AntlrASTProcessSnippets |
AntlrParserPlugin |
A parser plugin which adapts the JSR Antlr Parser to the Groovy runtime
AntlrParserPluginFactory |
EnumHelper |
GroovySourceAST |
We have an AST subclass so we can track source information.
GroovySourceToken |
This is a Token sub class to track line information
LexerFrame |
Swing application to graphically display the tokens produced by the lexer.
LineColumn |
An object representing a line and column position
SourceBuffer |
A simple buffer that provides line/col access to chunks of source code
held within itself.
UnicodeEscapingReader |
Translates GLS-defined unicode escapes into characters.
UnicodeLexerSharedInputState |
GRECLIPSE-805 Support for unicode escape sequences