Return type | Name and parameters |
leftShift(Object value)
Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append multiple objects as string representations to a StringBuffer. |
plus(String value)
Appends a String to this StringBuffer. |
putAt(EmptyRange range, Object value)
Support the range subscript operator for StringBuffer. |
putAt(IntRange range, Object value)
Support the range subscript operator for StringBuffer. |
Provide the standard Groovy size() method for StringBuffer .
, any
, any
, asBoolean
, asType
, collect
, collect
, collect
, contains
, count
, dump
, each
, eachWithIndex
, equals
, every
, every
, find
, find
, findAll
, findAll
, findIndexOf
, findIndexOf
, findIndexValues
, findIndexValues
, findLastIndexOf
, findLastIndexOf
, findResult
, findResult
, flatten
, getAt
, getMetaClass
, getMetaPropertyValues
, getProperties
, grep
, grep
, groupBy
, groupBy
, hasProperty
, identity
, inject
, inject
, inspect
, invokeMethod
, is
, isCase
, iterator
, join
, metaClass
, print
, print
, printf
, printf
, println
, println
, println
, putAt
, respondsTo
, respondsTo
, setMetaClass
, size
, split
, sprintf
, sprintf
, sum
, sum
, sum
, sum
, toArrayString
, toSpreadMap
, toString
, use
, use
, use
, with
, withTraits
, asType
, bitwiseNegate
, capitalize
, center
, center
, contains
, count
, denormalize
, drop
, dropWhile
, eachLine
, eachLine
, eachMatch
, eachMatch
, expand
, expand
, expandLine
, find
, find
, find
, find
, findAll
, findAll
, findAll
, findAll
, getAt
, getAt
, getAt
, getAt
, getAt
, getChars
, isAllWhitespace
, isBigDecimal
, isBigInteger
, isCase
, isDouble
, isFloat
, isInteger
, isLong
, isNumber
, leftShift
, matches
, minus
, minus
, multiply
, next
, normalize
, padLeft
, padLeft
, padRight
, padRight
, plus
, previous
, readLines
, replaceAll
, replaceAll
, replaceAll
, replaceAll
, replaceFirst
, replaceFirst
, replaceFirst
, replaceFirst
, reverse
, size
, split
, splitEachLine
, splitEachLine
, stripIndent
, stripIndent
, stripMargin
, stripMargin
, stripMargin
, take
, takeWhile
, toBigDecimal
, toBigInteger
, toDouble
, toFloat
, toInteger
, toList
, toLong
, toSet
, toShort
, toURI
, toURL
, tokenize
, tokenize
, tokenize
, tr
, uncapitalize
, unexpand
, unexpand
, unexpandLine
Overloads the left shift operator to provide an easy way to append multiple objects as string representations to a StringBuffer.
- a value to appendAppends a String to this StringBuffer.
- a StringSupport the range subscript operator for StringBuffer.
- a Rangevalue
- the object that's toString() will be insertedSupport the range subscript operator for StringBuffer. Index values are treated as characters within the buffer.
- a Rangevalue
- the object that's toString() will be insertedProvide the standard Groovy size()
method for StringBuffer