Class ExpressionUtils


public final class ExpressionUtils extends Object
  • Method Details

    • transformBinaryConstantExpression

      public static ConstantExpression transformBinaryConstantExpression(BinaryExpression be, ClassNode targetType)
      Turns expressions of the form ConstantExpression(40) + ConstantExpression(2) into the simplified ConstantExpression(42) at compile time.
      be - the binary expression
      targetType - the type of the result
      the transformed expression or the original if no transformation was performed
    • isTypeOrArrayOfType

      public static boolean isTypeOrArrayOfType(ClassNode targetType, ClassNode type, boolean recurse)
      Determine if a type matches another type (or array thereof).
      targetType - the candidate type
      type - the type we are checking against
      recurse - true if we can have multi-dimension arrays; should be false for annotation member types
      true if the type equals the targetType or array thereof
    • isNumberOrArrayOfNumber

      public static boolean isNumberOrArrayOfNumber(ClassNode targetType, boolean recurse)
      Determine if a type is derived from Number (or array thereof).
      targetType - the candidate type
      recurse - true if we can have multi-dimension arrays; should be false for annotation member types
      true if the type equals the targetType or array thereof
    • transformInlineConstants

      public static Expression transformInlineConstants(Expression exp, ClassNode attrType)
      Converts simple expressions of constants into pre-evaluated simple constants. Handles:
      • Property expressions - referencing constants
      • Simple binary expressions - String concatenation and numeric +, -, /, *
      • List expressions - list of constants
      • Variable expressions - referencing constants
      exp - the original expression
      attrType - the type that the final constant should be
      the transformed type or the original if no transformation was possible
    • transformListOfConstants

      public static Expression transformListOfConstants(ListExpression origList, ClassNode attrType)
      Given a list of constants, transform each item in the list.
      origList - the list to transform
      attrType - the target type
      the transformed list or the original if nothing was changed
    • transformInlineConstants

      public static Expression transformInlineConstants(Expression exp)
      The attribute values of annotations must be primitive, String or Enum constants. In various places, such constants can be seen during type resolution but won't be readily accessible in later phases, e.g. they might be embedded into constructor code. This method transforms constants that would appear in annotations early so they aren't lost. Subsequent processing determines whether they are valid, this method simply retains the constant value as a constant expression.
      exp - the original expression
      the converted expression
    • isNullConstant

      public static boolean isNullConstant(Expression expression)
    • isThisExpression

      public static boolean isThisExpression(Expression expression)
    • isSuperExpression

      public static boolean isSuperExpression(Expression expression)
    • isThisOrSuper

      public static boolean isThisOrSuper(Expression expression)