Package org.codehaus.groovy.ast
Groovy AST nodes for the syntax of the language
Interface Summary Interface Description GroovyClassVisitor A special visitor for working with the structure of a class.GroovyCodeVisitor An implementation of the visitor pattern for working with ASTNodes.NodeMetaDataHandler An interface to mark a node being able to handle metadata.Variable interface to mark a AstNode as Variable. -
Class Summary Class Description AnnotatedNode Base class for any AST node which is capable of being annotatedAnnotationNode Represents an annotation which can be attached to interfaces, classes, methods, fields, parameters, and other places.ASTNode Base class for any AST node.AstToTextHelper Helper class for converting AST into text.ClassCodeExpressionTransformer Transforms expressions in a whole class.ClassCodeVisitorSupport ClassHelper Helper forClassNode
and classes handling them.ClassNode Represents a class in the AST.CodeVisitorSupport Abstract base class for any GroovyCodeVisitor which by default just walks the code and expression treeCompileUnit Represents the entire contents of a compilation step which consists of one or moreModuleNode
instances.CompileUnit.ConstructedOuterNestedClassNode Deprecated. ConstructorNode Represents a constructor declarationDynamicVariable EnumConstantClassNode Represents the anonymous inner class for an enum constant This subtype is needed so that EnumVisitor can differentiate between the scenarios when a InnerClassNode represents anonymous inner class for an enu constant and when it represents an enum class defined inside another classFieldNode Represents a field (member variable)GenericsType This class is used to describe generic type signatures for ClassNodes.GenericsType.GenericsTypeName RepresentsGenericsType
name.ImportNode Represents an import statement.InnerClassNode Represents an inner class declarationInterfaceHelperClassNode Represents an inner class defined as helper for an interfaceMethodCallTransformation MethodInvocationTrap MethodNode Represents a method declaration.MixinASTTransformation Deprecated. static mixins have been deprecated in favour of traits (trait keyword).MixinNode Represents a mixin which can be applied to any ClassNode to implement mixinsModifierNode Represents a modifierModuleNode Represents a module, which consists typically of a class declaration but could include some imports, some statements and multiple classes intermixed with statements like scripts in Python or RubyPackageNode Represents a package in the AST.Parameter Represents a parameter on a constructor or method call.PropertyNode Represents a property (member variable, a getter and setter)TransformingCodeVisitor VariableScope Records declared and referenced variabes for a given scope.