Package groovy.json

Class DefaultJsonGenerator

    • Field Detail

      • excludeNulls

        protected final boolean excludeNulls
      • disableUnicodeEscaping

        protected final boolean disableUnicodeEscaping
      • dateFormat

        protected final String dateFormat
      • dateLocale

        protected final Locale dateLocale
      • timezone

        protected final TimeZone timezone
      • excludedFieldNames

        protected final Set<String> excludedFieldNames
      • excludedFieldTypes

        protected final Set<Class<?>> excludedFieldTypes
    • Method Detail

      • toJson

        public String toJson​(Object object)
        Converts an object to its JSON representation.
        Specified by:
        toJson in interface JsonGenerator
        object - to convert to JSON
      • isExcludingFieldsNamed

        public boolean isExcludingFieldsNamed​(String name)
        Indicates whether this JsonGenerator is configured to exclude fields by the given name.
        Specified by:
        isExcludingFieldsNamed in interface JsonGenerator
        name - of the field
        true if that field is being excluded, else false
      • isExcludingValues

        public boolean isExcludingValues​(Object value)
        Indicates whether this JsonGenerator is configured to exclude values of the given object (may be null).
        Specified by:
        isExcludingValues in interface JsonGenerator
        value - an instance of an object
        true if values like this are being excluded, else false
      • writeNumber

        protected void writeNumber​(Class<?> numberClass,
                                   Number value,
                                   CharBuf buffer)
        Serializes Number value and writes it into specified buffer.
      • writeObject

        protected void writeObject​(Object object,
                                   CharBuf buffer)
      • writeObject

        protected void writeObject​(String key,
                                   Object object,
                                   CharBuf buffer)
        Serializes object and writes it into specified buffer.
      • getObjectProperties

        protected Map<?,​?> getObjectProperties​(Object object)
      • writeCharSequence

        protected void writeCharSequence​(CharSequence seq,
                                         CharBuf buffer)
        Serializes any char sequence and writes it into specified buffer.
      • writeRaw

        protected void writeRaw​(CharSequence seq,
                                CharBuf buffer)
        Serializes any char sequence and writes it into specified buffer without performing any manipulation of the given text.
      • writeDate

        protected void writeDate​(Date date,
                                 CharBuf buffer)
        Serializes date and writes it into specified buffer.
      • writeArray

        protected void writeArray​(Class<?> arrayClass,
                                  Object array,
                                  CharBuf buffer)
        Serializes array and writes it into specified buffer.
      • writeMap

        protected void writeMap​(Map<?,​?> map,
                                CharBuf buffer)
        Serializes map and writes it into specified buffer.
      • writeMapEntry

        protected void writeMapEntry​(String key,
                                     Object value,
                                     CharBuf buffer)
        Serializes a map entry and writes it into specified buffer.
      • writeIterator

        protected void writeIterator​(Iterator<?> iterator,
                                     CharBuf buffer)
        Serializes iterator and writes it into specified buffer.
      • findConverter

        protected JsonGenerator.Converter findConverter​(Class<?> type)
        Finds a converter that can handle the given type. The first converter that reports it can handle the type is returned, based on the order in which the converters were specified. A null value will be returned if no suitable converter can be found for the given type.
        type - that this converter can handle
        first converter that can handle the given type; else null if no compatible converters are found for the given type.
      • shouldExcludeType

        protected boolean shouldExcludeType​(Class<?> type)
        Indicates whether the given type should be excluded from the generated output.
        type - the type to check
        true if the given type should not be output, else false