Class AggregateBinding

  extended by org.codehaus.groovy.binding.AggregateBinding
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AggregateBinding
extends Object
implements BindingUpdatable

An aggregation of multiple bindings

Groovy 1.6
Danno Ferrin

Field Summary
protected  LinkedHashSet<BindingUpdatable> bindings
protected  boolean bound
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addBinding(BindingUpdatable binding)
 void bind()
          Causes automatic updating of bound values to be turned on.
 void rebind()
          Causes the current bindings to be reset.
 void removeBinding(BindingUpdatable binding)
 void reverseUpdate()
          If supported, Causes the values to be propigated from the target to the source, If not supported, an exception may be thrown
 void unbind()
          Causes automatic updating of bound values to be turned off.
 void update()
          Causes the values to be propigated from the source to the target
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean bound


protected LinkedHashSet<BindingUpdatable> bindings
Constructor Detail


public AggregateBinding()
Method Detail


public void addBinding(BindingUpdatable binding)


public void removeBinding(BindingUpdatable binding)


public void bind()
Description copied from interface: BindingUpdatable
Causes automatic updating of bound values to be turned on. This is idempotent between calls to unbind and rebind; i.e. multiple calls to bind will have only the effect of the first call.

Specified by:
bind in interface BindingUpdatable


public void unbind()
Description copied from interface: BindingUpdatable
Causes automatic updating of bound values to be turned off. This is idempotent between calls to bind and rebind; i.e. multiple calls to unbind will have only the effect of the first call.

Specified by:
unbind in interface BindingUpdatable


public void rebind()
Description copied from interface: BindingUpdatable
Causes the current bindings to be reset. If the binding is not bound, it is a no-op. If the binding is bound, it will be turned off, then turned on against current values.

Specified by:
rebind in interface BindingUpdatable


public void update()
Description copied from interface: BindingUpdatable
Causes the values to be propigated from the source to the target

Specified by:
update in interface BindingUpdatable


public void reverseUpdate()
Description copied from interface: BindingUpdatable
If supported, Causes the values to be propigated from the target to the source, If not supported, an exception may be thrown

Specified by:
reverseUpdate in interface BindingUpdatable

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