Annotation Type RecordOptions

@Documented @Retention(SOURCE) @Target(TYPE) public @interface RecordOptions
Class annotation used to assist in the creation of record-like classes.
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    If true, this adds a method components() to the record which returns its components as a typed tuple Tuple0, Tuple1...
    If true, this adds a method copyWith which takes a Map of new property values and returns a new instance of the record class with these values set.
    If true, this adds a method getAt(int) which given an integer n, returns the n'th component in the record.
    Mode to use when creating record type classes.
    If true, this adds a method size() to the record which returns the number of components.
    If true, this adds a method toList() to the record which returns the record's components as a list.
    If true, this adds a method toMap() to the record.
  • Element Details

    • mode

      Mode to use when creating record type classes.
    • getAt

      boolean getAt
      If true, this adds a method getAt(int) which given an integer n, returns the n'th component in the record. Example:
       import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.shouldFail
       record Point(int x, int y, String color) {}
       def p = new Point(100, 200, 'green')
       assert p[0] == 100
       assert p[1] == 200
       assert p[2] == 'green'
       shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
       // getAt also enables destructuring
       def (x, y, c) = p
       assert x == 100
       assert y == 200
       assert c == 'green'
      If a method getAt(int) already exists in the class, then this setting is ignored, and no additional method is generated.
    • toList

      boolean toList
      If true, this adds a method toList() to the record which returns the record's components as a list. Example:
       record Point(int x, int y, String color) {}
       def p = new Point(100, 200, 'green')
       assert p.toList() == [100, 200, 'green']
      If a method toList() already exists in the class, then this setting is ignored, and no additional method is generated.
    • toMap

      boolean toMap
      If true, this adds a method toMap() to the record. Example:
       record Point(int x, int y, String color) {}
       def p = new Point(100, 200, 'green')
       assert p.toMap() == [x:100, y:200, color:'green']
      If a method toMap() already exists in the class, then this setting is ignored, and no additional method is generated.
    • size

      boolean size
      If true, this adds a method size() to the record which returns the number of components. Example:
       record Point(int x, int y, String color) {}
       def p = new Point(100, 200, 'green')
       assert p.size() == 3
      If a method size() already exists in the class, then this setting is ignored, and no additional method is generated.
    • copyWith

      boolean copyWith
      If true, this adds a method copyWith which takes a Map of new property values and returns a new instance of the record class with these values set. Example:
       @groovy.transform.RecordType(copyWith = true)
       class Person {
           String first, last
       def tim   = new Person('tim', 'yates')
       def alice = tim.copyWith(first:'alice')
       assert tim.toString() == 'Person[first=tim, last=yates]'
       assert alice.toString() == 'Person[first=alice, last=yates]'
      Unknown keys in the map are ignored, and if the values would not change the object, then the original object is returned. If a method called copyWith that takes a single parameter already exists in the class, then this setting is ignored, and no method is generated.
    • components

      boolean components
      If true, this adds a method components() to the record which returns its components as a typed tuple Tuple0, Tuple1... Example:
       import groovy.transform.*
       record Point(int x, int y, String color) {}
       def (x, y, c) = new Point(100, 200, 'green').components()
       assert x == 100
       assert y.intdiv(2) == 100
       assert c.toUpperCase() == 'GREEN'
      The signature of the components method for this example is:
       Tuple3<Integer, Integer, String> components()
      This is suitable for destructuring in TypeChecked scenarios. If a method components() already exists in the class, then this setting is ignored, and no additional method is generated. It is a compile-time error if there are more components in the record than the largest TupleN class in the Groovy codebase.