Package org.codehaus.groovy.util
package org.codehaus.groovy.util
ClassDescriptionAllows an array to be used where an Iterable is expected.Allows an array to be used where an Iterator is expected.Allows a boolean array to be used where an Iterator is expected.Allows a byte array to be used where an Iterator is expected.Allows a char array to be used where an Iterator is expected.
implementation that can read from String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder, CharBuffer or GString.Allows a double array to be used where an Iterable is expected.Allows a double array to be used where an Iterator is expected.An iterator providing the columns of a double[][].Allows a primitive float array to be used where an Iterable is expected.Allows a float array to be used where an Iterator is expected.An iterator providing the columns of a float[][].A utility class to help calculate hashcode values using an algorithm similar to that outlined in "Effective Java, Joshua Bloch, 2nd Edition".Allows an int array to be used where an Iterable is expected.Allows an int array to be used where an Iterator is expected.An iterator providing the columns of an int[][].An implementation for BufferedIterator wraps Iterator.Soft reference with lazy initialization under lockAn implementation for BufferedIterator wraps ListIterator.ListHashMap<K,V> Represents aMap
that is optimized for a small number of entries.A bit simplified lock designed to be inherited by.Allows a long array to be used where an Iterable is expected.Allows a long array to be used where an Iterator is expected.An iterator providing the columns of a long[][].A queue that stores values wrapped in a Reference, the type of which is determined by the providedReferenceBundle
.This is a basic implementation of a map able to forget its values.Reference<T,V extends Finalizable> Exposes the Groovy release informationAllows a short array to be used where an Iterator is expected.