Return type | Name and parameters |
asType(Class c)
Converts the GString to a File, or delegates to the default DefaultGroovyMethods#asType(Object, Class) |
drop(int num)
A GString variant of the equivalent CharSequence method. |
dropWhile(Closure condition)
A GString variant of the equivalent CharSequence method. |
getAt(IntRange range)
Support the range subscript operator for GString with IntRange |
getAt(Range range)
Support the range subscript operator for GString |
getAt(int index)
Support the subscript operator for GString. |
take(int num)
A GString variant of the equivalent CharSequence method. |
takeWhile(Closure condition)
A GString variant of the equivalent GString method. |
, any
, any
, asBoolean
, asType
, collect
, collect
, collect
, contains
, count
, dump
, each
, eachWithIndex
, equals
, every
, every
, find
, find
, findAll
, findAll
, findIndexOf
, findIndexOf
, findIndexValues
, findIndexValues
, findLastIndexOf
, findLastIndexOf
, findResult
, findResult
, flatten
, getAt
, getMetaClass
, getMetaPropertyValues
, getProperties
, grep
, grep
, groupBy
, groupBy
, hasProperty
, identity
, inject
, inject
, inspect
, invokeMethod
, is
, isCase
, iterator
, join
, metaClass
, print
, print
, printf
, printf
, println
, println
, println
, putAt
, respondsTo
, respondsTo
, setMetaClass
, size
, split
, sprintf
, sprintf
, sum
, sum
, sum
, sum
, toArrayString
, toSpreadMap
, toString
, use
, use
, use
, with
, withTraits
, asType
, bitwiseNegate
, capitalize
, center
, center
, contains
, count
, denormalize
, drop
, dropWhile
, eachLine
, eachLine
, eachMatch
, eachMatch
, expand
, expand
, expandLine
, find
, find
, find
, find
, findAll
, findAll
, findAll
, findAll
, getAt
, getAt
, getAt
, getAt
, getAt
, getChars
, isAllWhitespace
, isBigDecimal
, isBigInteger
, isCase
, isDouble
, isFloat
, isInteger
, isLong
, isNumber
, leftShift
, matches
, minus
, minus
, multiply
, next
, normalize
, padLeft
, padLeft
, padRight
, padRight
, plus
, previous
, readLines
, replaceAll
, replaceAll
, replaceAll
, replaceAll
, replaceFirst
, replaceFirst
, replaceFirst
, replaceFirst
, reverse
, size
, split
, splitEachLine
, splitEachLine
, stripIndent
, stripIndent
, stripMargin
, stripMargin
, stripMargin
, take
, takeWhile
, toBigDecimal
, toBigInteger
, toDouble
, toFloat
, toInteger
, toList
, toLong
, toSet
, toShort
, toURI
, toURL
, tokenize
, tokenize
, tokenize
, tr
, uncapitalize
, unexpand
, unexpand
, unexpandLine
Converts the GString to a File, or delegates to the default DefaultGroovyMethods#asType(Object, Class)
- the desired classA GString variant of the equivalent CharSequence method.
- the number of characters to drop from this iteratornum
or else an empty String, if the toString() of this GString has less than num
characters.A GString variant of the equivalent CharSequence method.
- the closure that while continuously evaluating to true will cause us to drop elements from
the front of the original GStringSupport the range subscript operator for GString with IntRange
- an IntRangeSupport the range subscript operator for GString
- a RangeSupport the subscript operator for GString.
- the index of the Character to getA GString variant of the equivalent CharSequence method.
- the number of chars to take from this GStringnum
or else the whole GString if it has less then num
elements.A GString variant of the equivalent GString method.
- the closure that must evaluate to true to continue taking elements