Annotation Type Grab

public @interface Grab

Used to grab the referenced artifact and its dependencies and make it available on the Classpath.

Some examples:

 @Grab(group='commons-lang', module='commons-lang', version='2.4')
 import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils
 println "Hello ${WordUtils.capitalize('world')}"
Or using the compact Gradle-inspired syntax:
 import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils
 println "Hello ${WordUtils.capitalize('world')}"
or the same thing again using the Ivy-inspired syntax variant:
 import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils
 println "Hello ${WordUtils.capitalize('world')}"

Required Element Summary
 String module
          The module or artifact, e.g.: "ant-junit"
 String version
          The revision or version, e.g.: "1.7.1"
Optional Element Summary
 String classifier
          The classifier if in use, e.g.: "jdk14"
 String conf
          The configuration if in use (normally only used by internal ivy repositories).
 String ext
          The extension of the artifact (normally safe to leave at default value of "jar")
 String group
          The organisation or group, e.g.: "org.apache.ant"
 boolean initClass
          By default, when a @Grab annotation is used, the grab() call is added to the static initializers of the class the annotatable node appears in.
 boolean transitive
          Set to false if you don't want transitive dependencies also to be downloaded.
 String value
          Allows a more compact convenience format in one of two formats.

Element Detail


public abstract String module
The module or artifact, e.g.: "ant-junit"


public abstract String version
The revision or version, e.g.: "1.7.1"


public abstract String group
The organisation or group, e.g.: "org.apache.ant"



public abstract String classifier
The classifier if in use, e.g.: "jdk14"



public abstract boolean transitive
Set to false if you don't want transitive dependencies also to be downloaded. You may then need additional @Grab statements for any required dependencies.



public abstract String conf
The configuration if in use (normally only used by internal ivy repositories). One or more coma separated values with or without square brackets, e.g. for hibernate you might have "default,proxool,oscache" or "[default,dbcp,swarmcache]". This last hibernate example assumes you have set up such configurations in your local Ivy repo and changed your grape config to point to that repo.



public abstract String ext
The extension of the artifact (normally safe to leave at default value of "jar")



public abstract String value
Allows a more compact convenience format in one of two formats.

You can choose either format but not mix-n-match:
group:module:version:classifier@ext (where only group and module are required)
group#module;version[confs] (where only group and module are required and confs, if used, is one or more comma separated configuration names)



public abstract boolean initClass
By default, when a @Grab annotation is used, the grab() call is added to the static initializers of the class the annotatable node appears in. If you wish to disable this, add initClass=false to the annotation.


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