TableModel model
ModuleNode module
ASTNode node
Object[] values
String type
Object value
ValueModel valueModel
ValueModel rowModel
ValueModel rowsModel
DefaultTableModel.MyTableColumnModel columnModel
ServletContext servletContext
Pattern resourceNamePattern
or a compiled pattern read from """"
and used in AbstractHttpServlet.getScriptUri(HttpServletRequest)
.String resourceNameReplacement
boolean resourceNameReplaceAll
true - replaceAll(resourceNameReplacement); (default) false - replaceFirst(resourceNameReplacement);
boolean verbose
String encoding
boolean reflection
boolean logGROOVY861
String namePrefix
, but was extracted to var for optimizationGroovyScriptEngine gse
Map<K,V> cache
TemplateEngine engine
boolean generateBy
String fileEncodingParamVal
Map<K,V> callbacks
Closure<V> prepareEditor
Closure<V> editorValue
List<E> children
boolean defaultEditor
JTable table
JTree tree
Object value
boolean selected
boolean expanded
boolean leaf
int row
int column
String defaultFamily
groovy.ui.ConsoleTextEditor.LineNumbersPanel numbersPanel
boolean documentChangedSinceLastRepaint
TextEditor textEditor
groovy.ui.ConsoleTextEditor.UndoAction undoAction
groovy.ui.ConsoleTextEditor.RedoAction redoAction
groovy.ui.ConsoleTextEditor.PrintAction printAction
boolean editable
TextUndoManager undoManager
AttributeSet simpleAttributeSet
Caret defaultCaret
Caret overtypeCaret
int numPages
MouseAdapter mouseAdapter
boolean unwrapped
boolean tabsAsSpaces
boolean multiLineTab
SwingPropertyChangeSupport propChangeSupport
groovy.ui.text.TextUndoManager.StructuredEdit compoundEdit
long firstModified
UndoableEdit modificationMarker
ObservableList.ChangeType type
int index
ObservableMap.PropertyEvent[] events
ObservableMap.ChangeType type
ObservableSet.ChangeType type
OptionGroup group
Option option
Option option
String option
AST ast
AST ast
int line
int col
int lineLast
int colLast
String snippet
JSplitPane jSplitPane1
JScrollPane jScrollPane1
JScrollPane jScrollPane2
JTextPane tokenPane
JButton jbutton
JPanel mainPanel
JTextArea scriptPane
Border border1
Border border2
Class<T> lexerClass
Hashtable<K,V> tokens
Action loadFileAction
int phase
ProcessingUnit unit
Exception cause
ErrorCollector collector
Object delegate
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> handleCache
MetaClass metaClass
String methodName
int level
GroovyCategorySupport.CategoryMethodList previous
AtomicInteger usage
String[] strings
String encoding
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
ConcurrentReaderHashMap.BarrierLock barrierLock
int threshold
float loadFactor
Throwable cause
IOException cause
int startLine
int endLine
int startColumn
int endColumn
String sourceLocator
Token unexpectedToken
int expectedType
int count
int threshold
Object[] table
ManagedReference<T> reference
ReferenceBundle bundle
ReferenceBundle bundle