Method annotation that creates a cache for the results of the execution of the annotated method. Whenever the method is called, the mapping between the parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache making subsequent calls with the same arguments fast.
Example usage:
class MemoizedExample {
int sum(int n1, int n2) {
println "$n1 + $n2 = ${n1 + n2}"
n1 + n2
which becomes (approximately):
class MemoizedExample { private final Closure memoizedSum = { int n1, int n2 -> private$method$memoizedSum(n1,n2) }.memoize() int sum(int n1, int n2) { memoizedSum(n1, n2) } private private$method$mzmoizeSum(int n1, int n2) { println "$n1 + $n2 = ${n1 + n2}" n1 + n2 } }
Upon execution of this code:
def instance = new MemoizedExample() println instance.sum(1, 2) println instance.sum(1, 2) println instance.sum(2, 3) println instance.sum(2, 3)The following will be output:
1 + 2 = 3 3 3 2 + 3 = 5 5 5
Type | Name and Description |
int |
maxCacheSize The maximum size the cache can grow to. |
int |
protectedCacheSize Number of cached return values to protect from garbage collection. |