Annotation Type Builder

  • @Documented
    public @interface Builder
    The @Builder AST transformation is used to help write classes that can be created using fluent api calls. The transform supports multiple building strategies to cover a range of cases and there are a number of configuration options to customize the building process. In addition, a number of annotation attributes let you customise the building process. Not all annotation attributes are supported by all strategies. See the individual strategy documentation for more details. If you're an AST hacker, you can also define your own strategy class. The following strategies are bundled with Groovy:
    • SimpleStrategy for creating chained setters
    • ExternalStrategy where you annotate an explicit builder class while leaving some buildee class being built untouched
    • DefaultStrategy which creates a nested helper class for instance creation
    • InitializerStrategy which creates a nested helper class for instance creation which when used with @CompileStatic allows type-safe object creation
    Note that Groovy provides other built-in mechanisms for easy creation of objects, e.g. the named-args constructor:
     new Person(firstName: "Robert", lastName: "Lewandowski", age: 21)
    or the with statement:
     new Person().with {
         firstName = "Robert"
         lastName = "Lewandowski"
         age = 21
    so you might not find value in using the builder transform at all. But if you need Java integration or in some cases improved type safety, the @Builder transform might prove very useful.
    See Also:
    SimpleStrategy, ExternalStrategy, DefaultStrategy, InitializerStrategy
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean allNames
      Whether the generated builder should support all properties, including those with names that are considered internal.
      boolean allProperties
      Whether to include all properties (as per the JavaBean spec) in the generated builder.
      String builderClassName
      For strategies which create a builder helper class, the class name to use for the helper class.
      String builderMethodName
      The method name to use for a builder factory method in the source class for easy access of the builder helper class for strategies which create such a helper class.
      Class<? extends BuilderASTTransformation.BuilderStrategy> builderStrategy
      A class capturing the builder strategy
      String buildMethodName
      For strategies which create a builder helper class that creates the instance, the method name to call to create the instance.
      String[] excludes
      List of field and/or property names to exclude from generated builder methods.
      boolean force
      Whether to always include helper constructors.
      Class forClass
      A class for which builder methods should be created.
      String[] includes
      List of field and/or property names to include within the generated builder methods.
      boolean includeSuperProperties
      Generate builder methods for properties from super classes.
      String prefix
      The prefix to use when creating the setter methods.
      boolean useSetters
      By default, properties are set directly using their respective field.
    • Element Detail

      • forClass

        Class forClass
        A class for which builder methods should be created. It will be an error to leave this attribute with its default value for some strategies.
      • prefix

        String prefix
        The prefix to use when creating the setter methods. Default is determined by the strategy which might use "" or "set" but you can choose your own, e.g. "with". If non-empty the first letter of the property will be capitalized before being appended to the prefix.
      • builderClassName

        String builderClassName
        For strategies which create a builder helper class, the class name to use for the helper class. Not used if using forClass since in such cases the builder class is explicitly supplied. Default is determined by the strategy, e.g. TargetClass + "Builder" or TargetClass + "Initializer".
      • buildMethodName

        String buildMethodName
        For strategies which create a builder helper class that creates the instance, the method name to call to create the instance. Default is determined by the strategy, e.g. build or create.
      • builderMethodName

        String builderMethodName
        The method name to use for a builder factory method in the source class for easy access of the builder helper class for strategies which create such a helper class. Must not be used if using forClass. Default is determined by the strategy, e.g. builder or createInitializer.
      • excludes

        String[] excludes
        List of field and/or property names to exclude from generated builder methods. Must not be used if 'includes' is used. For convenience, a String with comma separated names can be used in addition to an array (using Groovy's literal list notation) of String values.
      • includes

        String[] includes
        List of field and/or property names to include within the generated builder methods. Must not be used if 'excludes' is used. For convenience, a String with comma separated names can be used in addition to an array (using Groovy's literal list notation) of String values. The default value is a special marker value indicating that no includes are defined; all fields are included if includes remains undefined and excludes is explicitly or implicitly an empty list.
      • useSetters

        boolean useSetters
        By default, properties are set directly using their respective field. By setting useSetters=true then a writable property will be set using its setter. If turning on this flag we recommend that setters that might be called are made null-safe wrt the parameter.
      • includeSuperProperties

        boolean includeSuperProperties
        Generate builder methods for properties from super classes.
      • allNames

        boolean allNames
        Whether the generated builder should support all properties, including those with names that are considered internal.
      • allProperties

        boolean allProperties
        Whether to include all properties (as per the JavaBean spec) in the generated builder. Groovy recognizes any field-like definitions with no explicit visibility as property definitions and always includes them in the @Builder generated classes. Groovy also treats any explicitly created getXxx() or isYyy() methods as property getters as per the JavaBean specification. Old versions of Groovy did not. So set this flag to false for the old behavior or if you want to explicitly exclude such properties. Currently only supported by DefaultStrategy and ExternalStrategy.
      • force

        boolean force
        Whether to always include helper constructors. Currently only supported by InitializerStrategy. By default, the InitializerStrategy only adds a needed helper tuple constructor if no @TupleConstructor annotations are present. If such annotations are present, it is assumed they will provide the helper constructor that this strategy needs. If made true, the helper constructor will be generated and it is up to you to make sure this doesn't conflict with any other generated constructors.