Class StaticTypeCheckingSupport


public abstract class StaticTypeCheckingSupport extends Object
Support methods for StaticTypeCheckingVisitor.
  • Field Details

    • Matcher_TYPE

      protected static final ClassNode Matcher_TYPE
    • ArrayList_TYPE

      protected static final ClassNode ArrayList_TYPE
    • BaseStream_TYPE

      protected static final ClassNode BaseStream_TYPE
    • Collection_TYPE

      protected static final ClassNode Collection_TYPE
    • Deprecated_TYPE

      protected static final ClassNode Deprecated_TYPE
    • LinkedHashMap_TYPE

      protected static final ClassNode LinkedHashMap_TYPE
    • LinkedHashSet_TYPE

      protected static final ClassNode LinkedHashSet_TYPE

      protected static final Map<ClassNode,Integer> NUMBER_TYPES

      protected static final Map<String,Integer> NUMBER_OPS

      protected static final ClassNode GSTRING_STRING_CLASSNODE

      protected static final ClassNode UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_TYPE
      This is for internal use only. When an argument method is null, we cannot determine its type, so we use this one as a wildcard.

      protected static final Comparator<MethodNode> DGM_METHOD_NODE_COMPARATOR
      This comparator is used when we return the list of methods from DGM which name correspond to a given name. As we also look up for DGM methods of superclasses or interfaces, it may be possible to find two methods which have the same name and the same arguments. In that case, we should not add the method from superclass or interface otherwise the system won't be able to select the correct method, resulting in an ambiguous method selection for similar methods.

      protected static final ExtensionMethodCache EXTENSION_METHOD_CACHE
  • Constructor Details

    • StaticTypeCheckingSupport

      public StaticTypeCheckingSupport()
  • Method Details

    • clearExtensionMethodCache

      public static void clearExtensionMethodCache()
    • clearExtensionMethodCache

      public static void clearExtensionMethodCache(ClassLoader loader)
    • isArrayAccessExpression

      protected static boolean isArrayAccessExpression(Expression expression)
      Returns true for expressions of the form x[...]
      expression - an expression
      true for array access expressions
    • isWithCall

      public static boolean isWithCall(String name, Expression arguments)
      Called on method call checks in order to determine if a method call corresponds to the idiomatic o.with { ... } structure
      name - name of the method called
      arguments - method call arguments
      true if the name is "with" and arguments consist of a single closure
    • findTargetVariable

      protected static Variable findTargetVariable(VariableExpression ve)
      Given a variable expression, returns the ultimately accessed variable.
      ve - a variable expression
      the target variable
    • findDGMMethodsForClassNode

      @Deprecated protected static Set<MethodNode> findDGMMethodsForClassNode(ClassNode clazz, String name)
    • findDGMMethodsForClassNode

      public static Set<MethodNode> findDGMMethodsForClassNode(ClassLoader loader, ClassNode clazz, String name)
    • findDGMMethodsForClassNode

      @Deprecated protected static void findDGMMethodsForClassNode(ClassNode clazz, String name, TreeSet<MethodNode> accumulator)
    • findDGMMethodsForClassNode

      protected static void findDGMMethodsForClassNode(ClassLoader loader, ClassNode clazz, String name, TreeSet<MethodNode> accumulator)
    • allParametersAndArgumentsMatch

      public static int allParametersAndArgumentsMatch(Parameter[] parameters, ClassNode[] argumentTypes)
      Determines if the specific argument types fit the parameters.
      -1 if arguments do not match, 0 if arguments are of the exact type, and > 0 when one or more argument is not of the exact type but still match
    • isAssignableTo

      public static boolean isAssignableTo(ClassNode type, ClassNode toBeAssignedTo)
      Checks if a class node is assignable to another. This is used for example in assignment checks where you want to verify that the assignment is valid.
      true if the class node is assignable to the other class node, false otherwise
    • isCompareToBoolean

      public static boolean isCompareToBoolean(int op)
    • isAssignment

      public static boolean isAssignment(int op)
    • checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes

      public static boolean checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes(ClassNode left, ClassNode right)
      Returns true or false depending on whether the right classnode can be assigned to the left classnode. This method should not add errors by itself: we let the caller decide what to do if an incompatible assignment is found.
      left - the class to be assigned to
      right - the assignee class
      false if types are incompatible
    • checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes

      public static boolean checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes(ClassNode left, ClassNode right, Expression rightExpression)
    • checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes

      public static boolean checkCompatibleAssignmentTypes(ClassNode left, ClassNode right, Expression rightExpression, boolean allowConstructorCoercion)
      Everything that can be done by castToType should be allowed for assignment.
      See Also:
    • isWildcardLeftHandSide

      public static boolean isWildcardLeftHandSide(ClassNode node)
      Tells if a class is one of the "accept all" classes as the left hand side of an assignment.
      node - the classnode to test
      true if it's an Object, String, boolean, Boolean or Class.
    • isBeingCompiled

      public static boolean isBeingCompiled(ClassNode node)
    • implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf

      public static boolean implementsInterfaceOrIsSubclassOf(ClassNode type, ClassNode superOrInterface)
    • findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments

      @Deprecated public static List<MethodNode> findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments(ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode[] args)
    • findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments

      public static List<MethodNode> findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments(ClassLoader loader, ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode[] args)
    • findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments

      @Deprecated public static List<MethodNode> findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments(ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode[] args, List<MethodNode> methods)
    • findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments

      public static List<MethodNode> findDGMMethodsByNameAndArguments(ClassLoader loader, ClassNode receiver, String name, ClassNode[] args, List<MethodNode> methods)
    • isUsingUncheckedGenerics

      public static boolean isUsingUncheckedGenerics(ClassNode node)
      Returns true if the provided class node, when considered as a receiver of a message or as a parameter, is using a placeholder in its generics type. In this case, we're facing unchecked generics and type checking is limited (ex: void foo(Set s) { s.keySet() }
      node - the node to test
      true if it is using any placeholder in generics types
    • chooseBestMethod

      public static List<MethodNode> chooseBestMethod(ClassNode receiver, Collection<MethodNode> methods, ClassNode... argumentTypes)
      Returns the method(s) which best fit the argument types.
      zero or more results
    • parameterizeArguments

      public static Parameter[] parameterizeArguments(ClassNode receiver, MethodNode m)
      Given a receiver and a method node, parameterize the method arguments using available generic type information.
      receiver - the class
      m - the method
      the parameterized arguments
    • isUsingGenericsOrIsArrayUsingGenerics

      public static boolean isUsingGenericsOrIsArrayUsingGenerics(ClassNode cn)
      Returns true if a class makes use of generic types. If node represents an array type, then checks if the component type is using generics.
      cn - a class node for which to check if it is using generics
      true if the type (or component type) is using generics
    • fullyResolve

      protected static GenericsType fullyResolve(GenericsType gt, Map<GenericsType.GenericsTypeName,GenericsType> placeholders)
      Given a generics type representing SomeClass<T,V> and a resolved placeholder map, returns a new generics type for which placeholders are resolved recursively.
    • fullyResolveType

      protected static ClassNode fullyResolveType(ClassNode type, Map<GenericsType.GenericsTypeName,GenericsType> placeholders)
    • typeCheckMethodArgumentWithGenerics

      protected static boolean typeCheckMethodArgumentWithGenerics(ClassNode parameterType, ClassNode argumentType, boolean lastArg)
      Checks that the parameterized generics of an argument are compatible with the generics of the parameter.
      parameterType - the parameter type of a method
      argumentType - the type of the argument passed to the method
    • typeCheckMethodsWithGenerics

      protected static boolean typeCheckMethodsWithGenerics(ClassNode receiver, ClassNode[] argumentTypes, MethodNode candidateMethod)
    • resolveClassNodeGenerics

      public static ClassNode resolveClassNodeGenerics(Map<GenericsType.GenericsTypeName,GenericsType> resolvedPlaceholders, Map<GenericsType.GenericsTypeName,GenericsType> placeholdersFromContext, ClassNode currentType)
    • isUnboundedWildcard

      public static boolean isUnboundedWildcard(GenericsType gt)
    • filterMethodsByVisibility

      public static List<MethodNode> filterMethodsByVisibility(List<MethodNode> methodNodeList, ClassNode enclosingClassNode)
      Filter methods according to visibility
      methodNodeList - method nodes to filter
      enclosingClassNode - the enclosing class
      filtered method nodes
    • isGStringOrGStringStringLUB

      public static boolean isGStringOrGStringStringLUB(ClassNode node)
      true if the class node is either a GString or the LUB of String and GString.
    • isParameterizedWithGStringOrGStringString

      public static boolean isParameterizedWithGStringOrGStringString(ClassNode node)
      node - the node to be tested
      true if the node is using generics types and one of those types is a gstring or string/gstring lub
    • isParameterizedWithString

      public static boolean isParameterizedWithString(ClassNode node)
      node - the node to be tested
      true if the node is using generics types and one of those types is a string
    • missesGenericsTypes

      public static boolean missesGenericsTypes(ClassNode cn)
      Determines if node is a raw type or references any generics placeholders.
    • evaluateExpression

      @Deprecated public static Object evaluateExpression(Expression expr, CompilerConfiguration config)
    • evaluateExpression

      public static Object evaluateExpression(Expression expr, CompilerConfiguration config, GroovyClassLoader loader)
      Evaluates expressions as found in annotation parameters. For example, it will evaluate a constant, be it referenced directly as an integer or as a reference to a field.

      If the expression cannot be evaluated on its own, an exception is thrown.

      expr - the expression to be evaluated
      config - the compiler configuration
      loader - the compiler class loader
      the result of the expression
    • collectAllInterfaces

      @Deprecated public static Set<ClassNode> collectAllInterfaces(ClassNode node)
      Collects all interfaces of a class node, including those defined by the super class.
      node - a class for which we want to retrieve all interfaces
      a set of interfaces implemented by this class node
    • getCorrectedClassNode

      @Deprecated public static ClassNode getCorrectedClassNode(ClassNode cn, ClassNode sc, boolean completed)
    • isClassClassNodeWrappingConcreteType

      public static boolean isClassClassNodeWrappingConcreteType(ClassNode classNode)
      Returns true if the class node represents a class node for the Class class and if the parametrized type is a neither a placeholder nor a wildcard. For example, the class node Class<Foo> where Foo is a class would return true, but the class node for Class<?> would return false.
      classNode - a class node to be tested
      true if it is the class node for Class and its generic type is a real class
    • findSetters

      public static List<MethodNode> findSetters(ClassNode cn, String setterName, boolean voidOnly)
    • isTraitSelf

      public static ClassNode isTraitSelf(VariableExpression vexp)