Package org.codehaus.groovy.transform
package org.codehaus.groovy.transform
ClassDescriptionBase class for AST Transformations which will automatically throw an
when some conditions are met.This class is the base for any annotation alias processor.Class used byCompilationUnit
to transform the alias class into what is needed by the compiler.This class is instantiated and invoked when an AST transformation is activated.Walks the AST and collects references to annotations that are annotated themselves byGroovyASTTransformation
.This class handles the invocation of the ASTAnnotationTransformation when it is encountered by a tree walk.Handles generation of code for the @AutoClone annotation.Handles generation of code for theAutoFinal
annotation.Generates code for the@AutoImplement
annotation.Handles transformation for the @BaseScript annotation.Handles generation of code for theBuilder
annotation.Handles generation of code for the @Category annotation.Handles generation of code for the@Delegate
annotationAn AST transform with the ability to report errors.Handles generation of code for the @ExternalizeMethods annotation.Handles transformation for the @Field annotation.Handles generation of code for theFinal
annotation.This is an annotation on a class, currently justASTTransformation
.This is an annotation on some item that indicates that an associated transform classes should be executed.Handles generation of code for the @Immutable annotation.Handles generation of code for the@
IndexedProperty annotation.Handles generation of code for the@
InheritConstructors annotation.Handles generation of code for the @Lazy annotationThis class provides an AST Transformation to add a log field to a class.A LoggingStrategy defines how to wire a new logger instance into an existing class.A LoggingStrategy defines how to wire a new logger instance into an existing class.Handles generation of code for the @MapConstructor annotation.Handles generation of code for theMemoized
annotation.Handles generation of code for the@Newify
AST transform.Handles generation of code for the @Sealed annotation.Handles generation of code for the @NullCheck annotation.Handles transformation for the @PackageScope annotation.Handles generation of code for the@
WithReadLock and@
WithWriteLock annotation.
This transformation adds an instance of ReentrantReadWriteLock to the class.
Any method annotated with@
WithReadLock will obtain a read lock and release it in a finally block.
Any method annotated with@
WithWriteLock will obtain a write lock and release it in a finally block.
For more information seeWithReadLock
Handles completion of code for the @RecordType annotation.Handles generation of code for the @RecordType annotation.Handles generation of code for the @Sealed annotation.Handles generation of code for the @Singleton annotationInjects a set of Comparators and sort methods.Handles transformation for the @SourceURI annotation.Handles the implementation of theTypeChecked
transformation.Handles generation of code for the@Synchronized
annotation.Handles generation of code for the @ToString annotation.AST transforms may optionally implement this interface and return a priority value.Handles generation of code for the @TupleConstructor annotation.