Classes for building and parsing YAML.
Legacy classes for building AST data structures.
Classes to support running TestNG tests as scripts.
Classes related to property binding.
Utility classes for TOML processing.
This package contains an implementation of a bounded
data structure.Utility classes for YAML processing.
Groovy Language for the JVM
Ant tasks for working with Groovy - such as groovyc for compiling Groovy source code to
Java bytecode
Groovy AST nodes for the syntax of the language
AST nodes for Groovy expressions
AST nodes for Groovy statements
Generates Java classes for Groovy classes using ASM.
Helper classes for ASMClassGenerator.
Compiler control classes.
Internal classes for Groovier Input/Output.
Error message classes.
GroovyDoc internal classes.
Internal classes for assisting with reflection.
Runtime classes for Groovy - whether the dynamic interpreter is being used, the compiler or the bytecode generator.
Internal classes related to Groovy's metaclass implementation.
Classes used to execute special actions based on the type.
Groovy wrapper classes for primitive types.
Lexer, parser and trees.
Compiler entry points and miscellaneous development tools.
GroovyDoc tool.
Classes related to the joint compiler.
JVM version specific classes.